What does Sup Forums think of zero punctuation?

what does Sup Forums think of zero punctuation?

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I used to like his videos until I realised that I disagreed with the ones for all the games i've played, and therefore he must be wrong about the ones I haven't played too.

makes fairly entertaining videos but his opinions are not to be trusted

He's not a critic, he's just a hamfisted and very opinionated comic.
And though he used to be funny (see: 7-8 years ago) he's gotten lazy and very formulaic in his approach to constructing his jokes/videos.

I watch them still, mostly out of habit, but ever since he moved to the US and stopped producing Let's Drown Out videos he hasn't produced anything of worth.

Couldn't kill Great Jaggi
What can you think of such man?

He is angry faggot who talks fast and does not knows how to play games.

Has a point.

>before the Smash Bros Brawl review
>Zero Punctuation is the bestest thing ever! Only 3 days until his next video!

>after the Smash Bros Brawl review
>Zero Punctuation sucks!
and Sup Forums never spoke of him again

His opinions are shit and his voice unbearable... oh and he's still using the same assents.

I used to like watching him, but after the years have gone by he started to mellow out (Being less harsh, not as angry, that kind of thing) so I stopped watching him around the time that the original Titanfall came out and I have yet to turn back.

Personally don't hate or dislike his content or he, but at the end of the day it became more of the same every week.

He was good in at least 2012

But nowadays there's absolutely no reason to watch his videos

There's nothing substantive at all, at least in the past he tried to have a critique or "point" to it

Pretty much a professional shitposter.
Entertaining enough, and great for pissing off easily triggered fanboys, but don't take his opinions too seriously.

He's a good critic on platformers, horror and adventure games, pretty terrible at everything else because those are the only genres he likes.

He was better in his earlier days when he was more angry and bitter towards life, since getting a gf and moving to the US he has become soft and mellow and never really goes all out on a game anymore.

long since overstayed its welcome - will be cancelled by the end of this year-Q1 2018, along with Escapist Magazine


there's russian saying "every good joke has a fraction of truth"
there's no better way to hear about the game than having shat all over its smallest flaws, have lowest expectations possible and then be surprised it turned out better than you expected it to be.

Being annoying, long winded and wrong on most points isn't a good gimmick.

suprised he hasn't killed himself, good for him.
will he write another of his masterpieces soon?

Loved him for years, though I miss Let's Drown Out


Hypocrite and self-proclaimed "critic".

I saw him in the other m thread and it didn't seem like much of a review.
He had no point and just threw out complaint after complaint, even reusing some over and over without giving things an in depth look.

He's a fucking fedora mate

>more angry and bitter towards life
Ho boy.
Watch this one: youtube.com/watch?v=IAsaFD9MQ8I
It was right after his girlfriend (the reason he moved to Australia) dumped him.

my niece thinks that he is just great and loves his shit and says she agrees with him. she says that like a cultist woul say about a cult leader so i don't like him and she annoys me anyway with her progressive feminist mind.

hypocritical prat with shit jokes
only slightly above the filler family guy comes up where he overly exaggerates minor feelings or gripes he has towards a game

>3d platforming never worked!
>people only like Smash Bros because they are fans of the characters!
>strategy games are for cowards!
>multiplayer sucks!

He is tunnel visioned into liking single player shooters and action games for PC and Playstation. Everything else is completely alien to him.

yeah that review was pretty infamous and very amusing

>3d platforming never worked!
he's never said this he just thinks Sonic 3D games are shit (which they are)

I'll post the transcript of the beginning of his Crash review.
Keep in mind that when I heard him say all of this I sighed, because, in some old video I don't remember, he had said all of this before. So this is the second time (at least) he spouts this "argument":

>Once upon a time, video games were invented, thus rescuing the human race from not having video games. A short while later someone said "These video games are great and all, but they'd be even better if they were constantly reminding me of my rate of acceleration in standard Earth gravity." And thus was born the platform game. A genre that ruled the roost for many years until it was sacrificed on the altar of 3D graphics.

>Turns out being able to fall off the front as well as the sides of the platform was the one step too far that would make platforming suddenly not fun. Lord knows people tried it anyway. Mario 64 has officially aged about as well as a herring under a floorboard. But during this confused, transitionary period, a little company called Naughty Dog responsible up to then for a few nondescript titles like Keef the Thief, said "Hey, let's see if there's a way to make a 3D platformer that doesn't feel like directing a kitten around an air hockey table. And if possible let's see if we can do it while climbing aboard Sony's massive todger and banking their cheques for the rest of our fucking lives." And so they developed a 3D platforming system based around moving along a single axis, thus pioneering the concept of '3D except not really'.

