Quake Champions

So, is it dead already?

< 20000 sales on Steam.
< 2000 players active players

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shit deserves to die

There's no classes, only active and passive abilities.

Are we really gonna have a player count stats thread on every PC game released? I get it that you guys hated battleborn but every multiplayer game after that has anons like you making defamatory threads.

Thought it was going to be f2p.
Why do people making hero shooters after overwatch insist on taking money for their game if they want any chance of it becoming popular?

>dude lawbreakers lmao
>welp only 500 players
>the tf2 clone brink goes f2p right after
>2000 players out of nowhere

Thought this was going to be free2play.

Also it seems that it's early access. I'm good

>2035 all-time peak
Quake Live's peak was three times that and it was only put on Steam once it was ded

They didnt have a Quake Live duel tournament at this years Quakecon because of Champions.

It doesnt look that bad, but ffs why couldnt they just let them play a Quake Live tournament as well - all the fucking players were there

oh sorry not classes, only heroes. which is the same and just as retarded

>Give characters different active and passive abilities
>All characters have different stats

This right here already killed the game.

Quake is suppose to be pure. Everyone has the same stats and the only thing that separate each other is the real player skills and map/item knowledge.

Abomination like Quake Champion should not be allowed to exist

>Early Access and beta
>Not much marketing campaign for now

Sup Forumstards are living in their delusional world

>Quake 1 came out
>Quake 2 came out
>Quake 3 Arena came out
>Quake 4 came out
>ETQW came out
>QL came out
>QC coming out

and the story is getting full circle...

The early access on steam is not F2P for now, most people are playing for free using the bethesda launcher.

That's what will keep a game alive these days, why is it so hard to understand for some of you ?

Why would they make an oldschool arena FPS knowing that the vast majority of people that ask for them don't play any of them anyway and would not play QC.

Resident Evil Outbreak has like 10 players and it's the best online game ever what are implying here?

They need to bring back Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory multiplayer


>not much marketing
>$1mil tournament going on
Bethesda drones and deadonarrivalchamps shills living in their delusional world

Most people not willing to drop 30 usd for an early access game that they can play for free just using Bethesda launcher, getting the champions pack as a requirement to play on Steam will only last until the game goes out of early access, after that the game will go fp2 which is when it's expect to have much better numbers on the steam version.

Also what kind of faggot would want to see a Quake game die when trash like PUBG dominates the market just because it has classes? Kill yourselves, you are the cancer of this industry, nitpicking maggots, the game is fun as fuck and actually requires and rewards indiviual player skill, thats all what should matter.

>$1M tournament designed for luring proplayers from diffrent games and doing soft-marketing
>nowhere to see ads so bethesda didn't put much cash in real marketing.

Gave it some time.
I had only Sarge, and i was set up against enemies with more health and armor and i kept fucking up expecting them to die in a quick 1v1 confrontation only to find out they have twice my health
I mean i come in with 125 combined health, and here comes some fucking fat ass hero with 350 fucking health tanking 2 rockets a rail to the face and not flinching while he blows me the fuck up in a second
I dont like it.

Also no dedicated servers, no special game mods, no fucking nothing.
I actually enjoyed Doom 4 multiplayer more, at lest all characters had the same fucking stats even if runes were a bit op.

Been playing all day and finding matches in fuckin 40 seconds.

There's 1500 players playing after the most hyped tournament. You're going to be in battleborn tier numbers soon. Just face it this game only appeals to people who stand to win money, desperate quakefags, or unaware newfags who're into heroshooters.

>Early Access on steam 30$
>F2P in Bethesda launcher
>stats gathered from steam client
>Players from both clients can compete

get out.

>Still being called an overmeme clone

First sign of people who haven't actually played it.

Yeah so the game has even less potential to sell because elitist quake fans are a yuuuuge market. Must suck living with severe brain damage.

