Epistle 3

I'm not some "heh, who cares" underage b&. I fucking cared.

Can we talk about that weird feel, where you were waiting 12 years to find out what happens next by playing the actual game, and all the hype that surrounds it, and this is how it's delivered?

It's an abstract kind of feel.




I only first played Black Mesa like 4 years ago and I feel kinda indifferent but yet still bummed when I read that

Ever wondered why the logo of Artifact has 3 lambda symbols in it?
Or how the ARTIFACT title uses the same writing font as the HALF-LIFE series's title? look it up

Now Laidlaw releases the cancelled 2008 Episode 3 plot..

Either this is a social experiment/ARG by Valve, or just wishful thinking..

I think it's a long draw of the bow to put DotA in the HL universe. I really liked how it tied in Portal though. Just casual enough to not need to reference it much, but important enough that it mattered.

Cloverfield 3 will have a the announcement of HL3 at the end of the movie. Screencap this.

>release unused Episode 3 script to build discussion around Half-Life 3
>have everyone think HL3 is never happening to lower expectations
>release HL3 with no fanfare, with lowered expectations and no hope of it actually happening fans buy it in droves and love it


To be fair, a fucking eulogy like this is the only way to lower expectations into the realm of the living.

That's implying that they worked on HL3 in total secrecy, spreading just false rumors and remaining silent all these years.

Could be the greatest twist and surprise in gaming history, making low expectations while preparing a giant surprise at the same time.

But you gotta remember Valve's Jewish tactics with paid mods, misconstructions, costumer support etc. All these negate that they're the same company

If true however, the total secrecy could be since the HL2 2003 leak.

Are they working on HL3 to change the gamnig industry by the bomb, or have they abandoned it and become a gambling &soulless company?

Well, believe me or not, but a friend who was pretty big into the HL2 mod scene in the early/mid 2000s and fucking loved the company, engine, and games, turned down a job at Valve (they have a job at another game company atm) because "they're not making games anymore".

How does he know if he never worked there?

When you go for an interview they generally get you to sign an NDA and will talk a bit about what you're expected to be working on.

> ubisoft
> attractive whore

you are giving them too much credit
also void is smart while EA is dumb as bricks

Half Life ends just like I felt it would. A really bittersweet story. I guess that's why I keep coming back to it.

what, how and why?

> still no official response from valve to the epistile 3 leaks

chickenshit faggots

Because JJ Abrams

People were expecting this way back in Cloverfield. The new Cloverfield films have the "benefit" (?) of being standalone anthologies, so the possibility of a tie-in is far greater than if it was a continuous series.

My only gripe is that Alex turned into a turbo cunt. I don't think I would've enjoyed following her around being a bitch to everyone and cucking you at the end.

HL always had sympathetic and likeable characters, not these nu-gaming feminist bitches.

It's like you don't even remember pic related.
Also if EA is not dumb, they have increased their market value tenfold (!!) over the last 5 years.
They know how to exploit casuals, you have to give them that.

IIRC there were some minor hl3 leaks around 2012-2015

>tfw you'll never battle your way through the Aurora Borealis as it rubber-bands through time and space

Wut? They are canonical in the same universe and part of the same story.

The Cloverfield monster has nothing to do with Xen or Half-Life in any way. It was a egg that lands from space off Coney Island.

Shit sorry I misread what you said.

Nah the new Cloverfield films are not canonical with Cloverfield 1

I guess you missed the whole ARG stuff?
Yes they are canonical.

What was there? Slusho doesn't make them canon.

>I'm not some "heh, who cares" underage b&.
Very convincing.

You want my birth certificate?

Might as well at this point.

here buddy

lol that wasn't me

you look like that REMOVE KEBAB serb

That is not a birth certificate, user.
Whose photo did you steal exactly?

Oh shit it's Javier Bardem!
Javier how do I build a PC?

I recommend to look it up because it's a lot more than I can explain. But in short, the guy in the second movie worked for a subsidiary of Tagruato. He worked with their satellites so he knew about the monster the aliens sent as the test attack and the incoming invasion. that's why built his shelter.

Is there a chance that the people who made the Black Mesa remake thing could make an Ep 3?

We are the black girl?

It would just feel like shit compared to what we would and should have gotten. Never being able to capture the scale of stuff like the antarctica fight or the Borealis scene

>Watching TI
>Day[9] says Valve is making a new game
>trailer starts
>recognize the HL font
>cum buckets
>"The Dota Card Game"

this post hit too close to home. this whole epistle 3 "leak" has actually really pissed me off. I've been waiting 10 years for a conclusion to a story of a fantasy world. I'm going to allahu ackbar Valve

Post their secrets before you detonate, Muhammed.

