Is this the best game ever made?

Is this the best game ever made?

It's #1 on steam

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by that logic Dota 2 and CS:GO are, respectively, the 2nd and the 3rd best games ever made

is the gayme popular bc of this guy?

Ive played this

Its fun, but buggy, RNG out the ass and unbalances as fuck

>steam represents the entire gamer population on earth

Than LOL is best game in the universe with 6 gorillion players active forever through out the cosmos. Only Dyson sphere can save us now.

in what way? Every weapon can kill stuff and circle drops are luck of the draw for everyone. RNG elements aren't the same as imbalance when everyone is dealing with them.

nobody knows who these literal who streamers are outside of the big PUBG nerds and the twitch community.
if anything, pandering to these faggots will be the game's downfall. i was gonna buy Battlegrounds but if doing anything that can be construed as harassing some streamer gets me banned then fuck PUBG.

14,088,913 gamers online
4,266,127 in-game

>Call of Duty is the best game ever made
Kill yourself.

nope, it's popular because of lirik

Why does this type of shit happen on Sup Forums every time there's some drama about a ban.

One dude gets banned in one specific instance and then there are dipshits like you who think every time a streamer gets shot, the shooter gets banned. Have an original thought, retard.

Popular doesn't mean best. Maybe for sales, but not as a game. Teen pop albums sell in the millions but you wouldnt go and call them the greatest records of all time.

Pokemon Go for 2017. Will be dead by this time next year.

Are you fucking serious


Melee weapons are useless, except the pan which provides a bulletproof hitbox on your hip

Pistols are absolutely useless as they are outclassed by primaries (which you WILL have 5 minutes into the game or die) and you cant even use them while downed, so thats two completely useless weapon classes already

The UMP is vastly more potent than any other gun in the game, unless its out in the open field, in which case any AR or SR with an 8x is king and the only counterplay is running away

Circle closing is rng so those who just HAPPEN to be where it is going to end up closing in on completely can just amass weapons and and camp without running from the circle of death every 2 minutes

There are three shotguns and only one of them is even slightly viable

The guy who literally LANDS on a gun? He kills everyone in the immediate area, except the ones who flee naked immediately

Literally all the grenades except frags are useless and even then they are only moderately helpful in buildings since there is so much goddamn open space everywhere

Another thing, they should reduce the amount of bandages you find at a time and just increase how much they heal, i hate spamming 10 of them at 3 seconds (for about 10 health a bandage or whatever that pittance of healing is), it takes forever and is just tedious

No counterplay to straight up camping in this game, none whatsoever, not even frags help since they arent all that lethal and you wont be carrying more than like 2 or 3 at any given time, if any whatsoever, its just as likely you wont have any at all

This game doesnt have any tools that allow you to locate or "flush out" opponents who arent moving or shooting

Honestly i could go on and on

>I'm shit at the game so it's unbalanced
those are some hot opinions

Nice rebuttal, you cant even disprove me, so you're just going to shitpost, love it

>well ur just bad

Oh my, user, why didnt you just say so, that makes the game a whole lot less unbalanced because reasons! I get it now, it's just that simple!

Half of your points are "they got a gun before me and shot me and I didn't know what to do about it."

What the fuck is anyone supposed to say about that? You shoot guys and don't get shot. If you don't have a gun and they do, run away and get a gun.

The pump shotgun is bad but the other two are fine.

Bandages are not a balance issue.

Grenades are for flushing. If you know someone is sniping you from behind a tree, throw a grenade at it and push them out from behind it.

If you don't know how to play, that's your problem, not the game's.

is minecraft the best game ever made? it's the best selling pc game of all time

>14,088,913 gamers online

Too bad I can't play anymore because I got banned the other day for testing the car honk honk. I learned later some famous streams was nerby so I received thousands of reports for cheating.
So yeah, fuck this shit.

Sam occurred to me yesterday. I killed some guy I've never heard about and to my displeasure he is some kind of e-celeb in the gaming community.
3 day ban, still waiting to hop back in.

Nice meme (You)

I was in another thread yesterday and some poster had inside info that most of top streamers have a secret list with the names of all the people that stream sniped them. they keep it updated daily. So if you are in that list, I suggest you change your name or just buy another account.
This BS is getting out of hand.

Fuck no.

That's because twitch is the main source of advertisement for their shitty game.
The creator already stated clearly on his twitter last month that streamers "are an important and central piece of the community".
So if you are just some guy trying to have fun, just leave the game when you see one of twitch faggots in it. Trust me, it's not worth the trouble.