>thinking people will grind champions instead of just purchasing the steam pack
>not an overmeme clone
>same 3 champion meta due to their ults/movement abilities
Rly makes me think!

Why the fuck can't we just get a giant dungeon crawler like the first game?

it's literally not even quake, why would anyone play it

Are you trying to imply the fuck huge tank champions with more Hp are the ones that usually win? Because thats the opposite of what actuallly happens, mobility will always triumph, especially in a Quake game. There is no Sarge, but i think you are talking about Ranger, which has literally the same movement as Q3 had and can strafejump faster than it does in QL, you can fuck up any tank if you're familiar with all the movement options from older games that heavy classes simply aren't capable of.


I didn't even know it was out, so better marketing would have helped.


>quakefags gets driven out because no purity and goes back to Quake Live
>newfags get driven out because they get stomped hard without mercy and goes back to whatever shitty game they played

Quake Champion will be DOA when officially launched

Because game is not out - it's in early access and not especially promoted

>It has abilities so its an overmeme clone!
It's just quake 3 with different stats and some abilities. If you know how to play 3 you will be good at QC by using the same weapons and movement you have been using for years, it still plays like an arena shooter. OW is not even a shooter that rewards your skill on the genre but is all about autistic team meta and ultimate spamming.

yiff in hell scalefag

>quake movement
>quake weapons
>quake maps
>not even quake

Fuck off, hipster shitter, don't talk for the quake fans that actually play and support the genre.

Maybe ranger, the only unlocked character i mean, those heroes are really fucking forgettable and generic.
I dont know who usually wins, but im not used to such discrepancies between classes as im mostly an old quake and cs player, i never got into over watch. Im used to the fact i can take on safely a respwaned character and win with superior aim and weapon choice, not that the fucker can shrug off anything i throw at him.
Also fucking invisibility Jesus Christ, is that crap still in the game? Triggered me hard as hell.

I actually saw all of them in pro play, yeah some are used more often but none is not used at all because of 3 pick duel system

This, sorlag best Q3 skin and best QC champ.

>not quake abilities
>not quake passives
>not quake duel format
>not quake meta
>it's quake guys

Fuck off, bethdrone shill, don't talk for the quake fans that actually play and support the genre.

>still thinking Bethesda is developing it

I fucking dislike duel because the maps are too big for what is basically a 1v1 mode

And fucking Sacrifice mode
>Game is emphasize speed and movement
>have to stop and wait for a few seconds to steal soul from obelisk , literally becoming a sitting duck

What the fuck was Bethesda thinking?

>muh Overwatch

Yeah I'm sure they screwed themselves with abilities. Now they will never get the 400 people who actually played Quake Live

I literally never saw scalebearer or clutch, or visor, or BJ. Whole game is Anarki, Nyx, Sorlag. Maybe Slash here and there. Not that it matters that much, Nu-Quake is all about your LG%.

visor, scalebearerm clutch all booted out during qualifier
galena only in specific map
it's sorlag champion.

When you are making game like Quake, you better bend over the only demographic that will actually buy your fucking game.

>still thinking that the publisher isn't the most interested party in shilling their game

Bethesda are publishers you dumbskull.

where were they when reflex happened then? :^)

It was literally the front page of Steam for a week
On top of the QUAKECON SALE which includes Bethesda games now to further shit on the spirit of the thing.

The what now?

>Quake Live peak 6,000 when already dead and buried
>Quake Champions peak 2,000 when at its most hyped point
Right now id should be desperate for those QL players, kek.

isn't this shit free on the bethesda launcher? don't have to put money into it to play

>it's not a clone of the old games so it's not quake!
Movement, weapon and maps have always been the core of Quake games, that doesn't mean more features shouldn't be added. Why even make a new game if you are going to make just another clone, while the classics are still perfectly playable, are you retarded?

Also you don't support the genre at all, your dead copy pasted quake clones are pretty much irrelevant. All people like you is cry about how the genre is dead while not supporting any of the things that could keep it alive.