>If true however, the total secrecy could be since the HL2 2003 leak.
Total secrecy? Not really. During all these years there were multiple people breaking NDA and revealing details on how HL3 was supposed to be but isn't actively being worked on, yada yada - and most of these reports were later confirmed to be true with forthcoming leaks. Heck, I even remember that around L4D2 release date someone on Sup Forums claimed that Valve is busy working on DOTA2 instead of Half-Life and everyone laughed him/her off.

Valve, despite all its presumed secrecy, is low-key transparent when it comes to community. If there's nothing going on with Half-Life, then it means nothing is going on with Half-Life.

I'm not mad that they're making a card game, I'm mad that it was made out to be something else, and the trailer was vague all the way up to the end.

When the logo/name appeared, I thought it was going to be a Destiny-type game set in the Half Life universe.

What exactly where you expecting them to do?

the fact that their new game after all these years is a card game is already insulting enough.
Fuck Blizzard for normalizing this shit.

confirm that they've cancelled or that they're not working on a new half life game. Put an end to the half life rumors.

At this point, that's the adult thing to do, if they weren't greedy jews.

We swapped military shooters for moba for card games. This is our new hell.

How the fuck is it possible that there is always some kind of ruse. I mean it looks like it everytime there is a 3 somewhere and more.

most people that play Mobas like Dota 2 are nomies that never even touched a half life game.

And most CoD babbies didn't play other games. They still ruined our industry.

should've protested the micro transaction store in TF2 back in 2010 hard, and DDOsed Dota 2's servers constantly.
Most pcbros(fanboys) thought that if they supported these actions, Valve would release HL3 sooner, when in fact it was an easy cash machine.

i meant valve drones, fuck you Sup Forums

I never played TF2, so I did my part.

if you got really buff, you could play Garen in the inevitable League of Legends movie

i was talking about the whole valve fan community, they simply accepted micro transaction sin Tf2, to the point where Valve can put glove skins in Cs go for sale. Glove skins!

If they were getting intense backlashes when they started implementing these tactics, we might've maintained Valve as a gaming company. Fear of costumer backlash would've sent them back at the game table

The community willingly accepted their bullshit early on. It's like giving cash to a drug addict, hoping he will change

>shifting the blame to other jews
Nah, fuck Valve

I spent like 30$ on tf2 item crates when they were introduced in 2010... Didn't feel like that big of a deal back then...

If they wanted a card game thy should have done it with the shitty things you get when you buy a game on Steam. I don't even know what the heck I'm supposed do with them.

Both Valve and Valve fanboys are to blame.

The fanboys for not being tough with Valve and supporting their microtransactionss earky on, maknig them rich for no effort.

Valve for becoming a greedy company, abandoning its innovate legacy for a gambling market , shit costumer support, playing their fans with subtle hints all these years and total silence on HL3's production(not even a yes or no answer).

guess what? so did thousands of other players, 30$ or more. When they fattened Valve's wallet, and no backlash from the community, obviously Valve took the easy way for profit. Why make games when these niggers buy your cosmetics in numbers?

Just keep quiet on HL3 or any other game, give them false hope and hope they forget about it.

Are the cards for buying stuff on steam still a thing?
I think it should be obvious to everyone about now, that everything valve does is just a way to get more money out of the consumer.

You are just incredibly naïve. HL is dead.

Hi Caramel

Can anyone give me the lore on what the fuck these creepy ass things are


fuck man

Honestly I already gave up on it a few years ago, or so I thought. It actually kinda hurts

The actual plot was never the interesting part of Half-Life's story telling, it was the setting and tone.

The parts where you stand around while people talk was the worst thing about the games.

>It actually kinda hurts

It really does. It reminds me of how as kids we'd always kind of made plans to go to Universal Studios or Disney World, back in the early 90s, and I was always excited about the Jaws ride. But we never had enough money, and time passed, and me and my sister grew up, and we honestly never begrudged my parents that we never made it there. And we moved on.

Then in the age of YouTube, more than 20 years later, I saw a PoV recording of the Jaws ride. And it was like "Ah. So that's what that would have been like."

It's not quite melancholic, and not quite disappointing... I don't think there's a word in English for it.

Steam users.

This is a "Metal Gear unreleased ending" level of delusion

>> attractive whore
I'm pretty attracted to some of their IPs (eg: Siege) yet avoid them because I know the risks, and they whore themselves out to any developer that will take them, so I'd say it's pretty accurate