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Yeah, I dont think I will be getting Cyberpunk
They clearly went full sjw west, I believe foreigners are more than 50% of their employees
You know it's a joke about Geralt and some of his companions having context-inappropriate views, right?
curious if during that period woman actually did start becoming independent.
He's so ugly with that beard and haircut.
>i ordered THIS game
well, time to cancel it
during the late medieval ages? lmao..
The context is VERY different than what you think it is. This has NOTHING to do with SJWs.
Also, Geralt is 100% true.
I'd need to check but yea, it was a bit strange to see women run businesses, etc, but it DID happen.
>curious if during that period woman actually did start becoming independent.
that period of a fictional place?
this is not Europe you imbeciles
Maybe not in Europe but whatever slavic shithole the witcher was based on.
>Maybe not in Europe but whatever slavic shithole the witcher was based on.
That'd be poland and surroundings.
Pillars of the Earth and At World's End are both considered historically accurate and did have women in power.
Poland is literally in the middle of Europe.
Really stretching. This isn't really about women's right or about finding a husband, you know.
What about monarchy?
This one line wasnt that bad
Next expansion was much worse though
>curious if during that period woman actually did start becoming independent.
It's not the real world, there are fucking sorceresses and shit.
>this line is somehow worthy of a thread on Sup Forums
>it doesn't even end on page 10 with zero replies but has actually posters in it
I don't understand nu-Sup Forums
You are just like the SJWs, hunting to be offended, wanting to be a victim.
You are just as bad as they are.
It is more just a running joke for Geralt.
Every time a woman shows up and is like
>Yeah I know I am unusual for being a woman doing man things
Geralt just goes "come on it is the 13th century."
He says it during several different encounters with stronk independent womyn.
In The Witcher world yes
Normal times no
Games a fucking joke, it was hard to tell when its being ironic, kind of like that great moment in W1 in tavern where bard is describing a complete mary sue and its wonderful at how its poking fun at western medium where characters are this and that and everything in between, oh wait then it turns out they waren't being ironic lol
TW3 is an awesome game we find any excuse we can to have a thread about it.
I am about to start the game on NG+ so i visit all witcher threads.
Why do people think this. Women ran loads of shit when their husbands were at war.
Open a fucking book.
In that case female independence must've started during the roman era, because we had women defacto running parts of the empire. Or in both greek and ancient egypt. Hell, you could question whether there was ever any dependence for women in the first place.
No, no. I presume we're talking about the more modern independence movement. That's really something out of the 20th century, not in the 14th century europe.
>it was hard to tell when its being ironic
Is can't be any easier to understand Geralt's humor, seriously. Maybe if you weren't braindead you'd be able to play more than a couple of hours before crying
>this game is bad, guys!
on the internet
You're misunderstanding everything. He's talking about women starting to become independent. And when did this start then, user?
>Women ran loads of shit when their husbands were at war.
Jumping on the cock carousel isn't business.
>>Sup Forums
Are those boards the only ones intersted in the truth?
this game was developed in poland where they don't have the same SJW and PC culture as the USA. The witcher had that one line and it was actually kinda funny.
the fact that this makes you mad prooves that you consumed way too much "alt right" propaganda. which has now become worse than retarded feminism.
I guess independent was the wrong word
More being things more than wives, maids, and nobles?
Like being able to have political power, run business, becomes scholars doctors etc.
You gotta first attract attention to start a discussion. Some shitposts help with that.
Women have always been able to open shops and taverns and become musicians and singers.
it's 2077, time to kill all the white males
women have had political power for thousands of years, directly or indirectly. That's nothing new. Hell, the roman empire almost disintegrated in the 3th century due to a rebellious female leader. But I'd say women becoming scholars, unless you count writers, and doctors is really something modern.
so many new anons don't understand Sup Forums, b8 is what gets people in a thread which enables actual discussion. posting an interesting picture also works.
What a stupid conversation. Just let it go. What's her face became a healer. Shit like that happened. Nuns for example in our world took on some nurse like work and MANY women willingly took that job.
At worst: she went to university. But in a world of magic, obviously this fits the internal logic as how else do you get witches? Gotta learn somehow.
Triggered nu-male leftcuck.
>there are no black males in the game
Well you can't kill any other type of males so yeah.
>hurr I'm a freak too lmao
kill yourself Geralt
oh snap, ignore that
I'm not really arguing against any of that though, user.
>he thinks slav meisters back in CDProjekt actually care about Americalizated SJW nonsense
>seven examples in a hundreds of hours game, some of which are not even good examples
You're not even trying
You people are embarrassing.
They knew a black fighter would absolutely destroy Geralt, so they wanted to avoid an enemy you couldn't beat.
he's clearly joking. Christ, when did Sup Forums turn into a humorless pit?
>not installing canon mod
Not if Geralt had supported Emhyr var Emreis, the one true ruler of the North.
>no "no" option
I guess it's because the character wouldn't say that. Then again, I wouldn't think a witcher would refuse pay but they put that option in as well.
Probably when many people started to seriously worry about SJWs in vidya. Good games being based for having gay romance or trans characters is annoying.
Not really both of those books had singular mary sue characters who couldn't be stopped by anyone and were able to instantly predict whatever plots were being made against them.
Also that fucking hack Follet reuses almost ever plot point in World Without End.
>equating Trump to Emhyr
>not equating him to Radovid
c u c k
The "no" option is "seems nice". That's universal dialogue for "don't like him, but don't wanna seem a bad person"
The "seems nice." is the no option.
>instantly predict
Not true, they kept fucking up themselves.
