Every fucking game has a Hanzo and Widowmaker on both teams.
Every fucking game has a Hanzo and Widowmaker on both teams
imagine that people want to play the fun characters what a fucking travesty
People like you are why class based shooters are retarted
That's not true. It's just whatever team I'm on.
In quick play, probably.
In competitive, you're just babysitting Genji mains. Hanzo just doesn't show up and Widowmaker is pretty much only trotted out when people start getting desperate against Pharah and Mercy and things are too hectic for Soldier 76 to aim reliably.
Had about a 6 game streak where both teams had a Widow/Hanzo/Both. Just go Winston and harass the shit out of them. Widow + Hanzo on an attack map just pisses me off though.
What rating you at nigga
Be Mercy Main, get to basically go on whatever team I want. Get carried all the time.
So? They're both fairly powerful. What loses you games isn't a specific character or not sticking to 2-2-2 meme but not fighting, pushing and positioning together. Well, not landing any shots ever also won't help.
Make a custom game and lock out Hanzo and Widowmaker.
Translation for non retarded people
>play easiest character in the game
>heal only people who are at full health
>use ulti once in a match on one guy
So you get carried into a rank you can't play it. You can literally only play mercy because if you pick something else you'll get owned hard. What's the fun of that? You get an imaginary number you don't even truly deserve while limiting your own fun at the same time. How is that worth it?
They actually require skill to play.
I love playing Mercy, and I can play her at my level. I do deserve the rank on her.
>2017 not being based angel babe?
Your not wrong.
POTG was Hanzo scatter arrowing a McCree who was about to use dead eye.
Hanzo is so useless and bow and arrow are two slow.
Use a crossbow
Snipers should be removed from all Multiplaer fps games
>mfw enemy team has a hanzo, genji, tracer, and sombra
bad news dude with mercy's new ult you'll actually have to learn how to aim
>sit and do nothing
>is appearantly the most fun way to play
you're just retarded
>he thinks playing widow or hanzo involves sitting and doing nothing
this is how I know you're shit at both characters
There's nothing wrong with Genji mains. And I hate Genji to the point it's the only character along with Doomfist I didn't bother getting the achievements for.
how the bronze elo is treating you, nibba
>switch mercy out and play another character
Meant to reply
Thats why you pick Sombra and watch the world burn. There's always that one tryhard sperg on mic flipping out taking shit way too seriously, it makes for good keks.
>Deserve the rank
We will see about that user