What would you like to see in the sequel?
What would you like to see in the sequel?
Sexy girl's
thrash metal, death metal and industrial metal instead of djent
It's Doom, not Duke Nukem.
same as last game but with less arena-like design
Nine inch nails crates
i want to play as a black woman and have skill trees and a cover system
samuel hayden takes you out of statis and asks for your help again cause he fucked up.
But then he eventually turns on you and fuses with other demons as the final boss
Actual non linear level design. Monsters being present in the level at the start.
That's it, the game needs literally nothing else other than those two things.
DoomSlayer, VEGA and Sammy teaming up to rek the demons.
Sexy demons
Hell on earth. Also, vega as your little sidekick gradually getting a funny personality as you go along. Maybe some new enemies that weren't in doom. A level based on a normal street would be cool to see. I'd like the glory kills to be default fast as fuck and even more violent if that's possible. The space suit from quake champions would have to play a role somewhere. The whole movement system he has for quake champions should be carried over because it's perfect. A face reveal. Being able to see your legs would be nice as well. All of Doom 1 and 2s levels as secrets as opposed to a few of them. A horde mode. Mod support. I also want to fight the titan in Titans realm, and also play the moment as he gets trapped in the church. Killing the icon of sin in a flashback would be amazing aswell. Knowing it's his son it would be sad aswell. Bigger demon limit. Snapmap with no limits and model importing and custom scripts and editable terrain like far cry, editable models. These would be pc exclusive features of course. Just give me more you dirty fuckers it's so good.
The same thing but on earth with puny humans running everywhere. Double-jumping between buildings, blasting cars with rockets, not caring about collateral damages, etc.
Daisy get brought back as a major demon by the Lords of Hell and you have to kill her to end her sufferings.
Multiplayer needs to be changed so that you can pick from every single monster that's ever been in a Doom game and they're all different and balanced out except the dogs which can be a joke character.
this is retarded
More of the same thing, but more labyrinth esque level design, more glory kill animations.
New/"new" demons as well.
Multiplayer that's not been outsourced.
More demons. Way more demons. I want like, 50 imps all in one big arena trying to kill me.
Optimize the game around lots of monters not around the game looking pretty.
>Actual non linear level design.
There's nothing wrong with linear games
That's true, yes, but I'd rather D44M 2 not continue being a Painkiller clone.
To be honest all they need to do is stretch more demons around the whole level. Instead of like 3 demons to the next arena.
Every demon from the last game plus a few reimagined DOOM 3 demons and a few new ones
Maze levels
More enemies
classic style secrets, switches and "odd" walls that open up to new areas
secrets that lead to more demons
Relevant social issues and transgender characters
I want an option to turn off glory kills completely.
Nightmare Mode that's as hard as the original Nightmare Mode (without the respawning) plus an optional even higher difficulty that's the same thing with respawning added.
That's already in it, you unlock it by not pressing the Glory Kill button
The game is designed around the mechanic
No it isn't, you get the same amount of health and ammo as you would just by shooting the demon when it's glowing. It's just a tool for scrubs to avoid any damage
More metal soundtrack.
More enemies to fight at once.
Real modding.
That is basically what it needs to be more like the original in good ways. Was pretty happy with it otherwise.
God damn that sounds awesome. And a great band name.
Actually right, I want dinosaurs instead of demons
Enemies keep on coming from everywhere all the time instead of having just 3 spawn points on the map and then followed by some platforming. Those are honestly my only problems with DOOM.
Stop yelling
only if they have feathers
remove fucking glory kills
feathers would burn in hellfire
but you can already ignore glory kills
you can turn off the highlight on staggered enemies, and enemies drop HP regardless if you're low enough
there is no mod (!) for fucking glory kills
besides it would be weird for DS to whip out his dick out of that armor
I can't turn off enemies staggering
not demon feathers
No glowings demons with easy melee kills
Make them MORE aggressive the less life the demons got, they shouldn't just stand there doing nothing when they're about to die
I want to see their limbs flying everywhere before they finally die. Make the glory kills much more dangerous and rewarding
Forced centered view
More than 12 enemies on screen
And this, why not
but we're talking dinosaurs here
enemies only stagger when they're heavily injured
at that point just shoot them one more time
Maybe I'm looking into too much, but the achievement you get for beating the game is called Knee-Deep in the Dead, which is the name of the first episode of the original game, so part of me is hoping the second game takes place on Deimos.
I'd also be down for Nu-DOOM 2: Hell on Earth.
Co-op campaign mode.
That's it.
maybe removal of the finishing moves
I think they should remove the upgrade system altogether, it adds nothing to the gameplay. And make corpses stay on the map, also allow for more enemies on screen and let people disable the glory kills. Make the multiplayer component in house and just use the same maps as the single player.
Make d44mlad lose the power armor and just wear some gimpy standard issue armor and helmet. Make enemies less of bullet sponges and add more of them to compensate.
All of the music should be like in the hell levels in D44m and none of this shitty dubstep garbage in the UAC base.
Crash and Phobos in some capacity, maybe as boss level zombies.
Oh and a proper level editor.
