Are you gonna buy my game, Sup Forums?
Metroid: Samus Returns
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>Locking Hard mode behind a fucking McDonald's toy.
If you're hyped for this shit, kill yourself. You got no hope.
Hard mode is unlockable by playing the game normally. Fusion mode is what's locked by an amiibo.
Depends. As long as shitty Zero Suit doesn't show up and the "new" melee move isn't the main focus of the entire fucking game, yeah. Otherwise Nintendo can fuck itself.
No, I'll wait until someone posts a cia of the amiibo stuff unlocked.
I'll do the same if the same happens to Prime 4.
I already played it, it was good.
No, they locked it onto an amiibo. You don't have to go to McDonalds at all, user.
Nah, I might play through am2r again though
That's more accurate to this fandom.
>Not buying a power tag to fuck over Nintendo when they pull this shit.
How come nobody ever talks about them?
>t-shirt over a skintight bodysuit
Well, fuck, I've got a new fetish I guess.
The only hangup I have is
but if Nintendo reigns them in, then it might be okay.
The fact that the game looks like it's running on Mirror of Fate's shitty engine does not give me hope though.
So is Fusion mode just Samus in the Fusion blue/yellow suit?
>tumblr filename
It seems to be a "Harder" mode with some changes from hard mode. They haven't clarified the difference though
Yes. AM2R is really good, so having two ways to play a remade Metroid 2 is awesome.
I doubt you're good enough to beat the game on easy user so don't know why you're having autism fit over it.
Well yeah, Konami let them have free reigns with Castlevania but for Samus Returns a few Super Metroid devs are working with MercurySteam.
I think this game will be their redemption.
Along with the amiibo :^)
>another image with a curvy character
>new fetish
Yes, I'm buying Prime 4. Never gave a shit about 2D Metroids, that genre has been long improved by other games and Samus Returns is going to be FE Gaiden-tier levels of archaic.
Overrated garbage. Pass.
Yet another title given to the 3ds while the switch flounders almost half a year after launch with Mario Kart and Zelda?
Hard mode is in the game on it's own. Super Hard mode is McDonald's locked. Quit spreading misinfo. You're fake news.
no looks like shit, im wandering how prime is gona work
You can say that about all Nintendo first party series though. At least try to be imaginative.
>im wandering
Ether shitposterkun pulled an all nighter or this faggot failed grade school english
the latter
They just said that enemies take and deal more damage than they do in hard mode.
Looks shit and the melee attacks look like they break the game. I'll pass, might grab prime 4 if its any good.
I came here for samus fanart. I am dissapoint
Does it come with a mousepad and fleshlight of you?
This is the best Samus art out there, and I need more of it.
You'll have to show me how much you reeeeeeally want me to buy it
Don't tell me what to do, faggot.
already fucking pre ordered the european LE from fucking gamestop.
All they said was that it has the "fusion suit" which if you've seen what it looks like is a really shit skin.
>you don't look metristic
Gain height
Some new footage from the game website:
It will clear a million sales.
Japan never likes neither Metroid or Legend of Zelda and Metroid is not that popular anyway. 300~400k tops.
I already know the game is going to sell well anyway, I'll watch it on youtube and wait until Metroid Dread in 2019.
is it wrong that I want to buy that?
YES! She went back to removing the helmet normally.
I need it
Where can I buy it?
t. Memelord who parrots everything Sup Forums says.
>13 years since the last 2D Metroid game so Metroid fan starvation
>the ridiculous amount of advertisements for it
>the promise of Metroid Dread next
>more 2D Metroid games to come if fans buy the game
>people love amiibos
>a remake people have been wanting for years
It's going to sell over a million or better.
The thing is, the Armor disappearing out of thin air date from the first metroid game.
True but that was only for when players complete the game at a fast time to show what Samus looked like with out the suit on. There was no way to believe if that was canon or not until Zero Mission. Hell. in Super Metroid and Fusion Samus suit exploded off her body, in Zero Mission is just phased out of existence. In Samus Returns it explodes off her body again.
