Wolfenstein II

Anyone else get Inglourious Basterds vibes from this scene?

Other urls found in this thread:


Great nazis


havent watched it, sell me on the movie

>developers have constantly named-dropped the influence of Inglourious Basterds in the tone and writing of New Order et al.
>does anybody get Basterds vibes from this scene?

Are you retarded?

Anyone else bought a copy of Falloutâ„¢ 4?

its not that good, all the protagonists act like fucking psychopaths

the german general is a cool guy tough

the entire trailer was so incredibly cribbing from Tarantino

>Nazis are the bad guy
Edgy as fuck.


>Nazis are the good guys
Edgy as fuck.


Thread over folks, have a good night.


>can't have any good threads because Sup Forumstards whine about the poor innocent nazis

Good villain but every other character ranges from absolute shit to alright. The movie assumes that its viewers have the typical burger mentality that all Germans are subhuman blood sucking trash and deserve nothing more than a violent and painful end. So if you watch and don't think this then most Americans, Brits, and the German double agent lady will come across as pretty sociopathic. Overall I'd say worth a watch though I've seen 4 times.

We can't offend the national socialist justice warriors because it will hurt their feelings. Guess we should just pack up and go home

t. GAF


I can't believe Bethesda made a game about Nazis after what happened in Virginia. It's so insensitive.

I'll never buy another copy of Skyrim again.

stop biting the Sup Forumsfag bait

Inglorious Bastards was a shitty movie, fanfiction tier.
And Tarantino is shitty director, a good goy and a hack.

Subtly user. Sup Forums are mental babies and couldn't handle such a massive redpill being shoved down their throat suddenly.

I would be more upset if New Order was any good
Even the 2009 game was better

Bhahaha, here I am: The SUPERLEFTY!
Are you ready for my warcry?

me too, op. Beating those american nazis (cough republicans cough) is going to be fun.

Sup Forums



>can't have any good threads because /gaf/tards fall for easy bait and derail the thread by posting the_donald screenshots

Can you imagine being born german?
You don't even get cool russian villains, you're just the retarded western ally that everyone loves to bully

please go and never come back

Honestly I'm just taking the bait cos I'm bored on a sunday and got nothing to do except wait between rounds of vidya

his early stuff while overrated ain't bad

I know I'm going to be lumped in with oil for this but
Inglorious basterds was the worst movie of its year, and in general I'm tired of this trope of them being basic villains with their leaders being cunning masterminds and the soldiers being stupid cannon fodder
I guarantee there will also be a scene (extra emphasis on scene because this game will just be another movie with shooting mechanics) where blowjob baschvichs is confronted with the moral "dilemma" of having to kill a child nazi

commence the Sup Forums vs reddit shitstorm

(You) should put more work into your bait

>Sup Forums vs reddit
>implying they're not the same entity

Fuck off No one wants this bullshit here.
Piss off.

>literally entire thread is people whining about Sup Forums

anyone remember gamergate and the endless posts about not giving attention?

oh, you don't, because you are the newest of newfags.

>Sup Forums complains about getting called out


haha cuz le_donald xD

fucken schooled

le Sup Forums boogey man xD

>lemme reply to bait
And look what that does every fucking thread user, drags it out and let the guys stay here to shit up the thread.
Just talk about video games.

t. neogaf

>this entire post
Fuck off retard.


>politics outside of political boards are still allowed
Nagasaki was a mistake.

>using entire post for two sentences
fucking redditor

Is this Nazi sympathy implanted from Sup Forums actually nuanced (i.e. most Nazis were German farm boys drafted into a battle they had no direct stake in, average German was unaware of the Holocaust) or is it just another vehicle for anti-Semitism?

>this entire post

Thanks, I might as well give it a watch since I''m bored.

lemme guess, the twin towers fell due to passenger airplanes, too?

>being this much of a mental midget

>that entire image



nigga pls, may as well kill Sup Forums since it doesn't contain the offtopic retards at all

Fuck white people
looking forward to kill some whiteys

Got some light reading for you. Conspiracy theories are fodder for the unremarkable as an escape from a mudane reality ljke yours, user.


Also, Holocaust happened but the number was inflated.

Nice cherrypicked non argument.

Check mine.

>casually drinking a milkshake
>this is grounds for murder in the year 2017


No thanks.

Good to know you're an utter retard user

Be honest v why do you actually hate nazis, it can't be because of the 500 something Jews that died, all kinds of people die in a war

>this entire thread

Good to know you are a good goy.

