
Who failed to get gogeta and Omega shenron?

not me

Does this game have any fun/meaningful content or is it just a pure waifu/husbando collector like fire emblem and fate go?

Fun and meaningful content is subjective user.

Maybe, but fgo and feh have neither. I let my niece play if I need to grind for something, even for her its too easy though.

800 stones and not a single one

If you like dragonball already, it's pretty good, as there is some depth.
If not, this game sucks as literally everything is rng.

No Gogeta.... and 3 Omegas

Same. I did get the other featured units on SS4 Gogeta though.

I got 3 omegas 2 str and 1 phy but no gogeta. I made the mistake of starting playing 4 days before the end of the event. I feel that got lucky and managed to get some good characters but im still pissed i didnt start playing at the start of the event. Does anybody know what the cooler banner contains and when it will go live?

I don't play the game anymore I just like to waste free stones on cards since I like the art work, I got omega and ssj4 gogeta.
Not one fuck given

Got one PHY and one STR Omega Shenron. I've been trying to get Majin Vegeta to round out my AGL team but to no avail.


Id stay and shitpost but the wt is on user gotta get those 20 wins
Also post teams
>pic not related

Will the lr goku event come back? I can't even do the first part of it with my team so i don't think i can benefit from it right now

finally realising how much grinding is involved with this game, only got one max SA dokkan'd character and even then I still need dupes for his hidden potential

Me. Not a single one. I dunno about this game, i started playing like a month ago, but seeing how grindy it is to max level a card puts me off. 4 copies for the hidden potential paths plus the orbs, 9 more or elder kais for the super attack, eeeh. Might just collect them for the art or something. Kinda wanna get those bulmas from the world tournament going on

I got both but who cares? I got no dupes, and i wasted 600 DS to try and get BV and SSJ4 Goku and only got shit.
How's WT btw?

You shouldn't get your hopes up in getting a high rank. Even if you can do 20 ambition you need constant stamina to keep your position

Who top 30k here?


Every weekend. It just won't be half stamina.

I got a job and no LR broly

I don't have LR Broly either, and luckily for me i'm still on holidays

Try a better game that actually lets you collect and play with others without having to grind 77 medals or worry about your stamina stopping your fun.

I somehow managed to get Gogeta and got Omega while looking for SS4 Goku dupes. Now if only they had their fucking leader skills.

Naruto's fucking shit though. Believe it.

I was going with a mono STR with LR Broly friends, but now I'm going with a MZamasu villain team with Rosé friends (without a rose of my own but with phy black) and I'm doing fine.

Can anybody with LR broly post their friend id?

When do we get those 50 stones from the LR Goku thing?

I just want to thank all the fucking newfags in these threads, without your shit teams flooding my local world tournament ranking getting first place would have been way harder i never had such an easy time during wirld tournament everyone else just gave up so now im the best

Are you aiming for top 100 ? I'll stay on top 1000 myself, the 2 extra Buus aren't worth the extra grind

Nah top 100 isn't worth it since i already got a bunch of kais and i'll get more thanks to LR goku, but i really have to stay number 1 local to get those 2 piccolos, that way i can just chill during the next WT and i'll get the last medals to awaken him and give him a rainbow star

How the fuck do i beat the ss4 gogeta event ?
Current Team:

Yeah, I'm only lacking one Piccolo dupe to be able to 100% him, I guess I'll have an extra one since my local group is pretty bad

I didn't get Omega, Rosé, Zamasu, AND Buuhan. But I'm hopeful I'll get Cooler soon

Farming those fucking 777 Goku medals is a PAIN.

nah try farming 1554 for SA 20

I have Kai's saved up for that.

And now do it 6 months ago

Ehh rather get 10 extra kais

Baseball Champa and Beerus wen.
Baseball Yamcha in the crater will probably be 2018's April 1st gag...

Do you guys think the wt kid goku could get a dokkan and become a category leader?

