The great debate

The great debate

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Who is the best looking Organization member, and why is it Marluxia?

Lauriam a cute.

1 for story
2 for gameplay

wtf is this shit ?

That's Lauriam. Throw an X into his name and you get Marluxia.

So it's just fanart shit or some new plot introduced in KH X?

New plot point just introduced in KHUx this week. The pic itself is fanart though. We'll probably see Nomura's drawing of him in a months time.

Nice to know they continue fucking up the lore by introducting shit in spin-offs and fucking mobile games.

This is why I stopped playing KH games after birth by sleep.

Just enjoy the rollercoaster ride.

Why is Roxas there ?

That's Ventus.

Why are Goofy and Donald treated like significant main characters when they barely matter storywise at all.


Why is Ventus there ? Shouldn't that keyblade war be ancient history by the time Ventus is hanging around Aqua and Terra ?

Using Disney is just a way Nomura found to have his games funded while he can progressively leave it behind and go full Nomura.

I can't get over how everyone looks so smug in KHX

ssshhhh just be quiet and take the bullshit

KHUx is ongoing so we don't know all the answers yet. These have only just been revealed in the last month. Leda theory is that's the actual time he comes from and either got put into the Realm of Sleep/Darkness until Xehanort found him.

Because Ven was from the past, duh

Kek. Kingdom Hearts doesn't have any spin-offs user.

I'll cum in your faggot mouth. These games are for faggots.


kh2 has better gameplay and characters
kh1's story is better but the camera is incredibly shitty and the platforming sections should not exist

2 because of the combat


>being so insecure with his sexuality that he lashes out at anonymous strangers on the internet

That shit isn't even part of the story. Its non-canon.


>hand holding

disney games are for kids

Video games are for children.

more like 1 for everything except gameplay. 2 was a fucking mess and should have never happened.

Ephemer's a lewd slut

i agree

>holds players hand as he dies
>goes on to hold ven's hand not 5 minutes later
what a fucking slut


Oh shit I meant to put quotation marks around dies. My bad.

no i just think that these little fuck boi faggots who play this game are all about cumming on little boi feet with their tiny lil' boi clits and its fucking disgusting. all the porn ive seen of this game are of some blonde faggot fucking some other red haired faggots feet and both of them look like they got electrocuted with their tight little bodies and all their hair is every which way and its just so fucking gay

No offence but you sound incredibly trapped in the closet. Do not take yaoi fanart as fact. Fujoshi are trash and infect anything they get their hands on.

I like KH1 way more on a conceptual level. It didn't execute every idea perfectly but I hate how KH2 cut so much stuff out. It turned from an action-based JRPG/action-adventure to basically just an action game with EXP. A lot of the charm got drained out. I replayed KH1 a few days ago and there were so many great little details, a lot of love went into that game. You see that a lot with a franchise's first entry, the developers really go all out and have a bit of everything, not everything works out but it has a special quality to it that gets whittled away in the sequels in the name of "streamlining".

It's not a debate. II is by far the better game to play. It lacks in story, writing, cinematography, and characters but more than makes up for in the gameplay, aesthetic, and feeling of adventure.

While KH was indeed better in terms of story and concept, that doesn't make it a good game.

fuck fuck fuck, faggot who doean't know shit about shit here, i have a PS2, a PS3 and a PS4, what would be the best way for me to get into this series for the first time??

Buy 1.5+2.5 and 2.8 for PS4 and you're done

PS4. There's something called the 1.5+2.5 HD ReMIX. It's a HD collection of games. Once you're done with that there's also the 2.8 HD ReMIX which will finish off everything else so you're ready for KH3 late next year.

Cool, what are they? Remasters or remakes?


Im guessing 1.5 & 2.5 are just "1 & 2" but HD, but what is 2.8?

>Shouldn't that keyblade war be ancient history by the time Ventus is hanging around Aqua and Terra ?

If 2 was a mess with it's top-tier gameplay, what does that make 1? A shitty, interactive movie?

Nope in 1.5+2.5 you get:
KH1: Final Mix
Re: Chain of Memories
358/2 Days (movie version)
KH2: Final Mix
Birth by Sleep: Final Mix
Re:coded (movie version)

2.8 consists of:
Dream Drop Distance HD
0.2 (short episode feat. Aqua)
Back Cover (1hr movie)

The real dedate:

Simple and Clean / Hikari?

Or Sanctuary / Passion?

Hikari and Sanctuary

1.5+2.5 are PS4 versions of the PS3 versions of PS2 games. That set right there has 4 playable games and two movie representations of games that were originally on the DS.

2.8 includes one playable game (a port of the 3DS game), a glorified demo for KH3 (think Ground Zeroes for MGSV), and a companion movie for the mobile game (which ends on a cliffhanger).

Both collections together plus supplemental readings for updates for the mobile game will bring up to speed for KH3. EVERYTHING is essential. There's also exclusive dialogue that was revealed at the recent orchestra tour that's canon.

Sanctuary is the better song
Simple and Clean is the more memorable song

Days is pretty skipable

Links to said convos:

Thanks u guise

Dude that dialogue is not essential by any means. Fuck you for wasting my time with more vague bullshit that says the same shit we already know

No worries.

