Sega are asking about localising the recently announced Yakuza projects

Sega are asking about localising the recently announced Yakuza projects

Go fill out the survey here

Other urls found in this thread:

Ryu ga Gotoku Studios Announcement Reaction Survey
Thank you so much for your feedback. While there are no overseas release plans for these projects at this time, we value the opinions of our fans, and thank you for your time.

All I want is Fist of the North Star

I said zero hype for a PC title. Yakuza is a PlayStation series.

Who cares anyway it's a shitty mobile game

Wew, why were people repeating Kiwami 2 and HnK were already getting localized?

I always feel tempted to play 2 on this instead of the PS2 (already done with 1), but i don't think I'm ready to face a nipponese title where i need to look up the translation elsewhere

I'll fill out the opposite with my 10 accounts just to spite you then, eat shit faggot.

Please localize Kiwami 2, Sega. I need this

They will, don't know why they're asking

should've done it during development

How do you know?

I just saw the Yakuza Online is this?

are you serious?

record sales for the series with 0 and kiwami 1 are pretty good indicators that they'll continue localizing.

is kiwami 1 coming to ps3?

Just asking, between the general history of the franchise and this survey i think it's normal to have doubts, no?

Isn't Kiwami only now coming out in the west? But yeah, surely that's a factor

I filled it out even though I don't have a PS4 at the moment. I'd love to have that FotNS game eventually. Hopefully it and the other games get localized.

If Kiwami got localised I don't see why Kiwami 2 wouldn't. Frankly though, I only want to buy Kiwami 2 if the combat is closer to 0's than 6's, and if the performance issues are sorted out.

Every series is a PlayStation series until the superior PC version comes out. Might as well get used to it.

Do your part, faggots.

Please play the original Yakuza 2 instead of Kiwami 2. Same with the first game.

Nope, PS4 only.


go back to twitter bit

No, they're ugly and you're a faggot


Mobage. The only reason I would consider it important is because the new series protagonist seems to be debuting in it.

no no you mean before
and either way piss off let people play which ever version they want

Just like Final Fantasy was. And Devil May Cry.

>final fantasy
>playstation title

5/5/1 here

>Art makes him look handsome and young
>In-game looks like this


This fucker dropped out of middle school and saw people getting fucked since he was born or some shit.

Would a person like that not be borderlne retarted?

I understand now. Im just jumping on the series with kiwami but the same day I pre ordered it some edgelords like this said it was terrible and shouldnt exist. Like Ive salid before, I will play kiwami and most likely 0; after that I will look for the others, remake or not

Seriously, fuck this faggot.
If Kiwami doesn't sell, the series won't get any more localizations or sequels. He's just trying to be a contrarian hipster.

You think this guy has influece. No.

>Yakuza 1 on the PS2
>that "aiming"

No, the combat has gotten so much better since then, and I am glad I don't know who that fag is you posted.

>when kiwami does well we only have to wait a few month for a Location instead of 2 years or so

Mention ishin too if you can guys

That's a really poor survey, like it doesnt even tell us if we want those games localized ASAP, just if you want to hear more info on them

Fuck off nigger I played them on the PS3.
Yakuza HD collection has the best versions of 1 and 2.

post your reactions

i have 0 hope for a FREE TO PLAY title. releasing on pc doesnt mean shit. id rather have every kiwami game on pc than an mmo. you are shit if otherwise

There is nothing wrong with starting the series with 0 or Kiwami,
If you think so you're an elitist jabrony and don't actually like the games.


What if I started with 1


and then picked back up with 0 and Kiwami

0 for phone shit, 3 for Kiwami 2 because of it being on 6's engine and for being unnecessary, 5 for FotN game.

5/1/1 is the patrician response

That's fine user, as long as you enjoy the games.

