48 hours until you can beat the shit out of scrubs
What are you doin while waiting?
Absolver Thread
fuck off devolver shill
yea no you're just a normal poster being so excited for this shitty game that you remind the board when its coming out 3 times a day
3 times a day? There is only ever 1 thread a day at best of this game. Either someone else is making threads or you can't count.
This game does look like trash
>game looks like trash
>proceeds to post a video of the game looking fun and a guy genuinely enjoying it
You what mate?
>One-dimensional combat
>Spamy combos
I tried to make a thread a few minutes ago and it was deleted. Honestly didn't think to check.
I also have no fucking idea why people are mad about the game.
Yeah the AI looks dumb as fuck and the guy easily exploit it. I've also seen bugs around so I guess launch will be honky.
Might be worth it to wait a couple weeks to see what returns it gets.
the game is fucking garbage sorry, played the alpha
No one can understand the mindset behind new-Sup Forums
I wouldn't wait just cause game does have a chance of dying hard. Best bet is get game early when the meta isn't made yet and people are playing the game.
What's shit about the gameplay?
>faux pixar artsy anime artstyle
That looks fun if you have friends. If I can convince my two buddies to buy it I will. We'll likely wait for it to be £15 or less though.
stance switching is incredibly awkward and the way the combat deck works makes fights incredibly predictable and boring. it's very hard to mix people up after fighting them for more than a couple of minutes as they learn the entire flow of your toolkit and there's no sort of throw or proper high/low system.
not to mention 2vs1's are hilariously one sided and completely trivialise the game in co-op. I also had trouble with the lock on button not properly swapping between opponents although that may have been an alpha bug
unga bunga what are feints and styles
Don't you have like 12 differents moves available or something, plus potential weapons? Are the moves very differents or are just most of them the same punch with +2 damages or some shit.
Many of them have special properties like loose or guardbreak
You have 16 moves
Stance dancing is done seamlessly and creating 5+ hit combos isn't hard to do
Different moves are very different
You have moves with super armor, with hitstun, with dodge properties, and some that are just damage or quick jabs.
You also have feints and your one defensive move to change up the pace of the fight. user was probably shit at the game or actually didn't play.
I played in the more recent closed beta that was a month ago
I haven't played a fighting game in a long time so i'll probably be shit at it. I also heard about the student/master thing, which is a cool concept. I know students get to learn their master's moves but what does the master get?
you have 16 moves but every move can only link into one of 2 other moves, it's not a free reign of using whatever move would be most effective for he situation but instead using what moves the game lets you use at the time
>opponent is constantly using annoying sweeps
>would really like to use my jumping kick to counter it but it's stuck in the other half of my deck so I can't do it
i've been seeing posts showing negativity towards devolver digital or whoever the fuck they are when this game gets posted. have they done something bad before?
>what the game lets you use
>stuck in other half of deck
>you literally make your deck and you put it there
Thats no ones fault but your own for shitty deck building.
I honestly don't know what the master gets other than potential nerfs if his deck is good.
I won't be doing it thats for sure.
No, just Sup Forums contrarians
I really like that design
Let me guess, you can't play her?
>having to build specific decks to deal with other peoples specific decks and constantly going back and forth because the game won't just let you use whatever moves work best
I wanted to play a pseudo-fighting game not hearthstone
You build your own character so you can make something quite similar to it.
you don't need to make them on the go, you have a weapon that lets you get a completely different moveset in the middle of a fight. If you can't beat a person between those two movesets you made, they are either shit or you're shit.
No it's still just your shit deck building.
First move in each stance should be something that counters, at least I will.
One with super armor
One with dodge
One that hit stuns
One thats just a light jab or dodge in a different direction
Boom now one move literally can't beat you anymore you always have a counter to your opponent.
>what are defensive techniques
You can see those sweeps coming from a mile away, just counter/jump over/absorb/dodge that shit. Wow so hard.
>you're bad
>oh it's because you're shit
>your deck must be shit
I was completely mediocre/above average during my whole time PvPing. Doesn't stop the system being unintuitive and shitty. Not for me.
