MFW the twist

>MFW the twist
OH FUCK! I didn't know POE had a twist. How did you fags not spoil me on this?

Path of Exile doesn't have a twist user.

Who is this lovely lady?

It wasn't really a twist, though.
>hurr the gods aren't real
>but they're right fucking there, their effects on the world are real
>durr they're not REAL gods

I mean, I liked it, but it wasn't really that much of a shocker or anything.

The grillfriend of your character's past incarnation from PoE.

Iovara is cute, CUTE!

Is PoE worth 7 bux without expacs? Are the expacs good?

>writing a story with this exact twist
>PoE comes out
>now it will look like a ripoff
oh well, probably not the first time this twist has been used anyway


It's a pretty good twist.

Or your mother, or your sister, or your friend or whatever you want her to be tqbh. Bottom line is, you turn her in to the inquisition so that she is tortured and killed, but not before sealing her soul into an eternal prison.

The twist is not that they're not real, it's that they've been created from souls by a previous civilization.

it barely qualifies as a twist, just a lame attempt to take a piss on forgotten realms and its gods

Come on now, user. Who wouldn't choose her to be your character's waifu?

I chose sister in my 2nd run as a piece of shit smug cunt of an elf. Then I forced her to get back to the cycle and forget about the truth of the gods while shaming her.

You fucking pleb. The point is that they aren't fucking gods. They're constructs.

Yes and yes. Buy the base game first, play it, and if you're still enjoying yourself by Act 2, buy the expansions.

That's entirely irrelevant

They have god like powers, so they're technically gods. It doesn't matter whether they were created artificially or not, because from the practical point of view they are gods.

>take a piss on forgotten realms and its gods
LMAO, not really. D&D gods were made by the overgod Ao, who is basically the personification of the GM in the game world, which, by extension, makes all D&D gods "artificial" as well. PoE takes this half-serious concept and makes a setting out of it, which can be appreciated by D&D nerds and normies both.

That's cuck reasoning
It matters that they aren't actually our progenitors

>gods must be creators or they aren't gods
That's fucking dumb. Most of the gods in D&D haven't created shit, doesn't stop them from being literal gods having shitloads of mortal worshipers.

I argue that them being your creators is just as important as how powerful they are.

PoE is such a fucking grind, it got boring real fucking fast.

>paying attention to the plot in a grindy game


It isn't grindy at all, though. It's fairly easy to go max level by only doing like 33% of the content.

How so? I never stopped to "grind" something but proceed with quests straight as an arrow.

She's a bitch really.

>tfw I can't stop making new characters.
I have made at least 20 different characters, now I'm doing a Baiken cosplay. Monk with 1h saber crit build, dunno how it will work out on potd.

What's the most fun class for the PC?

uninstall wizard