>It's #1 on steam

I got banned by stream sniping, because why the fuck watching a guy playing is against the rules, but having thousands of suckers helping you in your chat is not?
The worst offender is somee fag named MrGrimmz or something like that, the dudee is complete paranoid. And his fans are cancer.

I know a guy who got banned for 1 week in the FPP test servers for honking.

They should rename it to PlayerBanned's Battlegrounds.
An ex-employee come out last weekend saying at least 12% of the player base has been banned, mostly for stupid shit like killing a celebrity streamer.


Can anyone help me? I posted it on redit received no help.
I just got banned from PUBG the reason was ghosting.
Can anyone give a hint?
I yandexed it but nothing came up.
Not good english also, thanks

>battlegrounds is one of the most fun games I've ever played

you're an idiot.

>Will be dead by this time next year.
doubt it.

hope you are here when I'm posting the million player breads

>If you don't know how to play, that's your problem, not the game's

>Half of your points are "they got a gun before me and shot me and I didn't know what to do about it."
>What the fuck is anyone supposed to say about that?

Gee something like, "hey either make the game a full on shooter or make guns less common instead of this half assed bullshit"

Thats a start

>bandages are not a balance issue.

Yes user, what a lovely item

Oh, i have 30 of them, woo, i can heal all the things!

Too bad it takes like 3 minutes to use enough for full health which risks me getting merc'd while i do it

>Grenades are for flushing. If you know someone is sniping you from behind a tree, throw a grenade at it and push them out from behind it.

Oh yes, how reliable, the grenade i probably will not have and wont kill anyone who isnt right on top of it (assuming i dont get shot while im cooking and throwing the damn thing so they dont just run from it)

Man, im so glad that my ONLY option is that one, so great

Also i love the the UMP, a submachine gun, having more killing power than any of the assault rifles at medium range

I also love all the useless weapons i WILL NEVER use because this game shits assault rifles and smgs on you when you find weapons

Balance issues aside, the game is a buggy fucking mess, my favorite example of this is the Danny Phantom mode i sometimes spawn with where i have wallhacks, and can walk through building and shoot people in the back of the head

Oh right, theres another counterplay, my bad, if the game glitches out i just go ghost and intangibly manuever my way behind the guy crouching in a corner and ream him with two full clips from the revolver before it kills him, its brilliant really

Alternatively i could just ghost drive through the building and kill his whole squad but im an honorable guy so ill just stick to killing him with my Fisher Price water pistol someone droped at my dyke mom's lesbian shower, and by someone i mean Jenny get your fucking kid under control before i beat his ass holy shit

Just sage these threads and move on people.


I play it, but FPP makes me want to throw up from motion sickness

>PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds‘ community is up in arms over the actions of one of the game’s most popular players, with Brian “Mr Grimmmz” Rincon filing a copyright claim against players who had targeted him in their “stream honking” campaign.
>copyright claim
>for honking

all pbug thread on Sup Forums are shill threads
kys senpai

most popular ≠ best

>"it's only the flavor of the month"
What exactly did Sup Forums mean by this, when they tried to spin it this way?

Not really shills but fucking retarded trolls fishing for (you)'s.

>Literally all the grenades except frags are useless and even then they are only moderately helpful in buildings since there is so much goddamn open space everywhere

Not entirely true. I've managed to pop a smoke on a hill and escape through the tree line while being shot at. Smoke grenades do have their uses, but they aren't going to be dense clouds like Counter Strike or something.

>This game doesnt have any tools that allow you to locate or "flush out" opponents who arent moving or shooting

Nades? After reading your post again, either you're baiting or you're just too stupid to play this game. You clearly lack the wits to survive.

I don't get the appeal.
Looks boring and bullshit-y.

Probably the other 99 times they were correct about Early Access trash. This happens to be the 1 in 100.


They're fucking useless, jim, i've NEVER EVER once even come close to being killed by a nade

>i used a smoke once they're not useless

Anecdotals dont automatically make them not shit

But user, I like the game!
That means you're wrong!


The only way to have fun is just to go in a big town and killing your way of it,

>inflate your play numbers with bots, shilling and streamers
>shill based on those numbers
The perpetual marketing machine of artifical hype.

I will not play it no matter how many threads you make about it.

Here's my question, where are the copycats? I didn't take long for DayZ imitators to appear so why isn't there another game challenging this one. Not like it's a fucking ground breaking difficult concept.

>I'm copying what the steam forums are saying LOL

That has me curious too

Honestly i could see other companies doing it better, even

But then, the game is already above dota 2, kinda hard to compete



>streamer goes after someone harassing him but eventually withdraws
>faggot gets asshurt and sends him money whining about something he withdrew from

Really making the haters seem like children here buddy.


Kill all streamers!!!

*citation needed*