
>15000 damage dealt
>40+ kills

please tell me why

Other urls found in this thread:


Because you're playing a game where individual skill matters not.

Fuck off to /vg/, this doesn't deserve its own fucking thread.

What was the match time?

Because team based games are so popular because you can blame your teammates when you lose.
>It's not my fault my team was bad!
On the flip side this also means you can't carry a team. Just play fighting games pussy


Stop playing overwatch

>I lost in a team-based game where capturing the objective or pushing the objective is the key to winning
>I don't get it, I only treated the match like a team death match and prioritized damage/kills
>Please tell me why!


Dead game. Everyone migrated to PUBG.

>team based moba shooter
>surprised why people can't solo carry
>playing video games competitively
>playing overwatch

This. But also git gid.

>playing video games competitively

What's wrong with that? And why is it fags like you who post anime girls are always the ones to whine about competitive video-games?

Go play Splatoon or whatever the fuck it is your ilk plays.

you can carry in tf2 though

>40 kills
>40 deaths
>"B-buh i gob 3 gold"

Just use aimbot, like everyone else. If you're a soldier main, you have the extra advantage since 90% of Overwatch playerbase is mentally handicapped so if you get called out, you can just say ''but it's my ulti lmao xDDD'' and they'll accept that.

>15000 damage
Damage doesn't really matter
If all your doing is shooting a Rein shield or hog but not securing kills, you are doing nothing
>40 kills
Above average kill score, but I also assume younhave 40 deaths also

not really average is like 10

play FFA deathmatch you no healing shitter

omg so true, ppl are retarded or aimbotting themselves to cover up

>he didn't bring the noise
>he didn't bring the ruckus


that's overwatch in a nutshell

>does enough damage to build enemy healer ultimates several times over
>gets all his kills negated by constant rez
>completely ignores team and objective

what the fuck dude im always on point and never kill rez'd ppl.
In fact im last standing on point every fucking time .

>Win 2 games
>Gain sr
>lose 1 due to griefing
>lose more sr then the 2 games won

Comp is %80 luck and %20 skill.

Overwatch has fake competitive depth, with the sheer amount of health, barriers and healing present in every team meaning that you're relying on five other randomers to do as well as you in synchronisation to consistently win team fights
Also it has ZERO depth, half the meta heroes like Lucio/DVA/Winston require zero skill to play and just need them to stand there and push a single button to decide entire games

You can't expect to solo carry in a moba. You can play 100% perfectly, make every possible correct decision and still lose because your maximum individual potential to change the outcome of a game is outmatched dramatically by team potential.

The problem is Americans. Not even joking. 90% of Americans that I've played with usually do the following:

>Mic spam
>Toxic/Passive aggression
>Try to be 'funny'
>Use comms to say absolutely useless/obvious shit like
>"Shot Reaper??"
>"Monkey on point??"
>"Mercy's one, Mercy's one??"

If you play on Europe with a team of mics (which is rare, since they barely talk), you actually have decent team coordination without the horse shit.

you pick genji/doomfist/trace to win, not s76

Not on soldier. I average 20kills a game at least and im not even a soldier main.

>do chip damage to someone with soldier
>tracer bursts him down
>soldier gets a kill
medals scuk

Most newer competitive games give a false sense of achievement. Luck based shit doesn't belong in competitive games. That's why Quake and UT were good.
>reddit spacing

shield or turret damage doesn't get counted. Only direct hits. That's also not a fresh change

>don't go anywhere near the payload
>wonder why you lose

>Reddit spacing

Get fucked. I've been on this shithole for 11 years, you and I both know that the reason why people space like that is because the comment field is narrow as fuck when typing a post and gives the false impression of a completed paragraph, but even then having spaces between the sentences makes for easier reading anyway.

Don't fuck with me holmes.

Nice bait.

i mean deaths you retard

I know who you are lmao

>reddit spacing


it wasn't your turn to win

>has to explain his autism
>doesn't have 4chanX
>announcing newfaggotry
>not adressing my point

because tf2 is a shooter with a high skill cap, while overwatch is a moba masquerading as a shooter (without the option to get fed and buy something like items)

Because the soldier on the other team also had 40+?

Nobody calls this guy out for thinking elim totals matter? You hit hit somebody with 1 bullet and you can get an elim.





If you want to play a game where just you alone can carry a game without babysitting shitters, play Counter-Strike.


Play PUBG if you want to thrive on your individual effort.

>playing Overwatch
You already lost, dude.

>go from shitty assfaggots to twitch bait
normie advice/10

Blizzard shill, plz. You're losing relevance every week.

>guy's using aimbot
>''wow look how good he is, how is he so good wtf??''
What is the exact point in time when gamers became gullible retards?