>Wake up
>Go to computer and open up Sup Forums as usual
>Still drowsy
>Click livestream link from the catalog on Sup Forums
>No idea wtf is happening

1/1/1 is what a real fan would choose, we've been betrayed by SEGA with this one. Instead of getting a mainline game, we're getting more cashgrabs. This is disgusting.


>Don't have a PS2
>Don't want to emulate the first game
Kiwami is the best option for me.

5/5/3 is for cool guys only

This bait is about as stale as mainline games

>the HEAT moves will be different Hokuto Shinken Techniques

They announced a new mainline game with Shin Ryu ga Gotoku and showed off the new protagonist and his backstory. Ichiban is just debuting in the mobile game while they work on the new title.

I can't find the actual image, but I always thought that guy was playing Kid Niki. That looks like one of the later stages with the mountains and shit.

On topic; why is Yakuza Online being released for PC, if it's going to be a Japan-only title? I thought the Japanese don't game on PC whatsoever?




RGGO is a mobile game. The PC version will be exactly the same so Japs can keep playing it at home without needing to be on their phone.

How do people not understand its a garbage mobage



>mobage yakuza

anyway I did my part for the other 2

>hyped for ftp mobile game
lol no.


I think they should have capitalized on Jojo and made that game instead, would have made the yakuza devs more relevant like Arcys is with DBZfighterz in both nipland and the west, better have 0 tier heat moves instead of 6

Heres the issue, SEGA is retarded and makes them localise it themselves. Its a mid sozed studio, localising takes a lot out of them


>Guy had some not so happy comments on the new announcements
>Now everyone shitposts about him as if he's menacingly trying to boycott the series in the west and ruining everyone's fun

Never underestimate the power of bandwagoning i guess

I think he looks great
The only thing that's weird is that he is line not jp looking, like kiryu

In-game looks like a goofball, I like it.

He already called it a "cheap remake of a classic" without even gameplay videos.

Sega is actually getting their shit together lately, nice

I have Yakuza 4, 5, and Zero.

Which should I play first? Finish the PS3 ones so I don't have to go back a generation or start with Zero, or wait until Kiwami?

>filling out 10 forms just to get mobage cancer
wew lad

Better emulate the first 2, they are short.
4 and 0 are also good places to start. Zero is better, though.

Voted HYPE for Kiwami 2 and FotNS
Voted NO HYPE for iOS online shite

Hope others did the same desu

See , and he literally screamed BETRAY when 4 fucking games were being announced. You can't be a worse whiny self entitled bitch than that, but just like 99% of the people who defends idiots you are probably just like him.

how the fuck is Yakuza online gonna work?

Which of the Kiwami games capture weeb culture the best with dumb anime bullshit minigames?

Kill yourself game

If you don't understand why his mindset is idiotic and harmful for a niche title there is something really wrong with you.

I just did, go do your duty Sup Forums, vote or die.

The same way Fire Emblem works on phones

it's not

That was different guy, GamingBrit.
HyperBitHero is more adequate about it. He is catious. And can you really blame him after Kiwami and 6?

This desu

Yakuza is not a series we should be acting entitled over or being elitist about, I just want my fucking games

FTP games are fucking cancer, spend resources on real games

But can we get BEYOND thunderdome?

id highly recommend kiwami over 1 by virtue of the combat system being fixed

>after Kiwami
Kiwami is still a good game, and better than 1 in every regard other than OST

The one in which I fucked your mother over and over.


Well, it's what he's expecting after the first Kiwami, can you blame him?

God forbid he has a fucking opinion. And again, stating his personal disappointment isn't the same as screaming "BOYCOTT KIWAMI YAKUZA WAR NAU"

Maybe he's whiny, but you're whining about how he is whining, how's that better?

While i understand your point "mindlessly accept anything Sega throws at you" isn't exactly a compelling argument either

holy shit is that kenshiro


>tfw still have to finish 5, then play 0, then kiwami
I got a lot of Yakuza to play, im gonna get burnt out I feel, 5 is already long as fuck.