>clone of a really niche mod with 0 marketing
Wow why didn't it get popular haha arena shooter fags btfo!

Rail > LG

>Nu-Quake is all about your LG%.
Welcome to quake since 3 Arena/Live.

They will never have that 6000 players unless they make QC pure

Aren't they putting out a 'classic' mode or some shit without the abilities? I swear I've seen that somewhere

You get all current and future characters, for free version only Ranger.

No quake doujinshu yet?

Reflex is trash, just an uninspired Quake 3 clone, even the most played maps are maps from Q3, what a disgrace, literally quake 3 for hipster contrarians who never became relevant in Quake 3 or live. So glad its back to its usual 40 players

Most people that played beta installed it with that bethesda launcher shit.

Literally only way for QC to live is to seriously promote community mappers, even if that means paying to include them in matchmaking.
We need a FUCK TON of maps, and maps specifically for a game mode.

Reminder that vanilla maps were almost never played bar Campgrounds and a few others - and even then pro versions were preferred. Live consists mostly of community maps included in the base game.

>Scalebearer is used for retarded mobility during active
>Clutch is used for retarded and unpredictible double-tap dodge
>BJ used for retarded output DPS with LG/MG
>Visor using wallhack asap to know where enemy spawned/moved after killed ur previous pick
>Galena picked for her retarded suprise trip mines
>Sorlag picked for her AoD with her acid
>Anarki and Ranger picked for retarded mobility
>Nyx is only real bullshit here with her inviolability
>Slash picked for mobility and chase denial

I saw them all during qualifiers/tournament

Thats sounds more like just marketing to be honest. I don't think they do, and honestly it doesn't bother me, if i wanted to play 3 arena i would be playing that or Live.

>Rail > LG
Someone hasn't seen Quakecon.
>Welcome to quake since 3 Arena/Live.
Yeah, nah. To succeed in 3/Live you needed the perfect mastery of every skill to succeed. In QC you go forward with superior LG and win. Which is why random newfags like Raisy can dominate well rounded players like Rapha.

>it's added new features so it must still play as well!!
They removed everything that made Quake interesting. Metagame is completely different, inferior, boring. Final looked like a 1300 elo duel match.

Also you don't support the genre at all, your new heroshooter game is pretty much irrelevant. All people like you is cry about how the genre is dead while support games that aren't like it at all.

>game that was released when finished and established had more players than an early access game


Face it. You guys are just posers. You have your 'pure' Quake game and none of you actually play it

>only demographic that will actually buy your fucking game
20 people isn't worth making a game for user.

>this is used for x and y but they're never used in actual games haha
Very solid argument, 10/10!

It is but they have no input in developing the game aside of money shoved into id

>19 year old wins championship

LMAO your genre is so fucking dead even kids can win it

Oh I'm sorry should I give you all the clips of all matches where are all champions included? It's not worth my time. Neither you will watch it.

What the fuck is this "Tri-bolt" shit?
What fucking previous Quake game had this weapon again?
Where the fuck is the iconic grenade launcher you were teasing?

Did NuID seriously think a second example of their extremely shit projectile netcode that also shoots in a straight line is worth it over the possible embarrassment of fucking up an arcing projectile weapon?

>game that was already dead for many years had more players than game that is new, shilled everywhere to new players, and has a massive tournament going on

woahh... Face it. You're just desperate to pretend that you're morally superior to those silly old quakefags who enjoyed previous games while thinking your shit game is the saviour of the genre.

Clawz is actually a very good player, he was great in QL too. But in no fucking way is he "top, top", it highlights the problems with QC. You shoot better %, you win. Boring.

PC gaming is dead

Plenty of old Quakefags who aren't bitter cunts are enjoying the new one actually. Your argument is pointless because there is no actual way of pleasing you

Go on... there is game just for you, just don't bother us with ur shit.

