What are some good games where you have a beard and mustache, but you have the option to shave yourself?

What are some good games where you have a beard and mustache, but you have the option to shave yourself?

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Are beards and mustaches make up for men?

Shaved Snake, a hero denied his beard.


My beard is not an affectation!

Then you wouldn't mind shaving it

>removing the only things that make Big Boss look good;


Is there a more manly way to sit down?

Kinda of, yeah. But at least it's natural.

Witcher 3. Also, that looks seriously ugly

I think you can shave at the start of heavy rain. Not that it's a good game though.

Unfortunately, yes

he still looks pretty fucking good though, thats just an awkward angle.

Mad Max

kinda, except some guys look better clean shaven, while careful use of makeup will make any woman look better.

This thread again?

Also, Witcher 3


tfw still can't grow a beard

Deadly Premonition




It helps me hide my weak chin, I must confess.


The virgin beard.

Now someone post the Chad chin.

Shave those face pubes.

>job interview snake

Ken Sama fuck off

Is there any way to "improve" my beard growth? Or am I forever cursed by my shitty genes?

No, I look very weird without a beard, trust me. One of those few cases where a beard makes somebody less creepy looking.

High protein diet.

Jonathan Frakes has an old back injury or something that stops him from sitting normally.

Get older
try minoxidil
try expensive treatments

other than that you might be fucked son

Like said he has an injured back, on top of this they were manlet chairs and he was mega tall compared to everyone.

>haven't shaved for a couple of weeks
>look in mirror
>not bad
>try to get a side view
>look like a chernobyl survivor

Fucking hell, I have decent growth on my chin, but on my cheeks it grows fucking awful, like grass in Skyrim on the Switch. And I don't want some edgy faggot goatee.


Beggars can't be choosers.

>Get decent growth but have a slightly patchy beard
>The other side of my face grows beard faster than the other

women put effort and time in make up
men don't do anything and they get the beard

i'd say shaving your beard is the closest thing


just kill me now

Of course.

Consider the following: people associate symmetrical faces with beauty. If your lower face looks like shit, grow a symmetrical beard, and suddenly your attractiveness is at least 50% higher. It's math.

wait a minute that stance


eat tons of red meats. Also once your beard comes in and stops growing, shave it. Once it grows in it will grow in again thicker, at least that's how it feels. Dont know if it's a fact tho

Shave your fucking face, York.

Looks nothing like Keifer Sutherland, holy shit.

Looks more like Snake Plissken

pay a visit to your local trichologist, he'll tell you what to do
>tfw my bread is completely fucked and doesn't grow, need a transplant


things manlets will never understand

No they're extra haircuts

Manlets will NEVER EVER pull off the chair straddle that smoothly

it hurts

minoxidil works.

maintaining a good looking beard takes a lot of effort.

Someone edit this with the [LAUGHTER STOPS] caption.

The 2nd is actually MSX Snake. Filename is still true I guess. but even with the beard BB looks pretty generic.

Something about Riker always bothered me. He seemed like too much of a Mary Sue.

>every bit of footage I can find of someone playing DP
>they never shave
>every time
Come on, you can shave even during the otherworld parts, you're just being lazy.

look, some men are just perfect

I like this, kill me

What about that Iroquois Plisskin guy? Do you think maybe BB is his dad?

>completely shaved for like the first time in a year last night
>realize that I kinda forgot what I looked like


When you have to go shitpost on Sup Forums at 5 but duel the Cardinal's men at 6

Loved this movie.


>tfw "Fallout" 3 and 4 lets you do this but not Fallout New Vegas

BB didn't need a double, he just needed to shave and BAM! he's a diferent man

Was about to post this. Great taste.


>eat tons of red meats.
Fuck off with your memes. Unless he's still going through puberty, then it's game over.

but then who will build Zanzibar Land?

I still have baby face and small hands
I'm worried i'm gonna grow like my dad he never got a manly looking face until he was 25?

The Kings have a barber and OWB's auto-doc had barber routine.

People keep telling me I have the hands of a pianist and I still have no fucking idea what they mean by that.

>let beard grow in game
>romantic interest comments positively on it

I like that. Not many games do it. Not the beard growing or complimenting it, but generally, player appearance doesn't get talked about much by NPCs.

I'm curious, does anyone on Sup Forums look like OP's image?


No, facial hair is the natural state of a man's face. Close shaves are the closest thing to make up.

Try existing in any social strata other than the homeless while sporting an unkempt beard (because, you know, hair cosmetics are for the gays), you'll surely make a killing.

how bout you ask them?

Manlet here, I just tried to do this and smashed my dick. What surgery do I need to look up to get fix my baby legs and be a man.

Eat spinach like Popeye, then you'll be big and strong, while not being a damn manlet!

This will solve your problem one way or the other

Commander, tell me about your sexual organs


Start playing basketball. Basketball players all seem to be tall as fuck and I find it hard to believe it's a coincidence.

Imagine this babyface performing a CQC slam on me.

I'd scream in laughter, not pain and agony.

>People keep telling me I have the hands of a pianist

Long fingers

Yes, but not always

Face it user, without facial hear or a bandana, or even that eyepatch, it's not Big Boss.

V without a mustache or beard looks like chris-chan.


Big Boss got his balls melted off in a nuclear test. he can't have children.

Now that I think about it, Pliskin looks more like Chris Pratt, everytime I play MGS2

truly missing link in mgs saga


What's this pic from.

A mod that uses Bossu's model to make him more like MG1 Snake

fuck.... same

Make him bald

Solid Snake looks good without a beard