Well? How do fanboys answer this criticism?
Well? How do fanboys answer this criticism?
its fair
The game is fair? No
Pretty much my experience. Substituting actual game design with RNG is lazy, plain and simple.
the argument is fair your sperg
Is this one of those "fixed by mods" games?
So the game is bad then?
No, it's one of those "fixed by not being an entitled casualfaggot who ignored the gigantic warning message that pops up literally every time you boot the game up"
No. It's very good. Not perfect, but totally worth your time.
>having that saved
How will you answer OP's picture then?
By reminding you that early access reviews are worth less than nothing. They're literally just:
>Here's what some random asshole thought of this game before it was even finished.
Darkest Dungeon is awesome. The RNG is there to fuck you up if you didn't prepare for it. If you did, you will come out on top 90% of the time.
But the game has to be learned first. There are ways to cheese it and start pummeling back the enemies but it's the actual fun of it; to grasp the concepts and RNG and use them in your favor.
I can understand being frustrated by the things they mentioned, but there's ways to prepare for what they mentioned. If you're going into the Darkest Dungeon, you should be prepared out the ass and have carefully picked your team composition. Actually read about curios and learn what items to use on them to not get a negative interaction. Don't set up your party without giving them a way to shuffle themselves back into their original positions.
Look at the date. The game came out by that point.
2 complaints on dd. Higher level chars refuse to go to lower level dungeons. You can't reuse characters in the darkest dungeon.
Artificially extends the game and slows momentum to a crawl.
If you read the review though, he mentioned he only played after they added "The Cove" but but not after the game was finished.
youre on cruise control until level 5
then you have to slow down and choose every move carefully
You can toggle both of those things off now.
Then literally in the same sentence says he waited for the final release and played through it. Fucking retard.
Well there is a setting in the game that lets you reuse characters in the darkest dungeon at the cost of them gaining a lot of stress
>Bleed and blight seriously weak
t. a person that doesn't play PD, Flagellant or Helion
>Stronger enemies get 2-3 turns in a row[...]
False, only some bosses do more than one action per turn
>The random objects found while exploring have zero benefit to the player[...]
Also false, there are curios that always give beneficial rewards and others that even aid you during a mission (Holy Water used on a confessional can relieve you of plenty of stress for instance)
What a bunch of casuals
A lot of those problems literally can be resolved by turning the difficulty down. The game is by and large about risk management, like poker.
Complaining that the character improvement options available are useless and that RNG is all that matters indicates that they didn't bother with learning how character improvement works to handle said RNG. In short, "get gud".
Literally get good.
They both missed out on the most legitimate criticism, which is that the game can drag and get boring after you've learned its in in outs. But neither of them got to the point where they could make that criticism because they are both shitters.
>The game is by and large about risk management, like poker.
what an ugly meme, disgusting!