Name some strong female protags from Japanese games that they did right and never screwed up.
That's what it fucking is. The dude in the middle looks like the white best friend from Everybody Hates Chris. Finally it clicks.
No because the level design looks like a fucking nu-Castlevania game, when the whole point of Metroid is level design.
Source plz
Why is Metroid such a niche series?
Japan is not into space games with aliens. Nintendo tried catering to them and it didn't work, they're now catering to the series true fans.
Does splashbrush publish his art in fucking jpeg format or is that just anons being stupid as fuck?
Just played it at the nintendo world championships prelims. Pulling off a perfect counter is a whole lot harder than you'd think. Movement is intuitive, but doing precision aim on the fly takes a lot of skill.
>so hyped about the return of my favorite franchise ever, Metroid
>all of the new pre-release materials looks great imo
>instead of just enjoying the ride, I'm totally stressed out
>stressed out about trying to find the Legacy Edition
>stressed out about trying to find the amiibos
>stressed about thinking whether I should just get an NFC reader or upgrade my 3DS to a NEW 3DS (Samus design)
>wondering whether I should just get the standard release and enjoy the game
At least I have this hot babe on pre-order.
Were there a lot of people in line to play it?
>instead of just enjoying the ride, I'm totally stressed out
>stressed out about trying to find the Legacy Edition
>stressed out about trying to find the amiibos
>stressed about thinking whether I should just get an NFC reader or upgrade my 3DS to a NEW 3DS (Samus design)
>wondering whether I should just get the standard release and enjoy the game
That's how jewtendo gets its hooks in you, now you feel like you have to buy it all instead of just getting the game.
I went there at opening and skipped doing the Mario Kart preliminaries to get a crack at it early. Everyone who did it went to wait in line to play Odoessy and Metroid. They gave you 10 minutes for each game.
Also they refused to say if the game was an E3 build or the complete game. Although they did say they would have to stop you if you reached a certain point.
>he doesn't know that super metroid's level designer is working on Samus Returns
>That's how jewtendo gets its hooks in you, now you feel like you have to buy it all instead of just getting the game.
>now you feel like you have to buy it al
Exactly how I feel and I hate that feel. I'm a big Metroid fan and would have loved to have merch avaiable for purchase all these years. But now that finally some Metroid material is out there, I feel like I don't WANT to buy it, but instead HAVE to buy it. And it feels bad.
At least the game looks awesome!
Do people unironicly like Splashbrush meme art ?
haha, benis
No, slim muscular girls with booty are a miracle
Go to gelbooru.
I liked 2d metroid and prime 1, but lost interest without another game.
user, it's for the best to let it go if you're just getting something to look at, not use and enjoy.
After all, if it's not fun, why bother?
>buying a dead handheld just to play a shitty reboot by notoriously bad devs
how do people get like this
Two days before the Legacy Edition hits retail I'll call my local retailers and see if they got one. I'll do that till release. If I couldn't secure one, I'll just get standard and be done with it. Maybe get the Amiibos too if I see them cheap. I'll just lend an NFC reader from someone.
It's actually the ZM/Fusion/M:OM guy
>dead handheld
Switchfags still mad.
>Are you gonna buy my game, Sup Forums?
Of course I always buy Samus' games, although I do kind of wish it were on switch
What is your...
Favorite Game?
Favorite Weapon?
Favorite Suit?
Favorite Misc Upgrade?
Favorite Music?
Favorite Boss?
Favorite Area?
Switch isn't a relevant handheld until like 2019.
>There was no way to believe if that was canon or not until Zero Mission.
It happened again in Super metroid:
Hopefully Metroid Dread will be on the Switch.
I don't care about the handheld part, switch is more comfortable to play on and then it could be played on a bigger screen, I'm just not a massive fan of the 3ds
If SR is successful enough that they make a Switch 2D Metroid do you think it and Prime 4 will look very different artstyle-wise?
Looks great. And you don't talk!
user want milkies. MILKIES!
Kill yourself Boco you repulsive piece of shit
Shut the fuck up, Boco