You gonna buy my game, Sup Forums?
You gonna buy my game, Sup Forums?
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This is bullshit news. No way does a Game of Thrones game fit the way Bethesda makes games. What are you going to do, find ancient Valyrian dungeons all over Westeros, conveniently filled with White Walkers or some shit?
Game of thrones is insultingly uninspired
Yeah, well you're a doo doo head and I'm gonna make The Elder Scrolls VI: Westeros which will make billions and we'll see who's laughing now
game of thrones is boring
bethesda is a shit superficial developer
it's a simple 1+1 mathematical operation, the result isn't hard to figure out
No, you'll have a rail-roaded character seeking his or her son stolen by the Lannisters for no apparent reason.
Would be great practice for the next elder scrolls.
Mate they were approached to make a GoT game ages ago but declined it in favor of TESV
It's happening, deal with it
>game of thrones is boring
Succesful series
>bethesda is a shit superficial developer
Succesful developer
Shit or no shit, no matter what your small mind thinks, the game will come out, will be shit, and will sell as good as Skyrim
I really really hate images like these. It's cheating to just slap a bunch of random images together with an overlay on top
Can we kill Targs in it? If no then miss me with that shit.
way to sound more pretentious than the people that watch the show
I know that they were offered the IP years ago but refused it because TES is a cooler setting.
Hello anons, im metroid. i hope you are looking forward to my new game where i have to save the world again.
hoenstly i dont mind my new game because i want desperately play the new Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim™ switch version, i think you should buy it too
Telltale made their own storys inside the GoT universe, Bethesda could do the same. I'm hyped
I think they were also offered it before it became widely popular with the TV series. Things may have changed now.
I bet is going to have shitty 4wheel dialogue and quest markers.
So no one is going to point out that if this ends up being true, that means the leaker a few months back was probably real and that Starfield exists.
>shitty 4wheel dialogue
After the F4 backlash about that and voiced protagonist, I don't think so
>quest markers
>that leaker might have actually been the real deal
Fuck. None of Bethesd'a plans sounded interesting at all.
>ever interesting
They are good at buying succesful ips and sell watered sequels.
Aint clicking that shit nigga.
elaborate, what leaker and what intel did he have?
Fallout,Starfield, and TES are all in the same timeline in the same order.
Release schedule
TES VI Akavir
Fallout 5
TES 7 will be all of Tamriel
Can you explain this Todd?
Yeah uhh fo sho, those are just like uhhh some credits and shit we made that you can cop. They a good investment, for real
>implying I'm not gonna buy it just so I can walk around Westeros and see the Wall/Old Town/Casterly Rock/Storm's End
>some shit deserts
What? Akavir is a whole continent and pretty varied, there's a race of 'Snow Demons' that get frozen every winter.
Oh? Ok cool, thanks nerd i wasnt aware.
Cant wait to play as a BBC female and rape all the nord men in the ass
in-case link goes down
I tried to buy those but Steam won't let me can you help me?
It makes sense for it to be real, as GoT's final is tonight I think. It'll help punctuate the end for a year or two.
I hope they put their casual efforts into GoT and have the balls to make Elder Scrolls what it should be.
>implying this isnt why ES6 isnt even in development
>Bethesda making a fucking GoT game
GoT is such a fucking trash IP, though.
And you just know they're going to recycle half this game's assets for use in TES 6.
still half a season to go
>I hope they put their casual efforts into GoT and have the balls to make Elder Scrolls what it should be.
They won't, because Todd genuinely believes that casualization is a good thing.
I mean, by casualizing Oblivion and Skyrim they made more and more money, so...
Pic related from your link.
>they made more and more money
>not supporting the todd
what happened to that shitty mass effect / halo rip off game they were gonna make?
Beth doesn't do licensed garbage.
Funny enough, they're one of the few publishers that have a strong lineup of series to churn out without having to rely on garbage like GoT.
Fallout 4 ?
How is Asoiaf trash?
>“Sup Forums are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse. Rip and tear the RPG genre, until it is done.”
Haha ebin
If the game lets me play as Bobby B and shoot lasers from my eyes, I will pre-order.
It's not.
Just unfinished.
Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.
100%. The show could not repel me more
I can not wait for this sex-scene era of television to end. Every single fucking show now, especially streaming service exclusives, seems to think that it is necessary to shoehorn at least one three minute, hyper-boring, useless, sterile, warmly-lit, microphone-two-inches-away-from-the-actors-mouths-so-you-can-hear-every-little-smack-suck-and-moan sex scene into every episode. I fucking hate it. I do not care. Who even enjoys that shit? 15 year olds who can somehow watch GoT but not porn? Old married couples long too dry to keep boning so instead they silently watch others do it? WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT JESUS CHRIST
its going to feature more of the retarded base building gimmick from fallout 4 but this time "refined". the plot if they do actually do akavir will be you're apart of an imperial colonization effort and you have to do EVERYTHING.
I wouldn't call it trash
It's just very meh and I don't think it offers people anything special that you probably can't find in some other high fantasy series. He's probably saying that just because normies love it so much.
