Why would a company with near-unlimited resources waste a beloved IP and ignore their fans?

Why would a company with near-unlimited resources waste a beloved IP and ignore their fans?

Because you're a faggot.

I hear (you).

They would have never pulled off what we now know, it's better off as literature.

>Why would a company with near-unlimited resources
gaben prefers to be elon musk or john carmack and work on technology rather than vidya'


my guess is a mixture of nu Valve taking over (who don't care about HL), old people leaving, severe case of Duke Nukem syndrome and easier to just roll in cash from Dota/keys + crate model.

>work on technology
What technology? You mean Source 2? The engine that nobody can tell apart from Source 1?

Why would you work harder for money than you need to?

Making games takes a lot of time, effort, and money.

Selling games takes far, far less of that, and milking games you already have out by adding little updates also takes less.

Valve figured this out after Dota 2 and CS:GO, and simply decided that there's no reason to make video games anymore because they're making shit tons of money from selling other people's games and selling useless status items (costmetics) to people who like to waste money.

Not to mention Valve's directionless take on game development (have the devs decide on what they want to work on) basically promotes this. Instead of developers pushing themselves to make the best of the game they're currently working on, they'll simply just continue to work on the game that is getting them the most money for the least amount of effort. It's human tendency to do that.

Honestly, if Steam hadn't become such a massive success so early on, we may have very well played Episode 3 by now because they would've had a reason to make it (needing money). However, with sales of the Orange Box propelling Steam's popularity into the stratosphere, and people gobbling up TF2 cosmetics after being introduced, it made Valve complacent and less willing to take risks.

Because you're all fucking ants not worth the slightest mention or care

Because the game industry isn't about making games to make money anymore. Companies now make money releasing other people's games, making games with lootcrates, mobile gachas, hardware upgrades mid generation that are never going to get the full support people hope for, tax evasion, DLC that costs more than the base game and probably isn't included in the season pass for reasons, preorder hype, and doing the bare minimum to make a game that can be a vehicle for 1 or more of the above.

You don't make money just on games anymore.

Because you can buy cheeseburgers with all that money.

Because they already have unlimited moneys.

Thread closed

Both half life games are considered a huge leap forward and among the best pc games of all time. If they fuck it up you faggots will mock them until the end of time. That's a lot of pressure unless they legit have some new ideas that will push gaming forward a generation overnight. But what innovations are there left to do at this point that wouldn't just be a refinement or wouldn't make the game tedious for the sake of muh realism (i.e. survival mechanics). Half life 1 had linear progression that gave off the illusion of forging a makeshift path through the unknown and cutscene-less story telling, 2 had believable physics and an engine that still holds up fairly well today besides being old as dirt.

Why worry about something old and busted like Half-Life when they've got that sweet, sweet Steam revenue and all of those Team Fortress hats?

unlimited resources, can't innovate, can't hire talent


People care more about the story than the game, at this point.

because as you said, they have unlimited resources and can be making more money not developing games. If HL3 sold around 12 million copies at like 60$ a pop, they would only earn one year of their current earnings, and how many years was it in development?

But it's good publicity, and great for the community that supports the company.

Why make games when it's infinitely easier and more cost effective to make even more money from selling skins and providing a platform to sell games?

They're already rich and the only thing Half Life 3 would do for them would be to hurt their reputation because it's impossible to live up to anything close to the amount of hype that'd be around it

Because steam got them easy money.

Easy money = no obligations.

Thank you, pcbros. You killed your most famous franchise.

>near-unlimited resources
>zero talent

>literally swimming in money by existing
>have all the time in the world to make a video game
>nah i wont do it because it wouldnt give me even more money lol
Just terrible. What happened to making games because you want to?

they dont NEED half-life fans anymore

>because it's impossible to live up to anything close to the amount of hype that'd be around it

Plot wise the script already basically confirms that the game would have lived up to the hype ten fold. All valve needs to do is make it fun with some neat space/time based shooting

Valve could hire the best developers in the world in their respective branches of development, and Sup Forums would still shit on the game even if it was universally loved by everyone else.

That's just how Sup Forums works. If a game is popular and is getting massive success, it's obviously an overrated dumpster fire that people just can't see because they're all "faggots."

I'm just saying, I think half life 3 is going to need a reason to exist before they consider making it, like some new gameplay gimmick using vr or something that will become an industry standard.

The series to me is sort of like crysis in that most of the appeal is just being state of the art in one way or another. Granted half life is better as a fun videogame series than crysis but unless the aim is to shift Oculus Rift units or something there won't he any incentive for valve to make a hl3

Single player games are good for awhile but the sales will eventually slow down
if you make a game that's based around selling card packs or focused on multiplayer you can keep selling goods to players for years
In the future AAA studios will only make these grinding money making games while smaller studios/indies will be left to make every other genre


People tend to forget that video games are business and why bother wasting money when you're already have got this shit in the bag?

They make money off CS:GO crates now, why spend way more man hours making a real game when you can sit back and let the money fly in? They'll add a headcrab to another indie game or something.

Titanfall 2 already beat them to fun space/time shooting

Because it isn't like they're doing anything else with their time. Their assfaggot esports are just printing money on their own

Video games became more mainstream.

