Half-Life appreciation thread

Now that Half-Life is dead, let us honor what we have left.

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HL1 > HL2

Objective fact.

Is this the most obnoxious video of all time?
Fuck off they are both fantastic games.
It's Episode one that shit the bed

you're just mad nobody's talking about your chinese games

Software > OpenGL

That's never been disputed though?

1 was a masterpiece
Op-For was fun
2 was shit
The gravity gun is stupid

I agree. Episode one was hella weak.


Is Black Mesa better than HL1?

>that ambient xen healing area music

I don't know. Some parts of Hl2 were a lot better than Hl1 but some moments were worse. IMO I'd rate them equal.

>tfw no HL2 Xen

No, the level design in BM is worse cause it moves away from the seemingly realistic setting of HL.

Was content with ravenholm

>Some parts of Hl2 were a lot better than Hl1
Lol no

What did you mean by this?

Eh only slightly. Half Life 2 has way less platforming where it feels like you're on rollerskates

HL2 is let down by its more plot and dialogue driven gameplay, and with Episode 1, they turned this up to 11.

>Lol no

Only if you're a subhuman mongoloid.

>Only if you're a subhuman mongoloid.

>tfw no black mesa Xen

*farts on you*

>*farts on you*
*grabs you by the throat* Back the fuck !?!?

What do you guys think of the story Laidlaw released?

Please vote here

Who here loved HL2 deathmatch?

the worst part are the BM apologists
>x-xen is the worst part anyway

I had some fun with it, even if it was infested with Russkis and BRs. Picking people off with the bow was always satisfying.

That's true but there's no reason for this to have taken 5 fucking years.

>no vote that I liked the script but I still want a game

Half Life > Opposing Force > Black Mesa Source > Episode 2 > Blue Shift > Half Life 2 > Episode 1

on one hand it feels like what they were planning to do from the start but like... nothing that unexpected happens and it feels like it ends us on another cliffhanger. i feel like a lot of that can be attributed to the fact that this was supposed to be the third of a three-act story instead of a standalone thing like people had started to hype it up to be (which is reasonable, you'd expect a game with a long development cycle to be more than a small chunk of an episodic game)

HL2 >= HL1 > OpForce > Episode 2 > Black Mesa > Episode 1 > Blue Shift

i can semi-speedrun the game except when i get to Xen and i am just lost. i'm sorry, freebros.

nah, i really think it's worthy of a playthrough though, just for an interesting change.

it means HL was a great corridor sim


Is anyone else glad HL3 isn't coming? I figure if it came out in today's gaming market, I would have hated it. I'd rather just not have a third one than have it sour the whole series.

>it means HL was a great corridor sim
In what way is BM different from this though?

I played Half Life 2 again recently (after playing through the original Half Life as well as Black Mesa) and I couldn't fucking stand all of the "stop and wait for this character to talk for fifteen minutes before you are allowed to proceed" moments. Really killed my enjoyment.

>blue shift
>better than anything

I was never all that good. HL2's tech was impressive (even after the gigantic downgrade and trailers full of lies) and made up some good gameplay sometimes but that's it.

Both true, f@m.

If you fart deep enough into the abyss, the abyss farts also into you.

Those scenes don't even work properly. In the scene where you first meet Eli in Black Mesa East there's a bunch of items around the room that you can look at and they're supposed to trigger pieces of dialogue from Eli where he tells you something about it, but on some repeat playthroughs I just wasn't able to make him talk, so it's just me awkwardly fumbling around the room for a couple of minutes while all the NPCs are completely silent.

The first time I played HL2 I thought it was amazing, but those moments are something I dread every time I think about replaying. Another thing are the vehicle sections, which were great the first time but now that I know how long they all last it's not that exciting.

There was nothing wrong with the airboat segment in HL2

Is this for PS4?

I really enjoyed the vehicle sections. I really just enjoyed in general how much variety the game had with it's levels.

How would you do HL3 correctly, Sup Forums?

>He can't appreciate the genuine level design
lmaoing at your life kid

Space and time involved gunplay

I've come to appreciate Xen after learning to use the Hivehand properly.

>people genuinely think Half Life 1 is better than Half Life 2
>the game where you die to enemies 10 times in the game, then 100 times because you couldn't attach or detach from a ladder properly

Small adjustment
*HL1 >= HL2
Sorry man but the pistol SUCKS. On the other hand the gravity gun is the best weapon in any game ever

git gud

>shitty ladder isn't poor design, it's a strategic feature you aren't properly utilizing

Base it off the Beta version of Half Life 2

the half life 2 pistol was about as unsatisfying to use as the half life 1 mp5


This video is always so satisfying to watch.

To be fair, it did at least have a grenade launcher.

If they were to do a Half Life 3 (hypothetically, nobody expects it to happen, humour me), how would the Borealis be properly resolved without just taking Laidlaw's story? Would the Borealis be the whole game, or just a prologue of sorts?

Can we have a sven co-op server today?

>No Marc Laidlaw
>No Kelly Bailey
>No Ted Backman
you don't, just let it be.

Did he survive?

The whole cliffhanger of Episode two was about the Borealis so it would seem strange for the sequel to not be focused around it. I'd just take Laidlaws script and switch it around so we get atleast some surprises. It was a really good script that'd be a shame to waste

Travel back to time and stop blizzard from making WC3

it's child abuse time

Of course it would have to be the Borealis.
But, realistically, that set up feels good enough for only an episode's worth of Material. I don't think it could be stretched out to the length of a full game without it wearing thin.

Well the script WAS made for Episode 3. Not Half life 3. That's why it ends on a cliffhanger too. So most likely it would be a 7-10 hour long game.

That's my point. If there was any continuation (which there won't be) it wouldn't be an episode, they would skip ahead to three. And how all that would work out with the material given is my question.

>replaying the entire Half Life/Portal series
>Have a whole new outlook now that I have a more complete image of what the combine are and what's going on

It's kinda amazing. Anyone else?

Well I'm guessing following the script the game would either be focused around either playing as Alyx which I doubt. Or Gordon trying to chase the Gman.

Remember when Gabe said that Episode 3 would have a better gimmick than Portal? I wonder what it was. (Appears in this video youtube.com/watch?v=Jt0w9YP_wZ0)

black mesa AI is terrible, prepare for soldiers being crack shots with the sub machine gun while yours has terrible accuracy.

I'm telling you it was Non Euclidean Geometry.

This is as relevant as ever.



take anti-chamber as an example.

What happened to all the Houndeyes?

I know that the Combine already have a better alternative (Hunters), but Houndeyes could've been great trackers to get where Hunters could not.

Why does everyone shit on Blue Shift?

It was always retarded that Bullsquids & Houndeyes didn't make an appearance, they did in the beta however


It's made by the same Gearbox that made Opposing Force but it really didn't match the quality of Opposing Force.

No new weapons, no new enemies, just new levels.