Why go this far when Buu is a shit unit?


Hey i'm curious as to how much cost really does drive up the amount of points you get? Would running LRs over a support unit net me a lot more points?

Campaign end on 4th September. No idea when will the rewards be distributed.

I don't even know honestly, I have nothing better to do right now

Could I beat the trunks dokkan event with any of these?

This is the only gacha game that doesn't have bikini girl cards, or even good waifu cards. The valentines day cards is the closest to waifu cards, and they don't even look that good.
Husbandos maybe if your into that, but that's about it.

Gameplay is pretty fun though. Especially if you have a good team.
>have to plan out your rotations
>sometimes have to screw up rotations to tank attacks or get good enough links for a super attack
>have to conserve items so try to take as many risks as possible
>building teams can be fun
>with more category leads building teams will get even more fun

>with more category leads building teams will get even more fun
doubt it 70% of the cards with fierce battle link
are movie buu and Black saga or movie villains

The rage trunks event? Doubt it since I had some trouble even with a decent AGL team

>Sup Forums can't stop advertising Ultimate ninja storm, but this is ignored or shat on

Who knows, maybe.

DB Saga summon is shit anyway, terrible rates and mediocre units. Hope they revamp it in a few tourneys with more SSR and better rates.

>Slowly building up medal cache for my LG #17 & #18 eventually
>Currently strong enough to tackle Blazing Potara reliably enough to farm x7 Medals

My biggest hurdles at the moment are the SSJ3 Gotenks and the Legendary Broly event medals at their zenith. I can't take advantage of the special conditions to weaken their abilities (No Super Buu and a crappy Piccolo for Gotenks, and no Cell-saga Super Saiyans for Broly), so what should be my general plan of attack for taking them down effectively? Card types, skill links, any guidance to help plan a deck would be great. Can post my current box that might help.

My team is pretty underpowered to do any of the main events.

>Get completely burnt out from grinding 777 medals for LR goku
>decide to play this
>rerolling is easy with free anniversary pearls and discount banner
>effortless awakening of characters,no clustefuck of every character needing a unique specific awaken materials
>actually enjoying dicking around in online lobbies

where have you been all my life

Here are my options. ATM my goal is to blaze through story and get EXP to get my Team cost at least 20 points higher than it is, which shouldn't take more than half the day.

For the Gotenks event bring a teq team with SA10 Super Buu from the Kid Buu event and your Piccolo.
For Broly just go double SSJ4

Fucking Broly is tanky as hell though. I've been told that anything with guard break is a must; should I focus my team around that? Maybe an Extreme AGL with Rose as the leader?

Anyone else just giving up on getting the kais? The point threshold to get them is crazy and just doesn't feel worth it in this specific tournament with especially shit prizes.

SSJ4 Goku is so powerful he breaks his barrier, you can also bring cards that lowers defense tu help

I've been through more hellish conditions playing Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena, so my tolerance for grind is waaay up there. Generally speaking though if you can still get Kais from the banners or by exchanging treasure from Baba then I say just use those routes.

I've grinded out top 10k before, but i'm just not feeling it this tournament. There's so little incentive to get up there.

So for LR Majin Vegeta, does he have to get 18 ki to attack everyone or he does it with a regular 12 ki super too?

18-24 only


Some characters have good links other then Fierce Battle. For example a Dragonball team would work. Since everyone has "Guidance of the Dragonballs" which gives a 20% atk boost.

Turtle School and Kamehameha as well for Roshi, Krillin, Yamcha, and Kid Goku. Those 2 aren't big boosts of attk, but it's something.
The only problem would be that it needs better DB cards. Which can be easily done.

Man, LR Broly is so much more efficient but the moment that I somehow can't get a super off him, my streak is over. Super AGL is so much more safe and tanky. Might just switch back to that until I get the 20 in a row and then go back to LR Broly.