It's been dead for ages now, you guys let MOBAs take over.

I'm not interested in your clips from qualifiers weeks ago when meta was different. Open your eyes, there's three champions used at Qcon.

>Some months ago during beta
>Have some fun for a couple of days
>Say to Sup Forums is ok
>However predict it will go the way of other twitch arena shooters since the genre is no longer popular
>today 2000 active players

Feels nice to feel smug

Why would I play a CPM based game if I was never interested in CPM? Sick logic.
Nah, my argument is pretty solid. Silly people think adding heroshooter elements to the game will save it, but playercount still ded, deader than ever before. Get over it, QC hasn't saved shit.


>tfw one of the few players who occasionally plays Reflex while playing QC
Why can't you faggots enjoy the already existing multitude of Arena shooters we have be it UT, VQ3/CPMA-derivatives or QC? The genre is already stratified as it is.

How is this a problem in an fps game?

thats because Sup Forums doesnt like video games they just like seeing games fail

Yea true
And crates, like we're playing phone games
The golden age of PC has long passed, now everyone on PC sits on a discord and only buys games that their discord online friends shill to them so they can play together
Shit sucks, blizzard and valve, the biggest PC devs have stopped making any singleplayer games now it's all MP or nothing

Those are different. Arenashooterfags can't handle anything that's in any way shape or form different from the handful of games they played in the early 2000s, they won't even accept a slight graphical upgrade.

Most of the base skins are pretty ugly.
but some custom ones are really good.

>To succeed in 3/Live you needed the perfect mastery of every skill to succeed.
Which is why people can pretty much only pick the same 3 weapons and always win? Lg got nerfed in QL for a reason, LG whoring has always dominated in high tier level, the nerf balanced things a bit, but QC has the same damage it did on 3, so hopefuly it willl get some nerfin as well.

>They removed everything that made Quake interesting.
No other game series features Quake movement like strafe or circlejump, quake maps or quake weapons, that's always been what makes quake interesting, if a bit of metagame really ruins all of that for you, thats your own biased point of view and i can pretty much assure you, you are the minority and there is nothing stopping you from playing the classic games instead, those are perfectly playable, and i know this as someone who still plays Live regularly and 3 once in a while.

>All people like you is cry about how the genre is dead while support games that aren't like it at all.
But i'm not crying at all, i enjoy QC and when i want to play classic i'm in Live, there is no real excuse for people not to play Arena shooters but only petty nitpicking.

ive been playing every day for 4 months
we went from 10 minute queue times to 1
theres a shit ton of people playing it through the beth launcher (all beta players get f2p access)
im sorry if your too young to appreciate quake but it isnt going anywhere

There will probably be more players once it's F2P and everyone on Steam can get it.

I don't want to see it die just because it has classes but I don't really like that decision. It's not like picking the right class is the only thing that matters but it's going to cause unbalances within the game which I don't like.

I mostly stopped playing games with classes a while ago because of that, there are ALWAYS balance issues. I've never really played a game that didn't have classes still being changed years later because they weren't balanced, and to me, being at a disadvantage because you didn't have the right class isn't fun. It's a rock-paper-scissors mechanic which is shallow.

>no one cares about CPMA
>make a CPMA clone that looks worse than original since there are no textures
>"lol why no one plays this game"

There hasn't been a single Q3 clone since QL which is why all these other games like Warsow and Toxikk are dead.
vq3 movement is just so much better than UT's or CPM.

it will be after EA
its free right now fow beta testers through the beth launcher

Unreal was always better


didnt they though, i was watching a q2 touney 2 days ago and i know the had a shit ton of other touneys?

This pic is pretty true, picks have so little in comparison to Overwatch. Your not locked into specific weapons and player skill is still by far the deciding factor in winning.

>Doomguy has double jump as his passive and his active ability is used for retarded mobility and instant kill low health enemies with a punch