I don't feel like finding the other videos where he rants about the concept itself, let this be enough.

Massive casual and bad opinions.
Couldn't even beat Great Jaggi and played MGS4 on the lowest difficulty.

I like Yahtzee, he's the only critic i'm willing to listen too but recently it feels all he does is reviewing indie garbage and going "eh, i guess it was okay?"

I keep forgetting for months on end that this exists and when I'm reminded I'm like oh right.

I like him

lol, I read that in his voice

i miss gabe

He's very handsome

Lets Drown out was better because Gabe was a really good sex partner for Ben.

his lolsorandom “swearing!” “sex!” jokes tend not to be funny if you’re older than 14

he hated bioshock 2, I actually liked it and I liked playing as a big daddy.

He's fine if you just think of it as entertainment. Props to him for always using his cartoon pictures instead of just filming himself talk. He does make some pretty good points sometimes, even though they are greatly exagerated because it's his thing. Just don't think of it as a serious review.

I've moved on to Keepetclassy; calms the Drown Out shakes, but holy fuck that Aaron guy is an unfunny cuntbag. He doesn't have anything intelligent to contribute to Gabe's anecdotes so he just spews random garbage.

They didn't finish their Nier playthrough either. Gabe's a closeted weeb and I wanted to see his reaction to the opening of the third act, and endings C, D and E.

His reviews are fine, but I got bored of the format at some point.

He's been on the same website, doing the same thing for what? Like ten years now?

Any comedy shtick is going to get old after a while.

Nothing wrong with that, it's a quality game. Just didn't follow in the marks 1 did so well and uniquely.

>professional shitposter

I like it, that's pretty much spot on.


>the best thing he ever created did not even involve video games


He has like a 6-7/10 taste in vidya, mostly right but occasionally spectacularly wrong (see Bioshock Infinite)

Zero Punctuation as a schtick got worn out ages ago, but his Drown Outs were fantastic.

Is it worth reading?
I liked Mogworld and Jam

I don't really see him hating the concept in this text

Post your favorites

>ITT: asstriggered dipshits that take yahtzee's reviews way way too seriously

Le cynical sarcastic Brit is a meme that needs to die, seems they make up about half of youtube gaming 'critics' and their content is just about all the same. Thankfully some of them, like TB, are dying off.

Genuily entertaining through opinion and thought but relies on his gimmick too much. I want to hear one or two videos in a normal tempo review

he used to be a funny guy, but anything that goes on for as long as he has is not gonna keep being good


>long since overstayed its welcome

This. It was fun back when it was a new thing but for anyone who has been watching for long the shtick is simply old and boring now. And I really miss Gabe.

>tfw I watched RandomDCE before Yahtzee

As a fan of both companies, you can easily see his Sony bias and anti-Nintendo bias (seriously, look at any Nintendo video he makes, even games he praises. He forces in a bunch of lines to insult Nintendo, usually along the lines of "they used to do waggle controls," or "kiddy games xD"). He nitpicks for most games then ignores glaring flaws for Reddit approved games. Almost never gives a unique opinion, and when he does a review of a critically acclaimed game, he either agrees or parrots the minor complaints that other reviewers had. His reviews aren't really good and never have been. It is obvious that they are supposed to be comedic, but the format just ends up being annoying. Pessimism is a dumb shtick.


He's the John Oliver of vidya.

Pretty entertaining but I wouldn't go to him for recommendations. He's basically Sup Forums

>As a fan of both companies, you can easily see his Sony bias and anti-Nintendo bias
i like how sony and nintendo have become the only two companies in the universe for consoletards. dude's literally a pc gamer.

He only became one around two years ago.

that's p.funny

>people only like Smash Bros because they are fans of the characters!
9 years later and smashfags are still asblasted.

He likes Bioshock Infinite
Therefore he's a big faggot

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

too much pseudo intelectual shit
too little actually reviewing the game

Pseudo-intellectual that tries to have intelligent opinions about vidya but is actually casual whom other casuals eat up.

Haha us hardcore gamers right? ;)

I still don't understand how someone can unironically copy paste the same "recycling content" rant in every single video.

>long since overstayed its welcome - will be cancelled by the end of this year-Q1 2018, along with Escapist Magazine

He moved to LA just this year, so he must be bigger than ever.

>e-celeb garbage
Wasting a thread instead of using it for waifufagging and console warring. Shame on you.

Ironically, that's exactly what ZP acts like with his constant Dark Souls pandering.

what is his reason for staying with the escapist? are they paying him that much because he is the sole reason they are still running?

Shits on every game for every reason. By the end of most reviews I have no idea if he actually liked it or not.
So just like Sup Forums.