>user actually thinks he was above average while losing to a one button spam
Oh god you really think that don't you. That's just depressing, yeah don't get the game, I'd hate to see your win/loss record with its 20% winrate.
i wasn't losing to the spam plonker, it was just frustrating that I was forced to put up with it and try dodge/parry when there's moves sitting in my deck that could put it to bed 10x easier, it doesn't make sense.
feel free to see me in a real fighting game with actual depth and fun gameplay
> Unarmed version of For Honour.
Oh boy, I can't wait for this to flop.
I don't get it, if you get defeated by a guy, and wish to use a particular move so it won't happen again, what's stopping you from putting that move somewhere in your combat deck?
>stick the move in my moveset
>either have to use it as an opening or I still can't use it without linking into it from other moves first
And then I fight someone else who's using a different moveset which clashes with the last one I made and we start all over. It's like playing street fighter against someone who's jumping everywhere but you aren't allowed to anti air them until you throw 3 fireballs first, it's just odd and not intuitive at all.
Obviously it's too early to call what the absolute top level gameplay is going to look like but I can't see it being pretty, just not my kinda game.
I mean game is selling a decent amount of copies and been a top seller. So I doubt it will flop hard
fuck off shill
Getting annoyed there's no grappling
this game looks terrible
you shills can't fool us
fuck your stylized graphics
and this is the third absolver thread i read today. fuck you
Now make that into a haiku.
>Stop making threads about a game that comes out in two days.
Oh, fuck off, why do you even go on Sup Forums.
let me fucking play already
No preorder 3 more copies first
they told me I could play the beta, but never sent me fucking anything
I'm not gonna buy some combat game that I haven't even had the opportunity to try out properly, and any hype I had for it died out when I was never given an invite
>stupid masher game for idiot mashers
might as well play sf5 you retard
Weird, cause I heard that people who signed up for the first beta but couldn't get in had priority on the second. Did you ever mail them?
Poor you.
But yeah, I'm hoping that the move set turns more distinctive and exciting. Becuase this is just looking like a slap simulator.
I see no juggles, specials, real strategy or technique.
It's all jabs and small damage combos, it looks fucking boring. Every character looks and looks like it plays the save. I want to BODY my fucking opponent like in REAL fighting games.
Yeah I heard that and waited for the second beta assuming I would definitely get one, people kept saying invites were coming in waves and to wait and I figured I would just get mine in a late wave
never fucking got one and by then there was barely any time left to play anyway
It looked interesting but I'm hearing a whole mix of people saying the combat system is either really good or really bad and I don't wanna spend money on a risk where I could hate the core mechanic of the game.
The fact that I also COULD have tried it out if they bothered to send an invite like they said they would only makes me more annoyed since that would have fixed my doubts entirely
this. and the constant backturned stance looks fucking retarded. yea do a 360 every 2 seconds, thats totally just like martial arts
you will hear a "lot of mixed opinions" every time if you look at Sup Forums threads. there is a tendency to overhype and overslander everything that even closely resembles videogames.
>he mostly plays againts NPCs
>finds an actual player , he actually says , this is actually funnier than with NPCs
dude, hate the game on your own, this game looks like is gonna be fun multiplayer.
People like to polarize.
DESU I only shit on it now because I'm waiting to play it and the game looks boring. I'm hoping it turns a lot more interesting.
nah it's not just Sup Forums my friend who got in also said it was kinda weird to him and I've seen other comments on places besides Sup Forums
They did the exact same shit with Strafe
>Shills get beta and not reset
Strange how all the threads about this game also remind us that it's coming out in 3 days! Strange how these OPs are all formatted exactly like the strafe threads. The fans sure are excited to let everyone know absolver tm comes out in two (2) days and that you can preorder for the low price of $26.99!
Who is doing that?
You are seriously paranoid. Why would anyone promote the game on FUCKING Sup Forums of all places? So now all the threads about upcoming games are littered with retards spouting "REEEEEEEEEEE SHILLS" instead of actual discussion. What a time to be alive.