>this actual post

I see your nose peeking

Look mom, I posted it again!

Because the average Sup Forums brainlet believes everything the mainstream media and hollywood tell them and don't actually critically think about history.

They like to have it simply broken down to "Nazis bad, us good", because nuance doesn't sit well with them.


Alt right guys, dont you realise you're starting something really dangerous??? How can one think like this, it's beyon me.
Just when we were reaching true racial equality

Why can't the left meme? Everything is stolen from the right-wing.

Because they tried to systematically commit genocide against everyone that was non-white, you idiot.
Fuck off

This game is a digusting display of institutionalised naziphobia.

>actually caring about non-whites
are you white, user?+

The most destructive and bloody ideology tbroughout history goes to communism.
100 million dead. It's ok because no ethnic group was explictly targeted for killing.

>directly contributed to the spread of communism accross eatern europe
>destroyed communism once and for all

huh, really makes you think

Then why were they allied with non whites you chicken nugget?
Germany was as or less racist that America at that time

I'm of German descent.

Wow I made one bait post, came back two hours later and people are still whining about it and letting the thread be derailed. One fucking post. I don't even go to Sup Forums. This board is so fucking autistic.

>genocide olympics

both nazism and communism are disastrous ideologies

Man I can't wait to kill drumpf sup- I mean nazis.

>Germany was as or less racist that America at that time

sure buddy, america had extermination camps for blacks

>Just when we were reaching true racial equality

The left killed racial equality. Things like affirmative action and BLM have the opposite affect making people hate blacks more. The best way to end racism is to make things a level playing field and end the anti-white BS. Liberals blab on about Hilter this and Hitler that but they never look into what created him: the ultra left weimar republic.

>implying im a natzee

I'd rather live under fascism than the absolute cancer than is Marxism any fucking day though.

They lost, duh. You actually like losers?
Can we talk about vidya games now?
>I was only pretending
Oh but you're right man, people cannot avoid shit bait here and cry when they fell into it and ended up derailing the thread itself.

yeah and id rather die of AIDS than cancer, doesnt mean either option is good

Nice false equivalency retard. Nazi Germany had a living standard far superior to any point of the USSRs existence.

Go back to leftypol or neofag.

>Because they tried to systematically commit genocide against everyone that was non-white, you idiot.

You learn that from Hollywood goy?

You're right though. The Nazi's wanted to genocide every single non-white. That's why they had regiments of Indians, Blacks and Arabs.

And as we all know, the evil Nazi's wanted world domination like a cartoon villain. They were gonna make everyone a blonde-haired, blue eyed German by force.

You want me to provide evidence for this? Shut up, I don't debate with Fascists.

I mean, I have LITERALLY been to the camps, therefore it happened. Ignore the fact that the evil Nazis wanted to kill all the Jews by providing them with medical care, cinemas, bands, football pitches, canteens and daycares in the camp.

Ignore the fact that most people in the labour camps died of starvation and disease due to the allies cutting off supply lines to the camps.

I am a critical and skeptical thinker, that is why I believe what I am told 100% no doubt.

>Nazis are completely neutral to you but you have to fight them sometimes due to the story developments and killing a nazi isn't necesarilly a moral choice

Jews were the bourgeoisie in Germany, you know those you hate?
Also aren't Jews white anyway so not racist lol

And where is your citation that Germany had them?

I wouldn't mind being a blue eyed, blonde german.


It's the mix of wholesome stuff like the milkshake with the tension of being found out, specially with the notice in the back. It's like the german guy scene in the movie where he drinks milk while pretending to do small talk with the old lady.

>environmentalism and tolerance are COMMUNIST

its so fucking obvious youve actually never lived through actual communism, fucking kill yourself

my problem is that I'm Belgian and my grandmother was in a forced-labor camp. The gestapo patrolled the streets and arrested/tortured belgian citizens, and then, during the occupation, conscripted belgians (who weren't Walloonia volunteers) and sent them to the eastern front, where most either died or were repatriated back in the 1950s.

This is after occupation and doing shit like launching v-1s into Belgium.

I am not sure why I would want to join an ideology that would subjugate me, even if I am not at the bottom tier of untermensch.

didn't read the image
>what is post modernism and neomarxism

Who shills for either of those things the hardest you dumb leftypol neofag retard? It isn't the right.