Switch won't get downgraded por-

>switch won't get downgraded por-

The art direction is so fucking ugly.

>Buying FFXV in the first place

But it's coming to the PC, so it's automatically at least a 9/10 now.

Gladios' face reminds me of a bird

>Square would rather throw even more money on this abomination than making a new original JRPG IP of some kind or at least some good FF spinoff


>new original JRPG IP of some kind or at least some good FF spinoff

They have other teams you know, not even defending them but square doesn't only release FF. Even if it's not their game they're the ones who linked up taro with platinum.

lol that looks like ass

The luminous engine completely obliterates the PS4 pro.Not even PS4, PS4 PRO.
Switch has no chance to run this.
KH on other hand is more possible, because nvidia invested millions over millions on optimizing the UE4 for the tegra chip, thinking that would save the shield and now nintendo can just capitalize on that for free.

Its 10/10 goty edition

The After Years could justify a place for this on Switch

what the fuck is that hahahahahah

Again? Shitposters must be really bored.

Just make the switch port somewhere in between the pocket edition and the ps4/xbone version in terms of graphics. They could just keep the gameplay the same as the other console version but overhaul the graphics/models so they look like a tales game

>nvidia invested millions over millions on optimizing the UE4 for the tegra chip, thinking that would save the shield and now nintendo can just capitalize on that for free.
Yeah, even a low-budget game like Snake Pass looks really nice and runs surprisingly well on Switch. Even Nintendo themselves are now using it, Yoshi's being made in UE4.

They are way to busy for such effort. They have a mobile game, pc port and the dlc's to work on plus might need to share men on KH3 development, they can't do something as make a unique version for switch.

Square port over FFCC from the GC or make a proper sequel to it because I don't consider any of the CC games after the GC to be legitimate.

pls give more ffcc

That's a great idea, it'll probably be better than the main game even. Nowhere to go but up.

>All of this time, man power, and money being spent on XV and all of its spin offs, versions, animations, etc. when XV isn't even good

It'll be 9/10 once we can mod Edna as the mechanic girl.

Well looks like i'm buying the game again...

>buying this level of milking
and square wonders why their games don't sell on nintendo systems

It can't be as bad as FFXV

The combat already looks better

The trouble is even with Platinum Automata was mediocre at best

switch is a tablet

it isn't

The Edna model is already ripped, we just need someone with knowledge to get it working in games. Also kinda related but Symonne is topless in her official model if you remove her top.

They should have had the Bravely Default guys make the character models. That + turn-based battle system would make the definitive FFXV.

Didn't stop them from halting all projects for XV's development. Besides, they have Eidos at their disposal now and XIV/DQX maintenance crews have already released their current expansions


how much more JUST'd can this game get?

just fucking drop it and focus on ff16 for fucks sake

It is using tablet hardware, but without Open GL ES2.0 or touch screen controls holding it back.

Square Enix thinks their customers are idiots and act smug about it

Still waiting for that patch to fix the Baba Yaga DLC in Rise of the Tomb Raider and Nier Automata in general

> than making a new original JRPG IP
The fuck happened to it anyway?

Their work is already represented within the luminous engine

God why.

They know their audience

I really like the idea behind this. It's like when you play the portable version of a big release

lol switch can only handle the gay ultra low mobile version


crap I didn't know I wanted this

Pretty sure FFXV is on the UE4 too.

Reminder that they never remade FF5 or FF6 and thst the only modern representations of them are those awful mobile ports. It seems so backwards to let some of their best games languish, while this shit gets crammed down our throats.

Proprietary square enix engine called Luminous Studio.

>wanting FF5 and 6 to get the FF7R treatment

It's complimentary to call "this" an "art direction" at all.

but according to all ive been hearing ff7r is going to be better than the original removing all the shit like turn based combat and making it episodic so we can play it sooner

I'd rather have the port than the "remakes" modern square comes up with

>swtich gets a literal phone game

Delete this post right now

that's actually embarrassing. just like all nintendo console owners, jesus

Eh I like it.
Kind of like a 3D theatrhythm.

Can't wait paying 180$ for three games and 600$ for a brand new PSV to play the full game in 2027

what did they mean by this

That image always destroys my sides.

