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what's funny? that the greatest game of all time keeps getting doubted by shitposters. im going to be "breathing in" when i destroy you with my $1000 spaceship at launch.


>$1000 spaceship
user you're not improving your case

the man the myth the legend

I can't tell if you are b8ing or an actual cultist.


the stuff they have looks really nice. I just wish they focused more on polishing space combat, piracy, hauling, etc. instead of the running around on planet surface shit

>Sup Forums calls it a scam
>content starts being released
>delays happen, demos are buggy, Sup Forums again says it's all a scam and never happening
>more content is released, patches, updates
>pattern repeats for years

How mad are you going to be when it finally releases, op?

Here's your (you)

Am I understanding this correctly? He spent thousands of dollars to get useless virtual currency? And he's not even going to see it for another 5 years

Have these retards never heard of crypto-currencies or stocks? Hell, you could invest in fucking real estate with the type of money these people throw at jpg's.

>pattern repeats for years
when it's delaying the basic gameplay that's not really sustainable

if they finish SQ42 then I'll be impressed

I'm pretty sure they will be able to sell them for real money, but who would buy them when the game will be a buggy mess? It's an incredibly obtuse and retarded way of investing. And 5 years is a conservative estimate, we both know this could take more than 10 to be finished.

People spend thousands and more on useless shit everyday :V

I don't know whats worse... The cultists who love this game or the cultists who hate it

Has anyone heard anything good about Elite Dangerous?

>one procedurallly generated moon after 5 years of development
>0 planets
>0 star systems

it is like making wheels, rims and sound system for car before making the body and the engine.

>5 years of development
That's when the kickstarter was, then company founding shenanigans happened

They're both cancerous. Can't even have a proper discussion about the game's state. As a non backer whose been keeping an eye on it now and again I believe that the game is in no way a scam. Why? because if it was it would then be the most expensive, overly complicated scam ever. From what I can tell the problem is that when they first began their crowdfunding they had a more realistic idea for a game but when the money started pouring in they went wild with the ideas and became overly ambitious.

They wanted to add and do so many things to make it "the best space sim in history" that they forgot 2 important factors. Technology and consumer patience. They already reeled back on the scope of the game after realizing how much time and effort it would take to reach their previously envisioned goal. Even when I first saw it years ago I thought to myself, "Aren't these graphics too nice for an mmo space sim? How am I supposed to run it?" Lo and behold the game has big fps issues with 25 player instances

What you're forgetting is the game isn't supposed to be able to run on your $400 fancy toaster, it's made to push the limits of computer hardware, as was wing commander at the time of its release


the game actually runs pretty well offline. It's way shittier online because their netcode sucks and they keep adding more and more things to network

hopefully they actually release SQ42 this decade so we can see if the combat is fun

Well that didn't go so well for them. I mean a majority of pc gamers don't have the latest and greatest hardware. Wouldn't they just end up alienating a huge part of the potential playerbase because chances are those people won't be able to run the game properly

>tfw reading the lore of each system
how.. the fuck.. are they going to do it? 100 systems, each with 4 to five planets, each with 1 to 3 moon, they've put themselve against a wall there, like they're gonna need to do city and shit that are different from each other completely because they gave each systems a proper personality, feels, look, procedurally generated shit can't work well there. HOW? Each systems are unique as i'm reading the lore, it's impressive. I'm not surprised that they reduced the scope of systems on release of the game from 100 to 10, it's because it's impossible.

iirc, the procedurally generation is only partial, as it would only contribute to the overall structure while actual humans work on the details, but it's been a while since I read about it.

it would take decades to properly do all that

imo it's just smoke and mirrors to market the game. They also make their writers do weekly lore posts and short stories for the website. Like that will ever end up in the game.

only tangible thing they've finished is the SQ42 script which is supposedly done and most of the lines are done

I have 500 hours in ED

Only get it if you're autistic and you've played games before where they were a framework for your imagination

Otherwise ED will bore you to tears, its grind heavy and there isn't much content.

The developers are also so shit it makes even me mad. For example they are doing an ingame ayy lmao reveal. The way they do it is they drop hints to a player group that figures them out and then posts about alien stuff they find on reddit. And nobody ever sees that shit except for them.

Don't forget to recite your prayer every day or your saviour Chris Roberts won't grant you salvation!

Don't worry user, I understood it was satire.

>as was wing commander at the time of its release

At the time of its release wing commander ran on a 386DX clocked at 33Mhz with a required minimum of 640KB RAM, your dads office computer at the time would have 2MB and a VGA card and typically the aforementioned processor. You could easily run wing commander on this kind of office machine.

IN NO WAY was the original WC pushing the limits of hardware because gaming hardware for PC's didn't exist in 1990 and it wasnt until the 486 processor that videogames started pushing the limits.

So you see you are just a teenage faggot who experiences his first obvious vaporware which will be shat out an unfinished abortion after years of promises like many games before. Have fun being a cuck and a cultist but at least dont repeat the really retarded arguments

I'm sure I won't care when it actually releases 25 years from now

$200m+ and growing before the game is even out isn't doing well according to you? Reality would like to have a word


I wasn't referring to their money...

No one here has ever claimed we are sinking Star Citizen. Chris Roberts makes an amazing iceberg himself.

Not ever planet is inhabited and not every inhabited planet has a city or cities. Also, they've said that civilizations will grow as the game goes on after it's gone gold. Content will continue being developed after the game has its 1.0 release.

Yeah, the comic is flawed. It doesn't address the people who shitpost just to shitpost and pretend everything is awful all the time because for some reason this is fun to them.

