Does anyone else love when generic enemy npcs start having conversations? I wish there was more of it in games. Even if it is like this
Does anyone else love when generic enemy npcs start having conversations? I wish there was more of it in games...
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Here's another one for you, user.
That's honestly one fun part of deus ex when you can eavesdrop on mooks
I love this shit. Jedi Outcast has a nice one where 2 Stormtroopers are talking about applying to different sectors and it being an easy final shift.
and then they died
>enemy npcs start talking
>they talk about their family and loved ones
Yeah I love that stuff too OP
No One Lives Forever had memorable ones.
>enemy starts playing piano
>no other choice but to kill him to progress
Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?
>halo 3 crows nest mission with the 2 marines talking to each other thru the door
splinter cell had the best ones
Can't have this thread without Bear Pits.
name four theatre plays that do this
The Half-Life soldiers can have some really nice conversations if you don't shoot them straight away.
Never doubt it
>generic enemy npcs have conversations
>generic enemy npcs can't shut up
>all npcs can't shut up
>the player character can't shut up
Spec Ops: The Line was a great example of this
It was only 1 marine talking. The people on the otherside of the door weren't Marines.
They were the characters from Red vs. Blue
Do you get to the cloud district often.
>benny is voiced by Russel too
>you see this 2 guards during the entire game
>they explain that they been kicked out after you stole every place
Best couple of "random NPC's ever.
>NPC talks about his loved ones
>Kill him with a fork
for all of its flaws, fallout 4 had some top tier npc conversations
Who was in the wrong here?
I literally only came here to post that NOLF had the best ones.
>an angel so pure that the heavens couldnt hold her
She was a whore, there are texts about her "adultery tendencies" all over the place, she didnt sucked karras dick because he had to blackmail Truart.
>when they tell each other they're glad it's over soon
>when you bout to drop those niggas dead anyways because they're in your way
This is why you should stealth, and do no kill runs.
I always do lethal half-stealth first and then stealth non-lethal if I'm interested enough to play a second time
Still good, sometimes you just cant avoid surprises or the game it self not ment to be played like that, and this goes as far as metal gear.