ITT: Games Sup Forums hates, but you love

ITT: Games Sup Forums hates, but you love.

Pretty much any game

Most of the games I love get hate. It's my fault for not treating Metacritic like the fucking Bible.


Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3. I enjoyed every minute in those and still play them occasionally

Do you like New Vegas? Here's another one I love.


nobody here uses metacritic as an actual scale, if you truly enjoyed a 5 hours short, linear and cinematic cover based shooter, you might suffer of severe shit taste.
To prove me wrong explain to me how The order is worth 60 shekels and what can this game offer that hasn't been seen thousands of times but done better.
Is it the victorian era, with bullshit technological excuse to push modern weapons into the 800'? Or is it the overdesigned and extremely detailed surrounding that was meant to push ps4 graphics to the edge? Surely it's not a codlike plot. Enlighten me

MGS2 >>>> MGS3


You watched some faggot on YouTube play it like the cuck you are.

great argument, tell me more



>He doesn't deny it.

Shouldn't you be sucking e-celeb cock right now?

Someone sounds triggered as fuck.

Nobody hates these games

Sup Forums hates vtm now?


Also, Mass Effect 2 is the best in the series.

You really think i should defend myself from claims that have no proof? I wrote several arguments and you just called me a cuck, i don't think i have to respond to you using your shitposting tone.

You've already decided. Nothing I say will change your mind. I doubt you played it, though.

An extremely fun game in coop mode. It's cheesiness it's also a plus, making the game so extreme that sometimes looks like its from Platinium.

why what? Why I do love this game?

>animations are awesome

>campaign is 50+ hours (of unique stories) and quite hard even on normal

>unit design is nice

>skillwheel while quite new is basically the previous skill stuff but in a new ui

It isn't as good as 3, but its better than 4 and 6.

Sure, I enjoyed NV as well

It's very unforgiving of mistakes and requires patience, observation and planning as a proper stealth based survival horror game should. Seems most people who try it can't even beat the tutorial and just give up declaring the game to be utter shit. It's not utter shit, it's just very, very niche.

homm VII is the second best game in the series, after V

Glad to hear it. PS3, right?

>this piece of shit franchise killer came out in 2012