Almost everyone on Sup Forums is a newfag now. How does that make you feel?

Almost everyone on Sup Forums is a newfag now. How does that make you feel?

That statement has literally always been true.

Summer is eternal.

feels good grampa

At least it isn't Sup Forums.

You guys are the most self-contained board on this website.

Literally when I come here once every few months and I observe thread structures and responses, you're basically the same cohesive family.

A template threat start without providing info or templates and there are tens of unique responses instantly.

2 -3 years ago when I used to browse this board more because it was good.

not like Sup Forumstards and phone posters are any better. Even on Sup Forums you can still have a good videogame discussion

Not just Sup Forums

been here since 2010. but i was a newfag to those who came before. i hate all of you

>been here since 2011
>still feel like a newfag

>the people you called newfags 5 years ago are oldfags now


everyone on Sup Forums will always be a newfag. even moot was one.

Everything was going so well and downhill until you fucking faggots had to start the stupid gamer gate/fappening shit. Doesn't help that Sup Forums was re-opened for some fucking reason.

I didn't believe people when they said Sup Forums was killing Sup Forums, but holy shit that fucking board is like a hole in the goodship mootchan

I still don't understand what moot was thinking. Not even /news/ was good back in the day.

moot is, and was always, an edgy newfag with terrible ideas.

Get out.


I miss the Sup Forumstards, they were much better than the Sup Forums and /r9k/ autists we get now.

Doesn't work like that. You don't graduate, you're always whatever "x"fag you were when you first came here. Basically if you weren't here between 04 and 06 then you'll never be oldfag.

>tfw been here for a decade

I blame the media

Moot was a cool cat. Shame that everybody misunderstood what vidya culture is and now we're stuck with e-celeb shit, Sup Forums-culture and maymays.

All it does is fuel my fire. Newfags are Sup Forums's lifeblood, they're the continual rage of Sup Forums. They're the faggot that gets mad at opinions, they're the faggot that comes in expecting a PC hugbox, they're the faggot that cries to the mods when they get banned for being a faggot. They're the best thing because they give us something to laugh at.

The worst thing you can ever do is take Sup Forums serious my son. You'll learn that with time. This place is a sieve, one that turns everything it absorbs corrupt and turns it around on its head. It's always been like that and will continue to be as such.

If this place was only oldfags it'd just be >implying all day and we'd never have fun.


Fixed that for you.

>Shitty bartfag thinks he's above newfags
Fuck off

Been here since 08. By 2019, I will finally feel like a true oldfag. Until then, I continue to be a newfag.

Nice non video game thread you faggot. You're so much better than all the newfags.

>homerfags still delusional as ever

Because they were funny or atleast not serious. Sup Forums and /r9k/ are just grating and annoying.

>here's something annoying that barely relates to games how do you feel about it
>500+ replies

Those threads wouldn't get 500 replies if people didn't reply to them. Sup Forums posting is a symptom not a cause.

I'll second that.

But stop with that t. bullshit

I assume it's yuropoor crap

I want to go back to 2005. It was the best time to be on Sup Forums.


Fuck that
Cuhrazzy fags especially platinumfags are newfags
PS3HASNOGAEMS was the consolewar shit

Can't hear you. Too busy feeling that something seems different about Sup Forums today, almost as if the quality of threads has inexplicably gone up. I haven't seen any phone file names yet.

>tfw you have been called a newfag since 2005

Who acctually cares? Its the "trying to fit in" fags that are the worst.


I wish we could, although I was a late 2006fag.


We can't deny though that the site's quality has gone exponentially down since the november of lulz (WHO IS THIS Sup Forums? THE INTERNET HATE MACHINE) as it attracted a fuckload of normalfags and newfags who won't lurk moar, and sites like ED and KYM just made things worse by making the old board culture more accesible, eventually just corrupting it.
And it's just gotten worse since.

holy fuck, this image is so true

nah senpai.

Image macros where the dark days

The problem with that is that half of those old things naturally turned to shit over the years.

>tfw 2007 newfag
Holy shit it's been 10 years.

Those happened after the november of lulz if memory serves me right.
I just really, REALLY miss the very early days you know? The "Winrar! You won internets, you can buy over 9000 xbox hueg with those."
Yeah, they sound like ""cringe"" to nu4chan but damn it, I really miss those days.

I know how you feel.

I was wondering, whats the source of that anime girl growing jaded? I've only seen her in that image.


Well since everyone is a newfag no one will care, and really neither should you. What is there to preserve from the old days of Sup Forums then just cancer from a different time?

You should feel bad about posting with teenbros

Kooky, childhood/teenage fun and not politicalposting.