This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen Sup Forums force itself to be upset about.
how many layers of irony are you on?
that's because he's not actually upset and is just falseflagging
>twitch meme game beating out an ASSFAGGOTS
not sure how to feel about this
b-but one guy got banned for "stream sniping", this game is literally big rigs over the road racing
>that's because he's not actually upset and is just falseflagging
I think that's what he meant with "force"
True GOTY. I bet all the contrarians on v play it too in secret.
how about you go shill your twitch game on reddit irony man?
If you didn't run screaming from PUBG in the first week, you deserve a streamer to get you banned for nothing.
Dont forget its an EARLY ACCESS TITLE
Its at 859,250 now.
I never played pubg but it looks like a way more interesting game than ASSFAGGOTS#729191
Not gonna play either tho.
Will it reach ONE MILLION Sup Forums?
What's so special about this game?
MOBAs have to die
By the end of September.
>talking about a game is shilling
One of the main arguments that comes up in every single one of these threads is that people get banned for stream sniping. I don't even have the fucking game nor do I watch gameplay of it, but it simply isn't a valid argument against the game. Neither is that people stream it; you can just play the fucking game and the fact that people stream it won't interrupt your gameplay.
Ahh, the quality of pc gaming
>lots of players playing a fun game
Why are you retards so assblasted about this?
It's going to die soon with all the bullshit they will add to the game like paid better camo costumes giving advantage to players who paid for it.
Its at 862,373 now.
I wanna play this already but my PC is too shit. Xbox release when?
It takes the fairly popular Battle Royale style game and removes all the garbage and worthless padding from it to provide tense and quick rounds with decent gunplay and fun driving.
Its just finally a good game in that genre.
Sony niggers have to wait to play it.
for real how much are you getting payed?
you make 5-10 threads every day
he probably does it for FREE
literally born in the wrong era lads
54m plays of this shit, music is dead
allow me to add 1 to that number
you're paranoid, seek help
until you get wrongfully banned by a trigger happy sanctimonious cunt of a dev
you dolt
Just say memeing jeez
That's actually kinda low.
Drones won't get to play it at all :^)
but only one person is confirmed to have been banned for anything related to a streamer...
>waaah a fun game is blasting my ancient moba & dated shooty game out of the water :(
Here come the female streamers~~~~~~~~~~~~
>have one irl friend who plays vidya
>he's playing Dota 2 95% of the time and can't leave whenever I want to play something cause muh mmr
Fuck that stupid game, at least PUBG isn't an assfaggots clone and is instead the pinnacle of hunger game shooter clones.
Hopefully not. I think if it does well on Xbox MS will just pay for it to be PC/Xbox only.
>playing assfaggots or early access survival games
neo-Sup Forums
Fucking disgusting.
Still better than
Dota is an addiction, the more you stay far from it, the less you are inclined to go back, especially that mmr grind meme
I wonder if gay ben will try doing something about it
What do you even gain from having a high MMR or ranking anyway in mobas? I never touch the ranked play modes because I'm pretty sure a sociopath could twist me having a bad game as "intentional feeding" and put my accounts on risk.
>i wonder if gaben will step in now that pubg continues to make him money
he will probably ask them to release more loot boxes
dude steam uses non-valve games as lure for getting people into Dota and CS. Without these 2 games steam would probably be unprofitable
satisfaction and deriving value from knowing that you are better than anyone who has a lower number than you
low iq dotatards completely and utterly blown the fuck out
I hope you know steam take a cut out of all sales
>company with some of the biggest profit margins due to fuckall employees
>virtual platform that costs fuckall to maintain
>takes 30% of everything ever sold on it
>unprofitable without two games
Are you fucking retarded?
>quick rounds
I'm almost certain that playerunknown is using bots to artificially increase in player count, I have about 50 people friend list and only 2 play PUBG regularly and it's one of the slowest generals on /vg/
>I hope you know steam take a cut out of all sales
Cut of all -85% shit it mostly sells?
80% of steam users are dota and cs players
then they get 30% out of the remaining 20% revenue, cool
>tense and quick rounds
Not likely. The game is very difficult and if you want to succeed as a streamer of this particular game, you need to be able to consistently win or get good scores.
It's not your casual fun where you can just drop in and actually get something done like online TCG's etc.
are you fucking retarded?
valve takes a cut from every sale on steam, every time some twitch kiddie uses mommy's credit card to buy the current flavor of the month streambait game, Gabe's hamburger fund gets fatter
this is a silly thing to be angry over user
t. a dotes player
>tense and quick rounds
>valve takes a cut from every sale on steam
Valve sales are utter shit, it's almost miracle for these days to sell more than 1 mil on PC, that's with sales
their main revenue stream is Dota and CS
Honestly why is Sup Forums so buttblasted by this game. Sure it's twitch bait but that's what the kids like these days.
It doesn't appeal to me but who cares, at the end of the day were seeing new games get very popular, which is nice.
because the quality bar is getting lower and lower, and it will impact you, even if you don't care
Because Sup Forums is 90% sonny niggers and nintendo fans. They are insecure as fuck.
you are retarded
Valve takes a cut from everything that is sold on Steam
and they also take a cut from $400 AK skins on the community market
lets not forget those keys you need to unlock those crates and shit
Valve doesnt have to develop a single game from the rest of their life because Steam just prints money for them for free
Its at 876,000 now.
People keep calling this game twitch bait.
What does that mean exactly?
Will I enjoy it if I have literally no interest in streaming?
>Being a consolewar faggot
How is pubg falling below the quality bar, from what I hear it's not very buggy for an early access title.
End of an era. HL out, PUBG in. To be honest, I play neither so I dont really give a damn, but I can see it cause "disruption" on the industry.
PC Gaming is more social than even before. Twitch/streamer prove "their" game sells.
Sup Forums is always buttblasted however.
Taking it back when the two new heroes arrive.
The best thing that could happen to Dota and cs is losing popularity so Valve can wake up and make them better.
good for you PUBG players
So are Xniggers. Done your daily begging for an early access release date yet?
What the fuck happened to katy perry, she used to be hot as fuck now she looks like a lesbian justin beiber
>How is pubg falling below the quality bar, from what I hear it's not very buggy for an early access title
see, the quality bar is so low it's "okay to be buggy, it's just early access"
the game keep crashing, it's unoptimized as hell, most of the developement goes in the new t-shirt skins
there was a time, a few years back where it would have been unacceptable to release a non-finished product
"it's every kid's game these days" right? so they will grow in an environement where it's normal to have unfinished, barely working pieces of junk for a full price
Why should I care?
This is exactly what I mean. A single person out of 800,000+ receiving a temporary ban does not make the game bad- in fact, it has no bearing on the quality of the game.