Will it be good?
Will it be good?
>a game made by numales and sjws for numales and sjws
>will it be good?
jee I wonder whats the answer?
I seriously wish Ubisoft games were banned here
Nothing against you op, but please don't post ubisoft games.
Seriously user how do you really think the gameplay will be?
>Go to this tower to unlock part of the map and sidequests
>Here's some outposts to capture for fast travel
>Get these clearly marked resources and upgrades some stuff until its all maxed
>Do these's main story quests where you go from A to B
>Rinse and repeat till the game is over
Ubisoft is so creatively fucking bankrupt
I really liked 3 and enjoyed 4 so I hope that it will.
>religion is bad
>the right is bad
>patriots are all red necks
It'll be amusing to say the least.
I think the setting is interesting but I'd rather have a western game. If it's just Far Cry 4 with redneck cults then I won't bother but if they change it up a lot then I'll consider it.
I don't want to kill theocrats quickly.
It'll be fun to fuck around in and ignore the story, just like all the other Farcry games,
I hope we get a mini chopper again, that shit was tight.
If you like Ubishit open worlds then probably yes
>religion is bad
no, just christianity
It'll generate untold amounts of Sup Forumsdittor butthurt so it'll be fun I guess
sage and report for obvious shill
I enjoyed 3 and 4 so yeah, even more i can make my own char instead of playing as generic guy
does anyone has a better picture of the cut girl in wedding dress?
There are more Christian Zionists than Jews so yes actually
I'm excited to see how Will Forte portrays the villain.
it will be reskin FC3 as was FC4. They fucked up with prime and now will do this shit all over again. Man, FC Western of WW1 would be glorious.
That's not Muslim culture, that's hard conservative culture
Xtians would do it here too if they could g away with it
It will be an Ubisoft game.
Let me give you an advice for all the new Ubisoft game trilogies coming out right now, only the first one will be a major improvement of the series origins, all the others will be more of the same with life improvement shit and multiplayer, that's it.
This, Christians are the ultimate slaves
> SJW game clearly trying to trigger Christians
>front cover is copying The Last Supper
>all American Christians are white redneck crazies
>main "good guy" is black preacher fighting against the evil whites
Oh I'm sure every gameblog of fedora tipping asshats will give it 10/10
>i have no idea what the game is actually about but i saw Sup Forums complain about it
'Where does it say all Christians?
ubishit games are never good pls kill yourself
>main good guy is a black preacher
Nigga, do at least 30 seconds of research before posting
It will be more or less a reskin of 3 and 4, 7/10, IGN GOTY.
>the sheer amount of triggered asspain in this post
When did this board become so sensitive?
yeah haha why would anyone dislike leftists or SJWs haha right comrades? resist
>first post is just buzzwords
This is why Sup Forums is considered the 3rd worst board on the site after Sup Forums and Sup Forums
It sounded like they did away with the typical "climb a tower to get marks on your map" approach, which would be nice. It could be interesting to just explore a huge map without too much guidance.
That said, I'm not hoping for more than what FC3+4 were: decent games to waste some time on, but nothing more.
I'm surprised at your restraint for not typing anfita too.
why so triggered?
Nothing wrong with Sup Forums now, it's just a boring porn board now
Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the trifecta of shit
>Nothing wrong with Sup Forums now
it's the newfag cancer containment board.
Sup Forums is actually great.
>Sup Forums is actually great.
Seriously? A group of crazy white religious people in the game does not mean ot imply all whites and religious people are murderous zealots.
This is literally just as bad as sjw think. "That black character was portrayed unfavorably! This is a reflection on all black people! reee"
Pretty much the best place on Sup Forums to go for shitposting about news and politics, besides absolutely hilarious threads all the time. Sorry if you're too scared to go there because of all the meanies, sweetheart.
low iq is basically a prerequisite for being proud of where you happened to be born
Can't wait to f*cking punch nazi ass Drumpfies in the f*cking face!!
You are trying too hard.
If you think /f/ isnt the worst board you are crazy, its 5 or 6 guys trying to troll each other with the same shit since it was created. Its actually really fucking weird.
well Sup Forums's problem is that after lost ended, the board lost its identity and slowed to a crawl. You could tell most people that go on there don't actually know anything about filmmaking and just pirate the latest blockbuster, hence the really weak traffic. It was pretty easy for Sup Forums to take over in the last two years, especially given one of the mods is a literal Trump shill. It's pretty sad, I wish /film/ existed even if it'd be even smaller than /vr/.
t. 1 of the 5 people that post there that actually work in the film industry