What is the last video game you beat? I haven't been able to give a fuck enough to beat one since Halo 5...

What is the last video game you beat? I haven't been able to give a fuck enough to beat one since Halo 5, and even then it was a slog.

Viewtiful Joe yesterday, after ignoring my save for 6 years. It's okay, people overrate Clover games.

Day before last. Katrien best girl. You're just jaded as fuck. Get off Sup Forums for a few weeks. You're letting the opinions of others get to you. If you got any autistic vidya habits, break them. Shit will ruin your enjoyment.

Etrian Odyssey Untold today. Not the postgame though.

I just finished a run on disgaea 5 complete today

FE Echoes a couple of days ago. Such a nice game.

I've only ever 'finished' games that start at the post-game.



Pic related
It's alright. Was a different direction than 1 or 2, but I found the gameplay very enjoyable. The story in it also "explains" the retarded plot points 3 has and the audio logs are a good addition.

If you don't finish games on a regular basis, you don't belong here. Period.

Expeditions: Conquistador

At least, I considered myself finished after memory leaks corrupted my 34 hour save to the point of completely failing to load the file after minute long hangups on an SSD.

fantastic game, though. pretty spanish and native waifus

Wow it's been months since I've actually beat a game or atleast it's story. NIOH

>I make the rules here


Yakuza 0 probably.

I got a new PC a few months ago and my steam friends keep gifting me new games that my PS4 has gone untouched and I have so many games now I find it so difficult to start something and play it to completion now.

i can't remember the last game i beat
i have a phobia of beating games at this point
i could love it to death but somehow if i feel like i'm almost at the end i just freeze up and stop
just kill me now

The last game I know I completed was Transistor around early June. It doesn't really help that the games I decided to play through next, D:OS and Terraria (actually trying to "complete" it by beating Moonlord this time) are pretty darn long, though I am making sure I do everything I can in both games.

Fucking RAGE. I didn't want to see the shit ending.

Furi + hardmode & after credits boss. I've found love for short games because I've had the same trouble, but recently I've been rekindling my ability to play and finish.and it's really worth it. It's weird that it's so hard to bring ourselves to do something that we know we want to do.

Just finished Ticket to Earth Episode 1 yesterday
I'm probably the one person on Sup Forums that even touched this game, let alone finished it

I actually started playing a game I put down a few months(?) ago.

It's another halo game

This game has some cool cinematics, it's a shame about the base building though.

Will probably end up finishing this today, feels good to finally get back on the horse.


Fallout 4 yesterday
it sucked

I honestly don't remember
I think it was Super Metroid but I feel like I beat something else too

I beat River City: Tokyo Rumble a few days ago, and a week and a half ago I beat Resident Evil 4.

I've heard good things about that, is it worth picking up?

Mega Man 2 for the fourth of fifth time. I love its consistency with great levels and music with only Wily Stage 4 being mediocre. Doing a buster-only run was fun too, even though I'm pretty shit when fighting Crash Man.

If nothing new is giving you that spark, try something older. Maybe pop in a long time favorite you haven't played in awhile.

Mega Man 2 is still one of my favorites.

Fuck air mans stupid floating spiked heads though, super annoying.

>What is the last video game you beat?

uuuuh fuck
fuck my life

I finished wuppo three weeks ago and I loved it

Valkyrie Revolution a couple weeks ago.

At about 30 hours long, it felt like two thirds of the game was cutscenes and the other third was uninteresting gameplay. All that kept me going was the cast, to be honest. And Brunhilde's tits.

Final Fantasy 2

West of Loathing for the third time on Friday. It was my longest run because I was going out of my way to get as many good endings as I could. I still don't think I did all of them.

>What is the last video game you beat?

>get halfway through a game
>new mechanics stop being introduced
>feel like playing to the end is kind of a waste of time
>lose interest
>start another game

Hyper Light Drifter. Fun game but I didn't care enough to 100% it.

I've been on a gaming kick recently after some time away. I also just beat D44M and Blops3.

Now I'm playing Hollow Knight and Dishonored 2

Don't do that. Final third's always the best.

Pic related. Working through my Steam backlog and this look short and was a quick game to knockout. It was great to see the original 4 cast all back together, but the gameplay itself and level design was just so tedious! I was hate playing it by the end.

I'm on the last level of a game right now.

I feel like I cheated myself because I played on normal, there hasn't been a time yet where I was in danger of failing a mission.


Mass Effect Andromeda. Nowhere near as bad as some people think (albeit bug ridden).

I am beating Metal slug 4 again and recording my attempts to show that I can eventually finish it in a single life, so far I got a 2 credit attempt recorded already.