This will be Kojima's Mighty No. 9
Mark my words
This will be Kojima's Mighty No. 9
Mark my words
Heh, first day here from Reddit, kiddo? Let me give you some advice, you NEVER talk bad about Kojima-sama on Sup Forums. Just don't do it. He has more genius while asleep than you have when awake. He's created the best and most brilliant games of all time in his pinky toe. Mind your manners, sport, because we don't take likely to that kind of talk around here.
Is that why Ground Zeroes was a 60 dollar demo?
You really think it'll be that good?
the ending cinematic is the launch trailer
Ground Zeroes has more content than TPP
Kojima has already had his mighty no.9.
He just convinced his autistic fans that it was konami's fault.
but user, the ropes
Not begging for kickstarter money, so right off the bat it's to a better start than MN9.
Why is Sup Forums so mad about Death Stranding? Because its PS4 exclusive?
MGS4, Peace Walker and Big Medic's Adventures in Africa were already his "Mighty No. 9". Hopefully Death Stranding is a return to form.
Are you for real?
>MGS4, Peace Walker and Big Medic's Adventures
All good games.
You must be a newfag
Im not, but I guess I must have missed the newest memes.
kojima more like blowjima aka the hack who only made 1 good game
Kojima may be just an "idea guy", but I don't think he'll ever produce a scam product like businessman Inafune. Kojima actually has an idea on how to make games (Not matter how much the term "games" is questionable with his work), not just profit.
Kojima already made 3 Mighty No. 9s and is responsible for ruining Castlevania like Inafune ruined Devil May Cry
/thread, right here. Kudos to you, good sir.
Kojima already had his Might No. 9 almost ten years ago.
user we're in 2017. V has been released by this point.
What's worse than a Mighty No. 9 then?
Kojima is a hack who keep reproducing the same shit over and over and when he started doing shit differently, his games sucked
All Metal gear games had the same plot
>main guy is rused over codec by his superiors
>"i am actually your boss and your enemy"
>"I led you here so i could kill you"
>main guy is rused over codec by one of his allies
>"i am actually your brother and your enemy"
>"I led you here so i could kill you"
>main guy is rused over codec
>"i am actually your adoptive father and your enemy"
>"I led you here so i could kill you"
>main guy is rused over codec
>"i am your superior"
>"I led you here so one day you try to kill me"
>new plot template
>game sucked
>new plot template
>game sucked
it's gonna be kino
thats factually incorrect
Agreed. Remember when people thought Romero was a genius? Then he went to go make his own game with zero professional support? How'd that turn out.
I've been looking for this for years. thank you
>Kojima wrote the story
>but Kojima never handled the codec, all iconic character moments and interactions like Snake in the torture chamber were done by Fukushima
>MGS4 has fucking stupid codecs and characters were robotic
>PW still had horrible robotic characters, and the codec was nearly removed and replaced with audio tapes
>V effectively makes the main character mute, codec is now entirely gone, return of audio tapes
huh.... really activates my almonds... could it be that... Kojima never was the heart of MGS?
Oh but don't worry, Kojima has drones that will defend his constant awful job as a writer by saying "I-it's supposed to be in like 9 layers of irony! He is making fun of the player!"
This game is going to be a train wreck isn't it?
he doesn't even understand how genetics or a c-section works. What the fuck makes you think he will write a proper story surrounding childbirth?
they never do.
this game probably wont come before 2020, theyre probably still developing a new engine
Not for nothing but wasn't it 40 dollars?