Tfw accidentally throw a dynamite in my base

>tfw accidentally throw a dynamite in my base

I lost a friend because i accidentally threw a bomb in our fortress.

>make a hellevator
>tell friend it's ready
>replace the water at the bottom with dirt and watch him die


thats a cool looking base tbqh
i wish i had autism so i could make something as good
"temporary" dirt base is my limit

>make a tower with a chute that drops down to bedrock level
>usually have water there to break fall
>replace it with blue coloured wool one day
>friends jumped to their deaths

go back to playing dragon's dogma idiot

so what makes starbound inherently worse than terraria? I have about 100hrs in each but i can come back to a fresh game of starbound much easier.

personally, those fucking terraria animations for swinging a pick/weapon really get on my tits.

Also fresh game, building my first base after using my ship as a dumping ground.

Personally prefer Starbound.
I feel like it has way more content than Terraria, however I am excited for Terraria: Otherworld whenever the fuck they'll release it

>I feel like it has way more content than Terraria
the keyword is "feel" here

The only good thing about Starbound was how swinging on the rope worked and the Bone Hammer weapon.

>I feel like it has way more content than Terraria

What's this cancer?

>I feel like it has way more content than Terraria
Random generated planets are convenient for a feel like that, but Terraria is one of the most content-full games released this decade.

>I feel like it has way more content than Terraria

Drugs "feel" great, that doesn't make them good.

I did the same thing in Minecraft, but to some other fag on a server who I knew had a similar ground to bedrock shaft like that
except I also waited near the bottom of the shaft in a niche I dug out in the side of it waiting for him to fall to his death, with buckets of lava at the ready to pour on his stuff and destroy it
I also rigged his house to detonate entirely leaving little to no trace or salvageable architecture with TNT via a pressure plate and redstone circuit to a starter block of tnt hidden out of view behind a wall where he couldn't see it from the door or windows

To top it off, I was wearing a 'mask' of another player when I did all this, which made your name appear as the name of whoever the mask was of

This started a huge fucking tism fit from the fag I BTFO directed at the player who he 'saw' doing it

Meanwhile I'm just laughing my ass off back at my own home with several chests full of new loot that I stole from the fag's house while I was excavating underground around it and filling it up with duped TNT blocks

Fag quit the server entirely that same day after venting at the other innocent guy for like 3 hours, then proceeded to ddos it repeatedly for like 2 days

Boot that server, user.

>TFW no talent or even patience for good designs

w-what I-I-I don't have a-any server!

it has less actual handcrafted content since most of it is just randomly generated garbage. starbound is quite almost 2d no mans sky

>want to build something in terraria
>run out of resources in two minutes
this is why i stick to commieblocks

So how is starbound these days? It's still getting updates from what I've seen, what did they add since 1.3? Thanks in advance

I meant 1.0, 1.3 is the latest one

people that make all that amazing shit like rulick15 do use mods like cheat sheet

Fuck me that's beautiful
Even when I go out of my way to make a nice nase it ends up being a bunch of glorified commieblocks

theres a video he made which is a tutorial on how he does his pillars and its actually exceedingly complicated

Never had the time to finish this, as i'm not too pleased with how the tree looks (It was supposed to be modeled after the small terraria tree's with round tops).

The background is also bugged in the screenshot from zooming out too much, it looks better in the player's view.

Dont talk to me or my son ever again


>Playing modded Terraria
>Early expert hardmode
>Make item that causes 10x spawn rates to help with farming shit
>Try it during a solar eclipse
>Endless stream of enemies spawn


Terraria has better gameplay, the items are way more interesting to collect than the technology is to grind up since Terraria progression atleast gives you some neat perks to mess around with at each tier where Starbound you just get slightly more efective at doing the exact same thing.

That said Starbound building is way better and the biomes are a lot more interesting, especially with mods.

I like that blue staircase


Terraria shills are fucking delusional.
I started a new game of Terraria about 3 days ago with minimal knowledge (not my first time, but I had never actually bothered to kill any bosses before). I installed the big mods they talk about in the /vg/ thread, so I'm using even MORE content than exists by default. After just a few days of casual fucking around I've killed every boss and have the best gear.
My base is an ugly commieblock next to a chest warehouse. There's no reason to build outside of aesthetic reasons that Minecraft and even Starbound facilitate better. Furthermore, I've barely had to craft or use 90% of the weapons and armor available, so there's pretty much no reason for me to continue playing just to collect/make it. For instance, why would I ever unequip wings once I get them? Same goes for the ankh shield and speed boots and so on. I could replay the game from scratch, but for what incentive?

Starbound is shit for other reasons, but you can at least play it indefinitely as a 2D builder/survival game. Once you introduce mods like FrackinUniverse, Terraria is utterly BTFO forever by Starbound. Chucklefuck is a garbage studio but they ultimately made the better game.

I never find these sorts of bases interesting.

What always stun me are over elaborate combined with actually managing to house entire NPC populations. Like that one gigantic dark castle I can't seem to locate in my folder.

Anyone tried making a dyson sphere?

>I used a guide

Well jeez, I'm sorry you spoiled yourself

>After just a few days of casual fucking around I've killed every boss and have the best gear.
This is only true if you used a guide an played for double digit hours in these "just a few days"
but what can you expect from chuckleshills, I bet you also played dark souls with a guide you fucking faggot

Dyson swarm > dyson sphere

>tfw just want a blend between terraria's monsters , progression, and detailed worlds, and startbound's graphics, furniture/building, and combat system

>terraria is a good game and has more content than cuckbound :^)
>let me check oh wait it doesn't

Absolutely pathetic and embarrassing.

>starbound has randomly-generated content therefore it has infinite content ! :^)
Bet you like NMS too faggot

>Support beams in the upper right corner have a different perspective than the rest of the house

>very early version of terraria, so no clue as to whether it is still possible
>friends and I build our seperate towers next to each other
>log on one day, my towers lowest level is full of water, and the doors replaced by bricks
>friends laugh their asses off, told me it took hours of carrying buckets of water onto the top of the tower to even fill the first floor
>build a ladder into the sky
>build a liquid multiplying pyramid atop a funnel several screens above the main culprits roof opening with a pump leading back to the top pyramid tile
>brick uo all doors and windows, take a single bucked of lava when everyone else is logged off and fill his puny tower to the brim, and then some
>revel in the speechlessnes when he logs on, laughing MY ass off
>to my knowledge he still does not know about fluid multiplication to this day

Yea only women and cucks use the expression 'i feel that...'.

Only women and cucks use 'Yea'

An alpha would never say 'Yea'

>Start a fresh world with 4 other dudes
>One of them steals items from the base to work on his own little place
>Through tnt in his house because stealing is wrong, especially when you destroy parts of my house and try to repair it with dirt
>"Fuck you user i'm banning you from sitting with us at school"

>through tnt
im guessing this happened last week

I love Terraria but holy fuck the builds in this thread are awful

It's like no matter how hard some people try they can never escape the telltale "I have autism" signs in their builds

>at least you can play it indefinitely
You clearly don't know about that one hero who roleplays Terraria by himself and has hundreds or thousands of "npcs" he acts as and shit
With Terraria the fun literally never ends

Locking progression behind awful levels where you're not allowed to use the game's main features is what caused me to give up on Starbound.


You're the cancer killing this board. And I don't even like terraria.

>mine resources from open server
>admin comes asking wtf im doing
>i didnt realize it was against rules
>spaghetti leaving the server and never coming back