>Preorder the game
>No beta access
>Twitch fuccbois get free copies with early access
>Strange how all the threads about this game also remind us that it's coming out in 3 days
Yes, this happens literally everytime someone makes a thread about a game near release
>Strange how these OPs are all formatted exactly like the strafe threads
Show me 5 Strafe OP and 5 Absolver OP
>If you try to discuss an upcoming game and convince others to try it you are a paid marketer
I know you think you are "redpilled" and smarter than everyone, but stop with your retarded assumptions.
how much does devolver pay
I've been the person making the majority of the threads. I've just followed the game for over a year and have been excited for it and wanted to talk with people about it. What would you prefer any of the generic Sup Forums threads like best girl of some franchise or some shit?
1 move has been deposited to your combat deck
so youre a literal shill
yes fall for the "everything is marketing" goyim conspiracy
nice meme
You need a thicker autism shield
he's just making threads about the game because he's interested the game and wants people to talk about it
shilling implies some sort of compensation
Sure you arent getting compensated. You stupid idiot, I'm redpilled and I know you filthy jews are shilling that game here.
Or just someone excited for a game, I've even told most people who are unsure to just pirate the game or just play it for 2 hours and refund it.
But keep using your favorite buzzword, keeps the thread bumped.
If the game is something you:
Don't like
Haven't heard of
Have heard of but aren't interested in
A genre you don't like
Talked about more than a game you like
Talked about at all
It's a shill thread.
more like abshillver
>tfw genuinely looking forward to this and would be making threads (uncompensated) if this guy wasn't
Make sure to watch as many martial arts movies and fights to prepare you as you can
Nobody cares about your shitty For Honor/Dark Souls ripoff Devolver
>Why would anyone promote the game on FUCKING Sup Forums of all places?
Are you seriously fucking stupid?
Good thing your opinion matters
>every 3d fighting game is now for honor
>every slightly openworld game is darksouls
Good talk
>expecting nu-Sup Forums to have knowledge of or play anything other than mainstream games
It's not even meant to be a single player game though, the "story" is just a tutorial. The bread and butter is the PvP, where it's faster paced and more varied combat.
I feel like stupid niggers on this board immediately just go "wahhh shit AI, it's a wannabe dark souls, it looks so shit waahhh". No mention of the combat deck customization or planned future content like new PvP modes and two handed weapon styles. I fucking hate this place.
"Planned future content" is utterly irrelevant when it might never even see the light of day. Maybe the game sells badly and they can it altogether. Maybe everyone will get bored of the lack of content in the base game and quit forever, leaving a dead game to update.
What matters is the product they ship day 1.
Because Sup Forums is a bunch of inbred fucks. Oh look it's like dark souls but dark souls is mainly pve and this doesn't have much pve? IT'S SHIT. Oh this is like for honor and that was shit? IT'S SHIT
Game seems like it'll be great to make lots of meme videos and webms
>thread about game
>game isnt talked about because hivemind Sup Forums autists screaming shill
great thread
pic related is what a shill looks like, dont get it confused with people who actually try to talk about vidya
shut the fuck up retard no one cares about your 1 reply image
I'm not buying absolver because I'm not a fucking moron giving into any hype or marketing on a day 1 buy with no reviews and with only twitch faggots who would gladly suck any dev dick if it meant getting more free shit or more popular, they're just as bad as game journalists
that was awful
One cretin not even trying to hide it does not mean every shill is this blatant.
Sup Forums has a lot of users retard. They've done it before and these faggots gave hundreds of streamers keys for maximum marketing
ok then, what games do you like, user?
>Sup Forums brainwashing impressionable white kids into believing everything is a jewish marketing tactic
Don't want to shill them here, sorry.
On a more serious note, I'm not even calling this exact thread shilling, just that it was a really bad argument. The whole point of astroturfing is pretending to be a neutral party, what you've posted is just straight up advertisement.
Combat looks interesting but that artstyle is godawful.
How can people defend this shit
>tfw bought the game because I know it's going to flop like blade symphony but I want to play it for the two weeks it will last
GoG seems like it would be the better option.
Nobody is defending it, even the people on leddit think its fucking stupid.
I doubt it will flop that quickly. It's not a hero shooter and the only game similar to this is For Honor which is hemorrhaging players