They're worse than the people trying to magically sink boats by yelling at them.

You keep hyping up the game's "collapse' every time they have a live demo and there are glitches, and yet development continues and pleged features keep rolling out one by one. Explain without saying "$1000 JPEG!" or some such variant.

So how's that 3.0 update?


If you got time to post then you got time to BUY MORE SHIPS


probably won't be out until december



it was supposed to be out in december last year, too

>Sup Forums is schadenfreude:the forum

Can't say I really care about this virtual scam, not even a videogame. Just a fucking scam.

it's been 3 year that the game started full production
GTA 5, to be made, took 5 year.
Game development ain't easy, and they're going at a really good pace, it's a very ambitious game. As a wise man once said, "these things, they take time"

They also need an endless stream of your money. Don't forget to buy a 75$ starter package and a couple 120$ ships.

the original release date was november 2014, and you're trying to tell me they didn't even really get started until that year? lol

keep on flushing your money down the toilet, retard

>>content starts being released

you mean planned content being cut down by 95%?

You know, I was about to spend a decent part of an hour photoshopping a picture showing just how far Star Citizen has sank in the ocean, comparing it to the likes of Battleborn and TORtanic, but you know what, its a waste of time now because everyone knows this shit is dead.

I hope the idiots that paid money for the game/ships get their dollars worth in Alpha #92406924069280496820935293591 coming soon in 2029!

We are currently more likely to get privatized space travel before this game comes out. You, user, could actually go to space before Star Citizen idiots get their game. Sad.

Except that games with more features than the current SC have been made with half of the money in half the time.

meh, i don't really care about your opinions because you're only a minority. You are wrong. The game will eventually comes out.



>RSI has ~$150 million usd for a game that is never going to come out

>SpaceX can launch an ACTUAL FUCKING ROCKET IN TO SPACE for Less than $90 million


Star Citizen has no future, it doesn't matter. lol

>comparing it to the likes of Battleborn and TORtanic

You're right, because at least those games came out.

Also >>>>>>>>>>>>>/reddit/

That's the opinion of a little prepubescent kid on a cuban cigars making social media in a swarm of adjusted, patient adults in reddit.

oh it's that guy who has been posting reaction images about SC for years on vg

>Pledged for the crowdfunding campaign
>That was over 4 fucking years ago
>In that time I graduated twice and got a job
>Have yet to take a seat in my Freelancer without the "game" taking a shit
>Hype died years ago
>When (if) it finally comes out I'll probably play it for about 20 minutes and then never touch it again

ITT: Space Shillizen faggots getting blown the fuck out.

Proud of you, Sup Forums.

Stay mad, note how you resorted to insults?
This means you just lost the argument, heh. Looks like I win again.

I don't go to /vg/.

The autism is strong with the newfag.

>still no console version of SQ42 announced
>devs don't even react to my emails

Cmon, Robertsfag, I won't giv you my money otherwise.

That's right derek smart, you're completely wrong. this game WILL comes out, you clearly don't know how the world work. Why would they have five development studio, with four hundred person WORKING and being PAID, for a scam? You can't answers that uh derek? :)

wow getting deja vu here

How can one user keep laughing at the same joke for so long?

The scope creep with this game is insane they should have released Squadron 42 and just built on that with Open World DLC not this epic game to end all games.

*buys $20,000 sliding door with your kickstarter funds*



PLEASE come out before 2020
PLEASE be amazing
PLEASE be the game to save vidya
PLEASE give me the escape from reality I so desperately want

So what was the proof that they were lying about how they made the doors?

This x100.


Sorry Jimbo, but Star Citizen is looking like a huge pile of shit at the moment.

That was good, man, 9/10

These are the kinds of posts I still come here for.

Where does this superiority complex from SC backers come from? They all talk about how this game is gonna be this unique, earth-shattering release that will change vidya forever, then you look at the current demo and it's a barely functional mess with less content than NMS 1.0. Then SC backers insinuate you're a philistine if you think it looks like shit.

>his name is literally inebriated


they are far too invested in it both financially and emotionally

Chris Roberts filled their heads with dreams of conquering the stars, if he had been born muslim, he'd be a top tier propaganda guy for ISIS creating terrorists by hundreds.

yes, they should delevope their game in run down warehouses in ghetto neighbourhoods with no doors at all like all the other devs do who manage their funds 100% efficiently

all I see in every SC thread ever is autists shitting endlessly on a SC fans for hoping a game might turn out to be good. Very humble and no superiority complex indeed.

can we please have a SC thread without shitposters and cultists?

The game will eventually come out when we actually have space colonies and private spaceships already.

not if put everyone in either of those categories like you just did retard. Everyone who makes points for SC = cultist. Everyone who critiques SC = shitposter

How original. Can you at least come up with something new instead of parroting the same "jokes" again and again?

No one is saying that user, but there comes a point where having a customized door for your office might be seen as misappropriation of assets.

No door =/= $20000 door

False dichotomy.


>no bulge

Every major dev does shit like that constantly. I wonder why some autist hasn't caculated how much this statue costs even though it was paid for by money that people gave them to make a game not build dumb statues.

I wasn't aware Blizzard kickstarted their games. The more you know!

I know your autism prevents you from picking up on subtleties in conversations but that is what is called a "hyperbole" It's an exaggerated statement or claim not meant to be taken literally to illustrate a point. I hope you have an easier time next time trying to communicate with humans.

>releases games
>takes the money after

You know what the difference is? Blizzard has a shitton of cashcow games released meanwhile CiG is barely being able to finish 2.