90% of people I've met in OW unironically believe it is impossible to cheat in online games

>Ster aimbots

Exactly the same experience, and they are convinced that cheats just don't exist for Overwatch. I don't get how it came to be like this. You used to be able to call in a server admin and the cheater would be banned immediately. Now, not only are there even no vote kicks, you're not even allowed to call someone out or you're ''toxic''.

Because the objective of each match isn't kill count.

Not him, but if you're playing soldier you should not be on point. You should be positioned on high ground to keep the point secured.

Kid friendly, you cant even see the k/d of each player in horror you might tell him he sucks or something

not user, but he's not far off.

>15000 damage
>Into tank comp

Wow, it's fucking nothing

As someone who stopped playing shortly before Ana released, what's the biggest change since then?

I like how your only response to a video proving you wrong is LOL HACKS.

And yet you have 0 proof of ster being an aimbotter.

Because you ran ahead of the team, and scored kills when nobody else is around.

Because your team needed a healer and you autolocked DPS instead.

Because your team needed a tank and you autolocked DPS instead.

Because you didn't kill Pharah.

Because you did poke damage that largerly got healed up. (You get elims for literally touching anything that dies.)

>cursor always fixated on target
>not even in IRL tournaments we see movement like that
pure skill

Holy fuck you're actually autistic.
Do you even know who ster is? He's been playing TF2 for fucking years and now moved onto OW.

And yet you expect me to believe a random pissbaby on a Mongolian image board.

>playing Overwatch seriously

That's your problem. Just try to have fun.

>this denial
your childhood hero cheated kid, and that video is proof

You're right user, don't listen to the evil bad man, there are no cheaters in video games. People are good and kind and fair, why would anyone do something like that, what a mean thing to say.

is this guy actually trying to imply star is good at the game?


Because you had mercy main gamur gurl who has 40 deaths and always solorez.

I'm not saying cheaters don't exist and I've seen my fair share on OW as well.
But if you for one second a guy who makes constant OW videos and streams it all the time hasn't been shamed for cheating up till this point? You've got to be a fucking retard.

>Objective time: 0:04

go ask on /vg/ bucko nobody here cares about this shit game

Tanks are designed to take damage, Supports are designed to heal any damage, thats two layers you have to go through as a DPS, the game devolves into blob attacks, just to get a pick instead of actual fighting.

Could watch only 1 min of this faggot

dunno what your point is? streamers can cheat too

Why do grils always play Mercy?

Video is him climbing to Master? Why not GM? What's the point of this? I thought TF2 was the more skilled game.

And 50% concentrated power of will?

>Actually unironically thinking Sters Aim is good enough for an aimbot

Yup, that's exactly why I asked when did gamers become gullible retards like yourself. I mean, right now, you're passionately defending a blatant cheater. Why, I mean, is he like your friend or something, is he family?

>trying to make him look good thought indirect praise
how did his cock taste?

>people STILL shoot slept targets


Koreans have better aim than him without aimbot

you have literally never seen an aimbot if you seriously think hes aimbotting

koreans play on much better connections and do this 23 hours per day if they want to eat
>he thinks aimbots are all instalocking

it's primarily about teamwork

It requires less brain stimulation.

thc fuck yo shit cunt sucker moother fucker gay bitch ass genji how am i amble to wipe the whole team but then he comes yelling yuge no kau what ever the fuck and he kills me wtf

The average player doesn't play the same amount of games as a streamer with no life can, of course he'll eventually climb the ranks, even if its a slow pace. Skill does matter but more games means a greater difference.

based retard trying to act knowledgeable about topics he has no clue about

Really (doesn't) activate the almonds, ey?

By this logic literally anyone who can out aim ster or is placed above him is aim botting. I think Ster is a cunt but his tracking is well within feasible human limits

pictured above: user is reaching the bargaining stage

There are videos and videos of this, you can literally go on Google and find free hacks, why in the fuck is Blizzard doing nothing to counter this? This makes less sense to me than the retards who are convinced there are no hackers in video games.

Thanks for your input.

Because there is no way to detect them unless they use intrusive methods. If they use intrusive methods, they can be sued. So they take the easy and legally safe road.

>And why is it fags like you who post anime girls are always the ones to whine about competitive video-games?
Anime posters are often, unsurprisingly, people into anime. People into anime tend to be into Japanese culture and media. Which means they are by proxy also into Japanese video games. Their preference for Japanese video games coincides with a preference for games that involve actual skill, depth, and imagination as Japanese games tend to have over western ones. Thus it stands to reason that they would detest a game like Overwatch which is antithetical to these things.