Will the upcoming PTR changes finally fix Mercy?

Will the upcoming PTR changes finally fix Mercy?

First for buttholes

gas all footfags.

>there are footfags working in Blizzard's art department


are her shoes like that in game?

That is an ingame screenshot you idiot.

Gas the footfags. Fetish war now.

oh shit is that screen real?

So thus far we have seen the feet of:
Mercy in her summer games costume
Widowmaker in her summer games costume
Symmetra in her Shiva costume
Mei in her CG character movie

When can we expect Tracer, Zarya, Pharah, DVA, and Sombra?

Somewhere there is an alternate universe where people get pissed when a character isn't wearing gloves. Fucking handfags.

>mercy can fly around making her unkillable and can still resurrect multiple people during one ult
>actually does crazy damage with her pistol now
>this lasts 20 fucking seconds. Genji blade lasts 6

What the fuck, Blizzard?

>>mercy can fly around making her unkillable
Maybe if you're in silver

How are you going to kill a flying Mercy that has almost instant hp regeneration with Genji, Reaper or Doomfist?

If everyone is broken the no one is broken

You don't. You use picrelated.

Her damage is being nerfed

So you can shoot into this?

Either reflect, and disengage, or play a different character. It's a team game on purpose

It's a flying mercy, like you said. Unless you can staple winston's shield to her face now?

No, you staple it to Widow's face.

This footwear is retarded. It's like those footless stockings drawn by lazy smut "artists".


No, it's hot.

but what if they're also fart fetishists?

Why do footfags trigger Sup Forums so much? Its one of the tamest fetishes ever. You act as if they are furfags or shitfags.

Sup Forums hates everything that is popular. Did you think the contrarianism only extends to video games?

Most people have a really strong adverse reaction to feet.

Even obscure fetishes like armpits get a free pass among most people

she was fine to begin with
I don't understand what they were thinking with her new ult

Her old ult was bullshit

I disagree

how hard/easy is it to get pantyshots wearing this costume?

I kinda was set on blowing my coins on witch mercy, but this one has an actual panty modeled... I'm very indecisive in which one to buy.

>all those poop quests in WoW
Scatfags too

Because she was fucking boring. Have you ever seen many high ranking Mercy mains? They're shit at everything that doesn't involve hiding and pressing Q. Why do you think so many women main mercy? Changes are going to make her require a bit more skill to use properly.

they gave her something to do besides
>top off teammates
>build ult
>hide during important team fights
she's a lot more engaging now

>Most people have a really strong adverse reaction to feet

No they really don't you sad aspie.

I'm not triggered, just shitposting. Don't care what you jack off to.

>Mercy feets
I've thought about this long and hard, but I think now's the time I buy this game

I've met more people that were disgusted by feet than people who were okay with feet.
Go out and talk to people sometime.

it's nonsensical pandering, but that's the point

While the feet are hot the panties are pretty shitty desu senpai. Don't bother.

I think the changes were needed for competitive, but a good mercy on quickplay with someone with good aim is going to be a nightmare, ressing them over and over, and mercy with the stupid self heal, it's going to suck with your hanzo+widow shotting at doors and shields and your non existant healer letting you die.

>Go out and talk to people sometime.
Why would you do this?

Because foot-, fart- and thiccfags shove their shitty fetish into literally everything. You faggots are not an inch better than furfags.

To increase my understanding of the world and the people in it, and to gain some perspective? Maybe? Forgive me for trying to better myself as a person, I forgot I need to be as shitty and disgusting as you are.

unwashed, unkept, manly feet are indeed disgusting

butthurt fags that we get a ton of content during summertime because girls loving wearing flip flops and sandals

more like
>marketing departments have figured out that footfags exist and it's easy to make money from it

I wouldn't call him an idiot, considering how stupid that shoe design is, even if it caters to me

>Foot that are dirty and look like mens are gross

Well no shit. Do you like flat, dirty asses on a woman?


>One year old game
>Still no map editor
What the fuck were they thinking
How hard would it be to release some tool so that we finally have some fucking fun and original maps

do you need me to translate that for you?

there are plenty of women out there that don't properly wash their feet, or get pedicure, etc (and there are, of course people who are into those feet), and those are not the feet that most footfags think of when they're fapping

>there are plenty of women out there that don't properly wash their feet

Next you are going to tell me women also fart and take shits? But I won't believe you. I can see through your lies, faggot.

>that don't properly wash their feet

That's hot. I will lick their feet clean for them.

if you're so "smart", brainlet, then why did you say
>Most people have a really strong adverse reaction to feet.

and if you're "NO NO I'M NOT SAMEFAG I'M ANOTHER GUY" then why are you defending that dumbass?

If you're so "smart", brainlet, then why do you say I said something that an entirely different person said?
>then why are you defending that dumbass?
Because you are the dumbass who cant handle a comment that was obviously a joke.

as expected
>a joke
what's the point of making a joke that's not funny? how can anyone even think that it's a joke if it's not funny?

Holy shit man do something about that stick in your ass.

socializing does not make you a better person
actual knowledge, skills, and hard life experience do

>call you out on your bullshit
>loool ur no fun
>smug loli.jpg
like clockwork, just stay quiet dude, this is anonymous, nobody will ever know about your ridicule, just forget about it

Iori of all people WOULD know about phallic shapes inside anuses

Are you unironically autistic?


I'm not the one posting le smug anime grills. Not that there's anything wrong with being autistic, mind you.

>Sup Forums hates everything
made that more concise for you.

all this pantsu in video games, and it's all looks like 4 large pixels stapled together, we truly are suffering.

holy fug I would master playing with only one hand with game