Wouldn't mind a Mount and Blade type overworld with actual gameplay.
Any ideas or preferences of when it would be set?
I don't even know anymore, Todd. I thought you didn't want to make a GoT game?
So this is what you meant when you said you were developing a non-Fallout/TES game.
I don't know when they were offered it, I just remember someone on the Selectives Lorecast bringing it up.
>the show
that explains it
Wow one tiny thing in a bible sized book good one faggot.
Pic definitely related
I just keep ready to alt tab when shit like that happens.
Its usually super useless and out of place mostly. Kinda like in games.
Also I read the first book only of song of ice and fire. And the fucking wasnt dramatic like in the show.
Hell there were even scenes in the show I cant remember that happened in the book. Also the random pissing scene showing his dick? That was gay as fuck.
My sex life says otherwise.
I could go for seeing an ASOIAF chapter every few months honestly.
Don't get your hopes up Sup Forumsbros. This is what we'll get.
>Only two houses available. Stark and Lannister.
>Two storylines only following those two houses.
>You can be a faceless man, kings guard, pirate, smuggler, hand of the king, sword of the morning, Azor Ahai , brotherhood without banners, Night's Watch member, Merchant all at the same time.
>"See that Wall, you can climb it!"
Todd Howard. Gods, what a stupid name.
I liked the first GoT rpg.
Choose one strenght and one weakness.
Make yer guesses good folk of Sup Forums. Every single game from Bethesda is getting progressively more and more casualized and easy. What's the next step forward from Fallout 4?
>series focused on politics and intrigues
>give it to the worst writers in the rpg industry
Yeah, this game not gonna happen.
Oh it'll happen. We'll just get a story that makes the show's writing comparable to the books in comparison.
That game had potential. It had some nice role-playing and the overall plot was pretty good (I believe it was actually written by George R.R. Martin) but it played like a poor man's Dragon Age and the voice acting was god awful. The only decent actor was the guy who played Varys.
Yeah but they were bad :(
>(I believe it was actually written by George R.R. Martin)
It was.
But I doubt Toddguy is gonna bring him in to write this one.
Telltale had a golden opportunity.
>Game based off Game of thrones.
>Chooses to base it off the show.
Why the fuck didn't they go with the books? There are so many cool fucking places it could have taken place in. Skaggos, Essos, Summer isles.
Anything for my angel.
You're not trying hard enough. Pussy (or ass) is out there, you just have to go for it and not get discouraged.
the books themselves are fine but literally the only reason the series is popular is because of le epin blood and sex show. I never heard a single peep of the series beforehand.
Because people know the show not the books
>tfw 23, soon 24 and still kissless virgin
>Have an asian girl that literally sent me a snap telling me to rape her
>Have this 16 year old virgin that said she wants to blow me each morning if I could drive her to school on my way to work
>Have this fresh new 18 year old girl thats talking dirty with me
>Another 18 year old that I made so horny she called me and wanted me to send her dick pics
>Have easy time seducing girls
I just kinda like to play around with girls. They are interesting creatures. They behave very differently once they want sex.
Still I dont want to fuck any of them. Video games made me want to sex only 11/10 girls. How the fuck do I get off this train lad? The biggest problem is that I dont even feel bad about it.
Todd you genius. All eyes will be on Game of Thrones, and everyone who watches it will want more. The normies will be clamoring, screaming, clawing for any little extra GoT content they can get.
Then Todd comes.
>It just works
Simple. People who watch the show will feel left out and out of the loop. Nothing more. Nothing less.
wizardry isn't worth it user, i rejected it young like you and i'm a normal adjusted adult. Don't be a wizard, mana is not worth the solitude. Go and take your chance my friend.
Once you realize that your 11/10 girls don't exist because nobody is perfect. Or alternatively you grow too old to be pulling girls like this and then you stop being attractive.
I don't get it, why Bethesda of all devs?
Don't change a thing if you're happy, user. Teasing them and getting each other all hot and bothered before ever sealing the deal was always the most fun part anyways
Bang those chicks for experience you knob. What if you find your 11/10 someday? You just going to flop around on her because you don´t know what you´re doing?
It's a hoax.
1. Your standards are unrealistically high.
2. If you are happy just teasing then more power to you. If you aren't, then just start spreading that seed. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 23 (self confidence issues) but after I got over that first hurdle, pussy just started to flow to me.
3. Stay away from that 16 y/o (unless it's legal where you are). Young girls aren't worth the headache, especially if they are illegal.
The books are decent by modern fantasy standards.
The show after season 3 is trash though.
>tfw several girls online want to have sex with me
>too autistic and afraid to fuck up to do anything with this
not to mention they live far as fuck and I'm so poor I don't even have a care
>Kings Landing will be ten houses, the castle, and great sept
Can't wait.
Maybe Bethesda will learn from TW3 and knows they can no longer get away with their "cities"?
inb4 you become king's hand after doing 3 shitty quests
Also you will be the the lord commander of the night´s watch after about 5 quests and are able to leave and come back whenever the fuck you want
Pick one.