Bring ki items

>ssr rolls from WT have been super saiyan goku gt and the shitty kaioken goku

I sent you a request

Nig I know, it's working so far, but that time will come. A few times when he showed up on the first turn I had to close the app a few times to get enough orbs to fall in place for him and were very close calls.

Against an AGL team is even worse and they aren't rare.

Should have saved em for Masked Saiyan Bardock

use fruit of tree of might andorb changers have 100s of those


I don't have the best team for him. I have to use Pikkon lead as he gives the best ki, I have a good Extreme team but I got pretty much all the units recently and haven't had time to dokkan most of them so they don't link.

My point is, Super AGL was working perfectly with no by the hair victories, it just took longer. The time that I don't get a super off with Broly I will lose for sure. Not gonna risk the 20 win streak when I have a sure thing in Super AGL even if it's a little more work.

It's supposed to have a nutty PHY Cooler god card that can be used as a great leader and it's going start a couple hours after the WT ends.

Though if I was you, I'd skip the cooler event and save the stones for the upcoming PHY SS3 angel Goku banner that's coming after since he's better.

Grind out the Strike characters that you need for LR goku and get their SA to 15 since none of the strikes have that 100 team cost limit and it's 100% drop rate.


id 825480912
code 34h74pwcjg5e

Think theres one of each and a LR broly in there (couldn't have been arsed farming medals for his Dokkan awakening)

>Gameplay is pretty fun though. Especially if you have a good team.
No fucking shit sherlock

What is the appeal of this game? I love DBZ and have played pretty much all games for all systems ever. I really don't understand what this game is about or what the appeal is. I've seen some gameplay vids (if you can even call it gameplay) and its basically like rolling dice but has a goku sticker on it. Can anyone try and sell this game to me?

Neither on JP which is my main server, but got Omega on global.
Friend/guest list on JP is literally nothing but SSJ4 Gogeta and it's annoying as shit finding partners.

>and its basically like rolling dice but has a goku sticker on it.

Its nothing of the sort. And the game is fucking free to play, you don't need someone to "sell" it to you. Its more similar to like an RPG of sorts, than anything.

Just download it and play it for a little while. If you're not interested, then just delete it.

Thanks for the account

Do tickets from the WT carry over to the next one if you don't use them?

On that note, where the hell are these LG Broly popping up from? Are all the veteran players coming out of the woodwork who've had these since forever or was there an opportunity recently to snag that bad boy that I wasn't aware of?

Don't be a retard you know what I meant by "sell it to me". I literally just told you how i perceived the game, and wanted someone to convince me to play it by telling me whats so good about it. there if i really have to chew it up for you like a little kid

Yes, keep them for the next TB, when Masked Saiyan will be in the banner

Np bro.Watch out for the Broly i awakened him before i upgraded his super attack.

They carry over, I have over 100 gold DB tickets as I have all the SSRs from it so stopped rolling ages ago.

LR Brolly's banner came back several weeks ago, and LRs are usually lurking in the Rising Dragon banners as well.

Is it dangerous to use an emulator and play on pc?

Ive only opened about 10 boxes and I got
Ssj2 gogeta
Ssj4 gogeta
Ssj4 goku
Ssgss goku (the worst one)
Ssgss vegeta (the best one)
Ssj3 goku gt

All I wanted was fusion characters since they are my favorite. I hope I get a base gotenks and base vegito next

I got 8 omega shenrons, and 0 gogetas out of just under 1800 stones. Pretty disappointed, honestly. I'm gonna take a break from the game.

is he any good? i summoned him from the wt reward. i have lots of kais should i feed him some? does he deserve a permanent place in my villian team if i dokken him?

Good support

He's the best support that villians has and no don't put kais into him he's not meant to hit hard.

I have fusion Zamasu and wanted to know what hidden potential power I would need for him the most. Probably crits.

No DB era card is worth Kais.

great. im f2p so this is excellent then.

Here's mine