I didn't really have any problem with the upgrade system at first but after finishing the campaign and going to replay it on Nightmare, I noticed how boring the beginning is without the unlocks or especially the agility ones. Everything is just slow (apart from the running speed).
The arcade mode is nice that you have everything unlocked and all the weapons from that level straight from the beginning. It's fun but not quite the same as playing the story.
turn it into a flash side scroller just to fuck with everybody ala bloodrayne 3
Summoners are pretty damn sexy
There is no Bloodrayne 3, series ended at 2 and left off on a cliffhanger.
>Make enemies less of bullet sponges and add more of them to compensate.
Definitely this.
>they should remove the upgrade system altogether, it adds nothing to the gameplay
Will never happen, they don't have the balls to just make a pure FPS like that anymore. The next DOOM, if they ever get around to making it, will also be a console title so there will be some compromise there.
Personally I wish they made levels a bit more complicated and less linear. DOOM was 50/50 on that account.
more butthurt from nostalgiafags
no kidding, I played the game in 96, this autism is unbelievable
good soundtrack
>between DOOM and the original Doom, or Shadow Warrior, Douk, etc. I enjoyed the latter more
>I want the former to be like the latter, ideally
>fucking nostalgia faggots autism lmao reeeeeeeee
Kill yourself. DOOM 2016 was a great FPS but the FACT remains that it could've been better. That's that.
No multiplayer
>DOOM with industrial metal
EVERYTHING on this damn earth could be better
Actual modding support and none of that snapmap bullshit. sad part is if it did have modding support it would all be done through bethesda.net
Or just bring Trent Reznor back. He loves this shit, he'll do it for pennies.
This. Just put all the effort into the single player and I'm good.
Good graphics are neat and all, but not if it comes at the expense of only being able to have max 10 demons at once in one small room, and never getting big open spaces where you can truly go nuts in a huge crowd.
But that's what they fucking did. The multiplayer wasn't even made by id.
Exactly, so I see no reason to throw a shitfit just because someone pointed that out.
I swear to fuck, with you people it's either 1 or 0, either someone praises something to shit and back and they like it, or they criticize and hate. It's like it's impossible to find something fun but also point out that certain aspects could've been better.
Bottom line is this - DOOM 2016 is really fun, but it lacked something. I don't know what that something was, but when the user says that the enemies felt a little bit bulletspongey and there could've been more of them on screen - as someone who played through - I can fully agree with that. Same with the level design, the game's in between something like the modern Shadow Warrior and Jedi Outcast - not quite there yet. And they sure as shit aren't on the level of Shadow Warrior classic, which is the ideal that every FPS game should really strive for.
Weapon upgrades were fine, but I don't really need instant gratification in my game - I'd much rather have the guns unlocked from the get go, maybe give the player an option to choose between one of two types after finding an upgrade and that's it. You only get one per game.
They're close and I want the sequel to be a really good fucking game.
>forced center view
how is this better than having the choice between normal and center ?
just play serious sam
What if I want a new Serious Sam and it isn't being made?
Fighting S. Hayden (Satan) and shoving that magic keysword up his robot ass
that's expected, I want something different
>the enemies felt a bit bullet spongy
>i want [DOOM] to be like [classic doom] ideally
really activating my neurons
But Serious Sam isn't really that good.
Besides, it doesn't need to have *that* many more demons. Just enough that they don't have to constantly spawn in more to create that illusion.
>he doesn't know
I liked the upgrade system for the weapons, it allowed you to empower the weapons that you liked to use instead of just leaving the ones that you get at the beginning useless due to power creep
The "release date" was HL3 rumour tier.
More movement abilities
I'd like more bosses, mod support and more demons. I'd like a succubus or two, but that's unrealistic. And less story.
A dyson sphere
I don't want a sequel, stop lionizing sequel culture.
Let a great game be a great game.
Look at all the games that were ruined by shitty sequels made purely for money.
It's coming alright.
d44m is a sequel you dumb cunt
It is a reboot. Doomguy =/= Doomslayer
>it allowed you to empower the weapons that you liked to use instead of just leaving the ones that you get at the beginning
That sentence is a load of nonsense.
God damn the fights always end as soon as you get in the zone
so you don't want a sequel, you want a reboot every year
Instead of flashing they should make steam come out of them.
>so you don't want a sequel, you want a reboot every year
No idea where you got that from. All I am saying is that D44m is a reboot not a sequel.
another polygon playtrough
They're screwing around with VR
I think he means that basic weapons are not useful once you have the most powerful, and that the upgrades makes weaker weapons to have a new utility , making them useful.
Not that I agree with him. Just sayin
say no more
No 2 weapon limit and weapon pickups for multiplayer
Less wubby, more rock/trash/meal styled soundtrack.
No story scenes at all (or make them as skippable cutscenes instead of interactive unskippable walking simulators i.e. in Hayden's office)
An optional mode without executions and actual health pick ups on the level.
Levels with actual platforming alongside combat like in Titanfall 2.
Graphic option to leave corpses on the ground.
Actual modding tools instead of SnapMap crap.
Story has to be about 5 hours longer - maybe 15-20h long.
Not published by Bethesda, I don't want to give Todd and cucks who killed Prey 2 money
I loved D44M, but it still is far from perfect.