Same thing happened with the movie industry. Why else do you think Sony's movies are uninspired pieces of garbage these days? It's because despite that, they're making shit tons of money just from ticket sales and advertising deals alone that putting actual effort into one of their movies is pretty much unnecessary.

Business is all about getting the most amount of money for the least amount of effort possible. Konami found this with mobile games and pachinko, Valve found it with selling other people's games and selling cosmetics in their own games.

>They would have never pulled off what we now know

This should be the ultimate reminder to you people that the people that make games don't even like or play them. They're soulless, corporate producers and money is the ONLY thing they care about. So the next time a dev talks about vision, art, or tries to defend something they fucked up on, just remember that you're listening to a literal paid shill.

Only chance for HL3 is when Steam gets some legit competition, starts making much less money and Valve use the game to lure people back.

I don't get it too, they wouldn't even need to pay for the marketing, are game developers literal turbo jews? Because thats what it looks like when a game gets millions of dollars in budget and it turns out to be garbage

You know damn well you faggots would have bitched about the game anyway. Let it die.


Gaben has infinite hunger

Just let it go, user. No amount of fat jokes will ever fill the void anymore.

>Titanfall 2 already beat them to fun space/time shooting
Solely time. Imagine having a shootout in a room with non euclidean geometry

have you heard of Steam Box?

And good luck to any competitors wanting to do that. Even if they reached complete parity with Steam's library, most users still wouldn't bother because:

1. They'd have to buy all of their games all over again
2. They'd have to set up their friend's list all over again, if their friends even decided to switch to the new service
3. The most played and popular PC games right now are made by Valve, so they'd still have to have Steam installed regardless because there's no chance Valve would bring said games to another platform

Valve/Steam has PC gaming on lockdown, and the only way Steam would die at this point is if either Valve dies, or there's a massive MASSIVE fuckup with Steam down the line that shatters everyone's trust in it (unlikely).

>near-unlimited resources

They don't have the manpower.

This goes without saying because it's always at the top of the lists when it comes to people discussing issues with Valve's development, but their lateral management organization is hurting purposeful direction.

Valve has less than 400 people working there.

You have less than 20 people working on TF2, for perspective.

Everybody else is working on
>Dota 2
>Steam stuff
>general Source 2 wackiness
>VR shit
>a lot of Valve's recent high profile hires are working on Artifact
>random pet projects that go nowhere

Nobody is forced to work on anything specific. Why work on Half-Life 2 Episode 3? Portal was the real darling of the Orange Box, go work on the sequel. TF2 was one of the most hyped multiplayer experiences for half a decade, why not throw your weight behind that? And of course, MOBAs are what's displacing RTSs as the strategy game of choice, gotta get in on that.

Single player titles are the most resource-heavy kind of thing to develop, but don't have the payoff or engagement of multiplayer titles.

Who /replaying/ here?

What even needs to be worked on in Dotards, CS:GO and TF2? They're money printers that are already set in motion. You can leave them untouched for a year, do something new and exciting for once and come back to a bunch of moneybags.

why do people abandon making a game once it's successful in early access? cause they don't have to.

I really want to do it but the prospective of playing the shitty parts is kinda turning me off.

gaben is still mad that they gave their VR tech to Oculus only to have them go to Facebook
so as revenge they never developed HL3

Naughty Dog should make HL3

I think the only platforms that could have a chance of challenging Steam at this point would either be GOG or Battle.net.

GOG because DRM free (good luck getting publishers on board with that)

Battle.net because Blizzard already has a massive following (it just needs the 3rd party games).

I'm actually honestly surprised that with Activision's habits, they didn't try to do the same thing with Battle.net like with what EA tried to do with Origin. With how much money Activision has, and how much of a following Blizzard has, such an idea actually could've succeeded. It still wouldn't beat Steam, but it would've been a nice alternative.

I'm getting high and feeling like its my first time through it

i tried blueshift but I ctd whenever I started a new game, gonna run through Black Mesa again.

Complacency will hurt them. Like it or not, they only came so far because they had the infrastructure in place for the community to support themselves on top of elaborate official updates.

because they want to make a revolutionary game and they won't reveal it until it's ready

that's what I would have said in 2007 but since they can milk skins and earn a fortune from it they don't need to developed AAA games anymore

Because they make billions a year selling over people's games, plus DOTA/CSGO/TF2 & Hear.. Artifact micro transactions

Why bother making Half Life 3? it would be very profitable, but Gabe is too old & lazy now, he can't be bothered putting in the effort, Half Life 2 took 5 years, he doesn't want to do that again

Valve makes huge profits off of Steam, CS:GO and DOTA. If they have near unlimited cash, why would they take the risk of putting a game out there that may tarnish their reputation. Asking them to make HL3 is asking them to live up to impossible hype and expectations.

From a business standpoint, it makes sense why they won't make it. Huge risk and little reward.

That's the harsh reality.

you're answering yourself

> near-unlimited resources

why bother then?

Where did the art go?


>implying he still cares

The worst thing about this is nothing in the leaked story is/was impossible to make into a video game. And an ending like that would have lived up to the hype. Why did they decide to give up?

Half Life 3 would be made right now if paid mods were better received, Valve doesn't want to make a game unless it can charge you 2.99 for a hat.

>and work on technology
No, he's just greedy and looking to do the least amount of work and earn as much money as possible, it's why Valve milks microtransactions.

Those premade computers that no one bought and got scrapped? Sure