What's a good game on Steam for £3.49 or below? I was considering the Fallout Collection which is ... £3.49

What's a good game on Steam for £3.49 or below? I was considering the Fallout Collection which is ... £3.49.

cheapest game in my library that's worth a damn is Dustforce DX, at 9.99 freedomdollars

stop posting pics of my wife

What is she questioning?

Don't buy the Fallout Collection, pirate it instead

Isn't it always with Fallout and bethesda games that DLC is worth like twice the game when on sale?

Wolfenstein pack is 2.50 Euros

No, she's Diana's wife

I have 3€ on paypal, what should I buy on Steam?

Your mom.

I'm gonna get this. Thanks, user.

Don't ever reply to me again

>panties not even showing
>still gets me hard

I legit don't understand, at that price and for an old game, why not pirate?


Because not everyone is a fucking leech.

I'm gonna get this. Thanks, user.

Stronghold HD

wolfenstein is shit
Just go for the fallouts.
FO1, FO2 and New Vegas are the best gaming experiences you'll ever get.

Think of it logically, the devs have ALREADY made their money, the publishers got their cash years ago and all they care about is Fallout 4 which is 2 games up. You're just being pointless.

Try moving to America, Europe is hella gay.

>live in Americlap
>walk down the street
>get shot

>live in Europe
>walk down the street
>get bombed

But guns are not the problem, criminals will get them anyway and this is in no way, shape or form connected to the fact that they sell a gazillion weapons to everybody who wants one.

Not where I live :^)

your dick


Kek, America is such a shithole on all fronts compared to europe

It's more common to get trucked or stabbed actually. Still 0 terrorist attacks where I live but if things don't change it is only a matter of time

not yet

>Europe is one country

>implying its not getting rapped but mudslims

fuck off daunas

Come on user, he never said that

you're waifu a slut

Factually wrong

I want to FUCK Akko

what country are you from

Believing heart.

>fucking retards
that is a crime, user

Stop lewding the little witches!



There's no guilt if it enlarges my hilt

>live in europe
>go outside
>get run over
>get stabbed
>get brexited


>live in European country
>gays can't marry
>go to US
>gays can marry
>Clapistani call my continent gayer than his


who is this nyamale

What autist compiled this picture?

Stupid phoneposter

>not Lotte

>go to america
>barely swing minimum wage job with 5 years of experience under your belt
>lose health benefits and 3 weeks of vacation a year
>spend at least 18 more hours at work per week
>get home dead tired, watch some tv with your wife who also just got home
>can barely pay the mortgage and save for your kids' soon to be crippling college debt
>still paying off your own college debt
>it's a full 18 minutes of ads for every hour
>commit suicide at 45 because your kids and wife are strangers and the only thing you know is work anymore

I hate Akko, irritating unlikeable shit tier shallow protagonist

But I would also like to fuck her

This is your best disguise yet Todd, but you can't fool me.

Why the hell do they do this to LWA? Degenerate bastards.

>your wife

>Japanese my little pony academia

i wanna rub of face on her butt

Why is Akko so slutty?

I want to pound that witch bitch all night long

she wants you to sniff her stinkyhole


Seriously, all of eu is garbage.

is there any way to save Europe at this point?

That's some heavy projecting there, friend. I would see a therapist.

Akko stinks! She omits pheromones from transforming into animals that attracts girls like Diana!!

Nuke western europe and let eastern europe rebuild it

i wanna sniff

The only good parts of america are the rural and wild areas, the urban areas a shithole, but you have never been to europe so you are like cattle that believes it is paradise.
I study cs and i hope that ill never have to move or visit that shithole for my career.

That picture has no right making me this hard

>go to america
>manage to get a job that pays better than minimum wage doing construction work even though I can't speak English at all and have no work experience
>get health benefits through employer and 2 weeks of vacation a year, along with a few unpaid days off when the weather is bad
>spend a normal 40 hours at work per week, a good hour a day spent on lunch or standing around talking with coworkers
>get home dead tired, but watch some tv with the wife who also just got home
>can manage to pay the mortgage and save for your kids to go to college
>have cheap netflix and hulu because regular tv is a full 18 minutes of ads for every hour. Go to the bar with friends if I want to watch sports.
>old acquaintance back in the old country commits suicide at 45 because he's too busy shitposting on imageboards to get a wife and family

>UK = europe

the rest of Europe is just as bad, or even worse. like France and Germany

Hickville fucking sucks, euros are so god damn retarded. Or are you a Sup Forumstard whose day gets ruined when they even see a non-white?

Get Fallout, the first two games are great.

Spoken like a true numale cocksucking tranny. Stay in your little globalist coastie cities, and DO NOT come crying to me when shit hits the fan and you want out. You'll get shot dead like the rest of em

While you sat in the cities, I cultivated rural strength
And now that the Chinese are at the door you come to me for help?

I know a turk who worked at a gas station off the books and made 1000 a week, got a job at a chemical plant filing reports then moved to NYC for something basically making ridiculous amounts of dough.

My day gets ruined when I have to endure sub 80 qi people, it just happens that america is full of niggers and most niggers are stupid, impulsive and violent.

she belongs to andrew


>be amerifat
>eat burger everyday
>die of heart attack

America needs to be wiped out

>be yuropoor
>not allowed to eat because it might offend Mahmoud
>die of starvation

Europe is already wiped out, no need to go further

>save for your kids' soon to be crippling college debt
Your kids should go into a trade and make money working an honest job. Electricians can earn three figures easily and it's quicker and cheaper than college.

>be amerifat
>gets stuck in door because too fat
>gets mugged

americans need to be gassed

If Todd looks like that then damn guess i love bethesda now

>be eurocuck
>forced to watch your mother be raped by African """refugees"""
>if you try to stop them you go to prison for hate crimes

how do you not feel immense guilt every day you wake up for letting this happen to your homeland? have you no spine?

this thread ain't video game

are you videogame?
if not
shut up

>get health benefits through employer and 2 weeks of vacation a year, along with a few unpaid days off when the weather is bad

What America are you living in?

>be amerifat
>put a fat retarded monkey as your leader
>complain when said fat retarded monkey does retarded shit

russia can't nuke you fatfucks fast enough

The one everyone chooses to ignore to push their agendas. You know, real America.

What, were you expecting benefits and vacation days when you're a busboy at Applebees or some shit? Get a real job using a trade or skill, or find an apprenticeship/intern position to work your way up to the level you need. I'm a high school dropout and make more money than I could ever dream of spending doing work I enjoy doing. Hell, if I wanted to I could work only 3/4ths of the year and have the rest off, but I'd rather stack up more money. And you don't even need a great career like I have to live nice and comfortably in the US. there are plenty of jobs like manufacturing plants and constriction that'll get you benefits and decent enough pay even if you're a loser fuck with no skills.

But you just don't want to believe that kind of America exists because you'd rather whine and post about "le amerifats!!" all day

It's not like the fats have ever been able to distinguish countries.

>UK and Sweden are Europe