

Obviously made by a Dota shill.
Neck yourself.

Nice bait.

almost, good try though.

Here, I have the non-bait version.

You made literally picrelated.

League is too high in the skill department. It should be slightly below CS and CSGO.

Where would ck2 to be on this chart?

Quake should be farthest right. The disparity between a grand master at the game and just a "good" player is so fucking massive.

whats the fucking point of transport tycoon

The same can be said for all the games played competitively on that chart, you twat. There is nothing special about Quake.

>high strategy

>what is the fucking point of any game
Wasting time user

The gap is bigger in melee.

>same level of strategy than SC


>not playing transport tycoon competitively

>cs more difficult than street fighter
>assfaggots more difficult than quake, or even anything

ummm, no way sweetie!

Street Fighter 4 is harder than all of that MOBA and FPS garbage besides maybe quake

Fighting Games, RTS and Arena Shooters are the true thinking mans E-sports.


Fighting Games and RTS are mechanically harder than MOBAs. MOBAs are conceptually more complex than Fighting Games and RTS both.

Don't know much about FPS

>starcraft strategy
>know how to make your base and choose your units based on the enemy player's race and the map, know what to expect and how to counter it

The skill in Starcraft, especially brood war, is in the execution and efficiency of your movements. It's about managing the gay economy and having good tactics, not strategy.

there we go!

Throw Melee in the bottom right.


Should have used DaS2 boxart

Where's PUBG?

>Wasting time user

I feel like you should delete this post

>Dark Souls
>harder than melee
You better be joking, cause if not you'll get the beats.

>melee autismo can't sense facete

>That hearthstone placement
Fucking disregarded.

>cognitive threshold
Brainlets fuck off

Why do you dumb faggots always forget AoE2?

Because it has no relevance to the other games on the chart?

Dumb faggot.

atm the only pretty accurate graph

*breaths in*

Easy fun. It says right there on the chart, doofus.


Why not?

t. person who's never played hurtstone

>Brood War behind SC2 in terms of game difficulty
>Dota more popular than LoL

It's not meant to be played competitively.

What the fuck

crazy how none of you niggers can be honest.

wait, sry. i made a mistake

>he thinks DOTA requires APM
You're, like, initiating moves and casting spells and shit from 1/100th of the possible ways you could at the same point in a Starcraft match. It isn't a stretch to say you're playing 1/100th of the game.