Look at this nep

Look at this nep

Other urls found in this thread:



>whail tail
>still isnt hot
how is that poissible

Every time I do it makes me laugh

1 more month until nep

How did Noire's eyes get so red?

Forgot pic

What the hell is on Plutie's head?

Why look at her? It's not like I could ever really have her or anything...

Crying yourself to sleep everynight because no friends does that.

I am literally going to marry Uni!


the best

She's not just flat,She has has beautiful buds AND a flat chest, thank you very much!

I would like to see her beautiful buds

Hers too


Truly the best


truly cutest

Cute feet


>there will never be a sequel to the only good Nep game
>the series is doomed to exist as a pile of j"""RPG""" dogshit

that was a mediocre SRPG

A mediocre SRPG is better than any JRPG trash by definition.

Look at this photoNep
Everytime I do it makes me Bep

>Blanc's VR scenes
>She really shy in them
My heart!

We now a blanc thread



why is she in texas





Stella is killed?

Do Nepsy and Gearsy ever play footsies with each other?

Weebs will forever be the saddest people on the internet

Fortunately for them, you're here so they don't hold that title just yet.

kooL ta siht pen

Please post Vert.
I am the only one that likes her apparently.

Uni is my UNIverse

nep this at look

Sick burn


and u?

Who's this boy?

Take that back

Please don't buy this game, it's super short and the same rehashed poor man's Senran engine that was used in U and Zombies, except with even less enemies on screen and a MMORPG flare.

It's shit.

At least wait a few months for Steam version and pirate that instead.

Oh it's you again, cute boy.

How about you fuck off user? Just the fact that you said this was made with the Senran engine proves you are retard. Now, be gone with you.

Please stop making fun of Vert's wife

>the same rehashed poor man's Senran engine

except this uses the Unreal Engine

Obvious troll is obvious. Don't feed it.

The japs have discovered whale tail and I love them for it




A Certain Magical Oneesan!

There was a Nep game where you could run around and shoot a giant Noire while she was taking a bath. Does anyone know which Nep game? I need it.

Not nep game, it's Gun Gun Pixies, Nep and Noire just make a cameo there the same way they did back in Trillion


No nep can top this.

I want to marry the twins.

She's my favorite too.

WHY THE FUCK HAS NOBODY TALKED ABOUT THIIIIIISS!? An entire game about shooting giant waifus! Thank you based, user.





Here have my oldest vert in my folder

She's a pure, young maiden!

I envy you guys right now, The CD was nice but it doesn't look like i'll be able to virtually cuddle with Uni.

blanc is the worst nep


Praise Lady Black Heart!

nepgear is a good girl

That makes two of us.


I require nep feets

You will never have a sister as nice as Nepgear

>You will never have a sister

I want to marry her and start a family together.

I want to be turned into a loli and become her little sister.

are neps gay?

It will never be confirmed one way or another.
I like to think they are because I'm a filthy yurifag.

Sorry, superior nep coming through

no time for smalltalk


But they're all ageless and immortal so its cool.

Vert is

Announcing report is bannable


mah nigga

That i just made?



>nepgear is a good girl

iirc compile heart said they weren't porting this to steam. someone needs to go full nepgear on their asses


I question the logic underpinning this game.


i question their decision to not fucking localize it

Why is Blanc so sexy?