>make mobile port
>looks better and has a stronger identity than the real thing
I don't know. The content is still garbage though.


what the fuck is that


And here we go.
>looking like a terrible 3DS chibi shit port = STRONGER IDENTITY
Can't wait for switchdownies to spam that when they will have that fucking abomination on their precious tablet.

my fucking sides

you can't seriously be this delusional

If they wanted a cutesy design, why didn't they just follow World of Final Fantasy's art direction?

Well, yeah. XV has the most generic art direction from Japan since... I don't even know. And it doesn't even look as good as Versus once did.

But like I said, it doesn't even matter, XV is filth.


nvidia doesnt have the optimization wizardry that nintendo devs have, you can say all their games arent good but you cant say all their games are unoptimized

If this happened Sup Forums would literally melt down from the golden faces and asshurt. I kinda wanna see it.

> XV has the most generic art direction from Japan since... I don't even know.
It doesn't, no matter how much you hate realistic styles. Not that your opinion matter when for you such badly made chibi shit is IDENTITY.

I wish square enix did a chrono trigger remake using the dragon ball Z fighters team, and kept the battle system, songs etc intact.


When the standard is talentless realism it is, whether you like it or not.


>Sony customers actually act like FFXV isn't the blunder of the century, and teh emperor supreme of kusoges.
You just don't make that fucking shit up, jesus christ. Brand loyalty, more like brand fanaticism.

right doesn't look like generic every open world game aesthetic. If it plays like bravely default then it would be the FF15 we should have received.

right looks better

Actually I don't remember seeing that mix of boyband-ish and fantasy style at all before that, maybe some characters from The Bouncer?
Anyway, nothing is more generic and ugly than chibi style.
>mfw switch fags gets Chibi Souls.

I came here to laugh at switch shills

Why so fast to deflect Bro? Something wrong?

How come sonygg- I mean shitposters can't read?

Lmfao xD

>Can it. Ready ....

Why is every place reporting that the pocket edition could come to the Nintendo Switch?
The interview that's the source everyone are referring to, almost flat out confirms that it won't be coming to the Switch. While resigning with a "it's certainly not zero" in regards to the chance of it happening.
But he elaborates with explaining how the pocket edition isn't even built for anything but phones and doesn't even support controller input. He makes it more than clear that they had never considered a Switch version of the pocket edition before he was asked the question, and that they have done no work towards making it a thing and likely aren't going to.

So why the world are all the places all of a sudden reporting that the pocket edition could come to the Switch? This is some ridiculously disingenuous reporting.
If anything the chances of it ending up on the Switch look slimmer now than prior to the interview.

The art direction is actually pretty great.

I like both so I wouldn't care which one the Switch got. Not really interested in the game, though. I heard they all die at the end. Don't know if that's true or not but I hate that mess. Spend the whole game getting attached to your characters and they all die.
Such an unsatisfying end for me.

Shitposting user, some people only have that in their lives while they await greatness.

>So why the world are all the places all of a sudden reporting that the pocket edition could come to the Switch?
Clicks and views.


>nvidia shield hardware

XIV and DQ10 profits are being well spent as usual I see

Do you think that XV-kun will finally kill himself after seeing such brutal rape of the game he worships, or his stockholm syndrome is so strong that he will eat this garbage up?

>Glorious Gladiolous ass

>Leg day

>episodic mobile port

i dont think hes stupid enough

he probably will have a laff at this version like a normal Sup Forumsermin

lol you are interpreting their words pretty hard in a biased direction toward what you think.

when this comes out for switch and never gets the actual FFXV i am gonna laugh so fucking hard along with everyone else on Sup Forums

The funny thing is the shitch can't even run that game.

Nintendo fans will like it if it supports the Shitch.

>lol you are interpreting their words pretty hard in a biased direction toward what you think.
Same as you.
>the possibility is not zero

Speaking of SE profits what's up with DQ11 exactly? What were they expecting from it?

They were expecting the 3DS to sell more since it has a fuckhuge install base in Japan. It sold slightly more than the PS4 version while having 5x the numbers.

not really, because if it doesn't happen then i can just make fun of mobilefags instead. it doesn't matter as much to me as it does to you, which just makes it funnier if it does happen.