Give me one reason why this isn't GOTY?

Give me one reason why this isn't GOTY?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll give you several, shill.
Daily reminder that there's never been a successful third person competitive game outside of driving games (>smite >successful)

Daily reminder this game has been simplified for console players (from 8 directional parry to only 3)

Daily reminder there's a mechanic that literally boosts your health whenever you're out numbered because lock on is so bad in melee games there's no way to actually 1vX without adding a gimmicky health boost (also activates in 1v1s if you happened to have dueled another player like 30 seconds ago, GREAT game design)

Daily reminder this game is P2P which means any weeb roleplayer can grab your IP and DDOS you for the next week

Daily reminder this game is P2P which means laggy game (Mordhaubro having played the For Honour beta experienced many pauses in the game, which would frequently lead to the match ending early returning all players to the lobby)

Daily reminder you can pay for cosmetics that also give you stat boosts

Daily reminder that the parrying system in this game is a series of quick-time events (citing "muh fighting games" isn't an argument shills, good melee games rely on the readability of the animations for parrying)

Daily reminder a full priced game is also pushing a (((season pass))) on its players

Daily reminder Ubisoft are a terrible company

Daily reminder Siege still doesn't have functioning lighting

Daily reminder shills post For Honour threads every day on Sup Forums

Daily reminder Mordhau will blow this title out the god damn water.


We already have a GOTY.

I got here first go shill your Wii game elsewhere

because it's for honor

>never been a successful third-person comp game
Just because there never been one doesn't mean that there will never be one. There wasn't a successful touchscreenphone until the iPhone came along.
The rest of the arguments are alright though

counter shilling is still shilling.

I'm one of the few idiots who stuck with it despite all the shit design choices, clocking 100 hours today.

The game is inconsistent as fuck in general: it looks very polished, amazing animations and clean art style collide with shitty online system and an absurd amount of hidden mechanics learned only through experience. Balance is also not good but the wide difference in players' skill levels makes it less noticeable, even though theres 2 or 3 crutch characters.

If the game didnt have shitty online, streamers wouldnt have quit playing after two weeks saying "game is shit because it doesnt work" (which is not a lie), discouraging EVERYONE from buying/keep playing. This game may never be goty material but if it had dedicated servers I'm absolutely sure there wouldnt be as many people claiming its shit.

this ugly piece of shit will fail harder than for honor

the online is so bad that their open marketing beta convinced me NOT to buy it. that's how retarded ubisoft is. this should have had dedicated servers before any player got their hands on it

this looks pretty cool, have you played it? If it works with mouse and keyboard I might consider getting it.

>and an absurd amount of hidden mechanics learned only through experience.
Like that glitch that makes your attacks unblockable?

you got my attention senpai

>stylized graphics

>simplified for console players (from 8 directional parry to only 3)

Wouldn't using a controller make it easier to hit 8 directions than a mouse? Why is this a console fault

I think For Honor is shit but man you must be shit at the game

Bad argument because you're implying that there existed previous touchscreen devices which failed, there have been many 3rd person games and none of them made it big in esports suggesting that there is an issue with the perspective rather than waiting for "the one" to be released

>game has to be in esports to be successful
but user...

There are so many hugs and broken abilities in this game right now. Hopefully someone will do it better.

Because that one better medieval-combat game that was made by two Turks exists.

Just look at the recent "tournament" to see how big of a piece of shit this game is

>he doesn't know

I bet this fucking thread was made by the mordhau guy just so he could post this lmao.

Can't wait for the Alpha

The Dev team is too slow at what they are doing and has no idea how to balance a game. This would be less of a problem if the game would not pretend to be fit for competitive gaming, but they are hosting 10k dollars tournaments and stuff, so. And all you see there are 2 classes unless people find new bugs to abuse with other classes.

Also, abysmal connection.
Dedicated servers are coming but I doubt they will be the be all end all solution to it. Dedicated servers also mean more latency.

Pretty good game held back by technical aspects. Not even talking about the shitty glitches/bugs with the gameplay, but stuff like 'it takes forever to finally get a fucking match going.'

I quit the game for a few months, mostly Season 2, but coming back in Season 3 the games' seen a lot of marked improvements. Balance is a lot better, Gear got normalized a lot so that I never felt like I lost a game because my Gear wasn't as good, Revenge is less oppressive, etc. New characters are surprisingly unique and play differently than the old characters.

Other than that another huge hurdle is the community being faggots. A lot of people seem to come straight out of the Dark Souls pvp community with their retarded 'honor systems.' You can't ledge someone without them crying, you can't ever use the same attack more than once in a row without someone crying, you can't do anything but 1v1 duel without someone crying, it sounds dumb but having every match turn into a cryfest makes the game annoying to play.

to be successfully COMPETITIVE, yes it does

Getting frequently disconnected from matches a long while after launch kills the joy of playing the game.


The devs refuse to do anything about him. It's perfectly okay for him to take half of my fucking health with one parry.

becuz the real one is coming in 3 weeks.


Shit, I didn't know it had a release date.

>Kensei has been utterly shit since release and they still refuse to give him any meaningful buffs
How long do they intend to keep gathering data?
If they just could fucking get those balance fixes faster out I'd be happy.

Do what I do.

Pick Kendaddy or Nobushi or THE LAW and do nothing but throw raw heavies. Long range characters can't be GB'd after their heavy has been parried like other characters.

Then once the dumb nigger whiffs his GB, smack him in the face.

Who gives a shit, Absolver is coming.

They only just made a fresh Kickstarter post two days ago after a month of relative silence.

It was a (welcome) surprise for me too.

I don't know how many dipshit retards bought into the Early Access but it was enough for them to just pay for full voice acting. I seriously think this thing sold so fucking well with Early Access it quite possibly made more than the Kickstarter campaign ($2 million) to justify that sort of expenditure.

I broke my rule of never paying for Early Access for this game. I was an even bigger retard than the idiots who paid for Early Access, I supported the Kickstarter.

>literally who, the game

He did fire off that post in 2 mins short. No pasta i've seen before yet either.

No fucking shit, he's been told to fuck off by a few boards now, so he comes to Sup Forums.
For Honor threads are shit enough, then some cocksucking shill comes in and sucks flaccid cock.

>literally who, the shit game


End of august


P2P Fucking Weeb shit

I played quite a bit in the last free weekend and I've had zero network issues, so they've definitely done something with it since the open beta because that was fucking unplayable.