For fucks sake, two characters who were supposed to be together took FOREVER to finally get together because of all the bullshit of the universe.
Also, I disagree entirely about the plotpoints. Hell, you're wrong about everything really. Totally different characters, so totally different things happen.
this is why I can't socialize
Because it's easier to pretend you were oppressed and you're fighting "injustice" than to accept reality, especially if you're an emotional woman
They probably think history is "sexist" to be honest.
Witcher 3 was one giant SJW circle-jerk
Previous games less so, I mean you still had some choices tomakeGeralt not being a giant "current year" vagina
>le atheist
>le rebellious no bow to u man
based. heading to r/witcher right now
See? This guy is the reason:
>Witcher 3 was one giant SJW circle-jerk
You're fucking retarded mate.
If this was like the Witcher 2 Emyhr would have had Geralt beheaded for refusing to bow to him.
tell me where the joke is, you great curator of good humour
Cringe. How did this pass CDPR's quality control?
A little cheesy but so what? You ARE aware that Geralt has fought women before right? And killed them?
It's bizarre he lists examples but whatever. It might even be fourth wall breaking for stupid fags like you who are unaware of what women do.
True, not much fighting in real history but whatever. Hell, this might even be a Brienne of Tarth reference.
Cheers, I'm replaying it and haven't gotten there yet
that was just physically painful
Ciri was a lesbian in books
Good, more the reason I should read it.
kek they did it twice? Wasn't there a line like this with the brawling questline?
lmaoing @ the last one
why do they force it so much
They make a point of bullying Ciri in the books because she's a woman, and thus is naturally slower and less strong than a man her size.
>Be me
>It's been nearly 2 years since I've bought a new game
>Last game I got was Hotline Miami 2, which was also obviously anarchist in it's political commentary , although it sympathizes with nationalism.
It's been so long bros, why can't they make games without the SJW shit anymore? I think before I got Hotline Miami 2 I bought the new DOOM game. That's been about it.
Can someone recommend me a good game? The only thing I can think of Furi
>Woman ran loads of shit
*Minor amount of shit. They still had men in the village or Manor who would do most of everything under the feudal and manorial systems , women would work the fields still but they would receive assistance from men. When it came to running the manor their roles were mostly bureaucratic in nature.
Are you retarded?
>Sjw Mary Sue, wannabe Brienne tries to bait geralt into saying something sexist about fighting a woman
>"Nah, only someone scared of somehow and against all the odds losing to a woman would say some sexist shit like that."
How can you miss that?
Why do you let it bother you? Grow a thicker skin.
If you must, go for Japanese games then.
>Men worked in the fields, but they had help too! They asked their wives and children to help out!
Damn Geralt is sexy
But it was. I mean you can't tell from the first chapter alone, but once you get to Novigrad it's giant SJW cringe fest, I mean it feels like any Assassins Creed game
>gather your progressive current year free-thinking friends to stand against oppressive religion and the religious people are nothing but hypocrites, thieves and murderers just like real life
>pick between a strong intellegent independent woman to be queen against all odds and her idiot brother who the game keeps reminding you is an idiot, oh and if you pick him you will never solve the mystery and we tell you in the epilogue that you made the wrong choice because he drowned his people in blood, but it all works out if you pick the strong woman
I mean compare it to Witcher 1 where you could join the order, I mean there was a choice.
And Witcher 2 , well you're just trying to get yourself and triss alive out of a clusterfuck, and your allies are arguably worse than the villains
>gather your progressive current year free-thinking friends to stand against oppressive religion and the religious people are nothing but hypocrites, thieves and murderers just like real life
Please tell me you aren't thinking about Radovid
>>pick between a strong intellegent independent woman to be queen against all odds and her idiot brother who the game keeps reminding you is an idiot, oh and if you pick him you will never solve the mystery and we tell you in the epilogue that you made the wrong choice because he drowned his people in blood, but it all works out if you pick the strong woman
I assume you mean Skellige or whatever the islands are. It WAS NOT a gender issue. It was about culture. My god, you people are DEMANDING to be offended. You ACTIVELY search it out. No one but faggots like you would twist the game this hard.
I'll be sure to develop a game w/o woman in it so you, being the little faggot you are, won't be triggered. I'll make this game exclusively for you user.
Shocking I know but maybe this game proves Sup Forums isn't a nest of alt-right autism like many believe. Witcher always had strong social commentary, just not directly related to american race issues.
Sup Forums wouldn't know what satire is even if it bashed them over the head.
The worst part was Dandelion falling in love and marrying a roastie. What possessed them to make this fuckery
>sees out of context screenshot for a game he clearly didn't play
>Men are still doing all of the work while women and children do the minor work
Sorry buddy, but that was the way things were. Nowadays women are indoctrinated into working private jobs to be """""""free"""""""", because somehow they have romanticized working long hours and being a bachelor like men were for some reason.
>Cucker 3
Why am I not surprised?
a bad joke, which is not taken as a joke to others.
are all animeposters this retarded or is it just you?
>takes out of context seens that are jokes or something you have to push the character to reveal.
This. This thread is an embarrassment.
>Can't refute shit
>uses anime as an insult
Nice try
>Islam is not savage... in fact Muslim priests are actually scientists and smarter than you!
That's probably the worst out of all of them.
Someone: women have rights
Sup Forums: [autistic screeching]
>abloobloo sjw
None of these scenes are jokes..seethere's no fucking joke here. You Witcher shills are stuck in "based poles" mentality and you're incapable of actually processing information
If you equate Ofieri with Muslims that's your problem.
They are fucking fantasy race.
its pretty much over the fucking line and we have to put our foot down