I just wanted to provide the source for those who might be interested. S-sorry for wasting your time.

Does the JP version of simple and clean play near the end of KH1 or am I remembering wrong?

well goddamn sorry dude, didn't mean to make you feel bad

>forgetting WHEN YOU WALK AWAY just as Sora and Kairi's hands are separated

It's been like 14 years I hardly remember any of that game

While I respect the opinion of people who find the original's more grounded plot appealing, there is no question when it comes to gameplay. 2, FM in particular, is the highest point of combat in this series. You can meme about mash triangle xdd all you want, no other game in the series gives so many fluid options for approaching combat and customization over how your combos actually play out. I'm not saying the original has bad gameplay. I'm not insulting anybody's beloved Osaka team. But I don't think 2FM will be topped, not even by 3.

Almost shed a tear still to this day.

>forgetting this moment

Stop taking it seriously and embrace the ridiculousness. It's a fun Trainwreck

>those perky kairi bewbs
>dat sora ass
how do japs keep getting away with it?

Tbh I'd much rather a game that does a few things really well than a game that does many things with varying quality.

>Riku was a wannabe pokemon all along
Tell me a dumber plot twist. I fucking DARE you.

It ain't dumb when it was on display every second you were playing with him

dude we were dead all along lmao

I'll fucking strangle you

can you imagine how fucking lost a totally casual KH fan from 2005 would feel if they decided to get 3 on a whim when it comes out next year(?)

I mean shit I was that kinda person back then when 2 dropped and I was so confused about all the CoM stuff I apparently missed back then.

We don't have to imagine. Most Sup Forums KH threads are usually full of those people.

We won't have to imagine it any longer, next year we'll see it for ourselves and it will be one of the best things of the year

Simple and Clean>Sanctuary>Hikari>Passion

Even better, imagine being such a person and catching up on all of this badly written nonsense in a short amount of time.

KH3 threads next year are going to be one hell of a shitshow.

I only played 2 as a kid. I've had the 1 and 2 HD versions on PS3 in my backlog for so fucking long that they've come out on PS4 now. Would it be better to get them there or just stick with the PS3 ones? Just wondering if they added more stuff or run better or something like that really.

They run better at 60fps and have glitches patched out, but it seems like a waste of cash to buy them again don't you think?

The older I get the more I prefer the first one. Story wise it's simpler with this nice air of mystery around most things still but the rules of the universe are clear and cut as well as the character motivations and the consequences in failing the quest.

2 is just, mindless wondering until the men in black feel like doing something but it's flashy in the meantime.

Everything went to shit with Birth by sleep and nothing felt special or worth giving a shit about.

And since everyone and their grandma gets one now where the fuck are Donald and Goofy's keyblades?

When Yen Sid, Mickey, Sora or Riku deign to give them one

I wish I could find that one picture of KH threads where it just devolves into people shitposting about DARKNESS and singing Simple and Clean.

KH3 looks like shit

>tons of AoE spectacle shit that's sure to be useless
>melee is still floaty and whiffy
>Situation Commands are BBS/DDD style Commands repurposed
>no utility spells shown yet
>Drives are Command Styles with two tiers and more cumbersome to activate; Drives and Transformations being separate was a lie
>no sign of traditional Summons or anything like them
>enemies spread out to an oddly large degree
>already fucking up a lot of the fundamentals as seen in 0.2 (Guard, Crit damage scaling, shit bosses)

More than anything else, I wonder how did Riku know Kairi got the keyblade-ing potential anyway?

Not like I couldn't sell the PS3 versions on ebay

Also the Xeanhort twist of DDD was probably the dumbest twist in the series. Sora saying "That's ridiculous!" is probably my favorite line in the game because it perfectly captures how silly the plot has gotten.

Took like 5 seconds on google you dip
What do you mean, 'What?', that's what Riku is. He isn't a human, he's a dream eater, protecting sora.


>that's ridiculous
For shame
And he means the Dream Eater twist, which well was advertised on his back from the start


I figure he didn't know, but maybe just sensed it perhaps due to having a Keyblade of his own? Aqua could sense that Terra had passed on the ability to Riku as a child so perhaps that's something people obtain?

You're a fucking idiot.

It's like if the Pokemon company came out with the newest pokemon anime and told us Misty was a Ditto all along since season 1. I mean it's obvious right, in Season 35 episode 200 she makes a ditto face.

Lorefaggots get the fuck out of my thread, this is a debate for KH1 vs KH2. Not an outlet for your DDD autism.


Yeah I didn't know that. Was this in default DDD or 2.8? I'm super rusty about basically the entire franchise lore since I haven't played any of them since roughly release except for 1 and CoM which I'm going through again now.

Was there a real Riku from KH1/2 and the one in DDD is just a dream eater or was he one from the start? The Riku in CoM was a fake but there was also 'data Riku' from Coded right?
Fuck me. I always remembered it as ridiculous.

>That's ridiculous!
What? That's nuts, he didn't say that.