How do you save the princess?
Challenge: Save the Princess
What am I supposed to save her from?
There's no danger for her. She can't jump that high and land on the spikes.
here we go again
You rewind duuh
Walk up, left avoiding the spikes, the down.
>Human princess
not interested
Please tell me that princess is not a trap too.
Dragon > Any Human
Not video games
who says those are spike on top? i say it's just grass. they both can just climb the wall and have a nice picnic on top.
Looks like a lot of dragon dildos
Why are these in gifs you low IQ moron
> A really big fucking hole coming right up
>being this new
fuck off /aco/
you guys are cancer
>why is efg a gif
way to cover up your lack of board knowledge. you're new as fuck if you don't know why that's a gif
kill yourself
I'd tell you to lurk more but it seems like that would be lost on you,
>just green triangles
>they are dragon dildos
care to elaborate what circumstances in your life leads to this kind of associations?
Oh, I know why it's a gif. It's because your too fucking stupid to actually make a picture. It doesn't even move. Why even make it a gif? Fuck off summerfag.
>lol kys xD
You have to be 18 to post here kid
are you really proud of having spent more time than other people in this cesspool?
>summerfaggotry isn't a thing
explain this
Everyone in this thread is being trolled right now.
Cry more dumbass
Not an argument
gifs are data lossless you stupid retard
I visit Sup Forums on regular basis
what's there to argue? you're missing the whole point
efg images are always gifs, that's part of the joke
Holy shit this damage control, you should probably just go somewhere else dude.
>take hormones
>have a doctor cut your dick apart
>become a princess who lives in constant pain who is just a man with a cut up dick
Dunno, just been on Sup Forums for a while.
what a genuine mongoloid, I wish we could kill them IRL
just go around
These threads are shitty because it's no actual OC, just people reposting shit for easy (Yous)
no one wants to make OC, they just want to take it in like a bitch.
I don't save her because I'm not going to be good enough for a princess...
Sup Forums posters are like the internet equivalent of tinder girls who just lay down and expect you to fuck them.
These threads are shitty because people ignore
OC and complain about a lack of OC instead of contributing
wait for the spikes to erode over time, then easily climb over to fuck your skeleton princess
fuck you
That kind of thinking is the whole reason you're sad and alone.
And poor. Think of the reward you'd get for saving a princess.
Walk to the left and see if it wraps around like Mario Bros.
If it does slap a dumb bitch.
I just wait for everything to fucking flood.
>why are you hitting yourself?
>Drill a hole ball height
>Come close to it
>Snap fingers
>Clap hands
>Repeat ad cum
only oldfag ruskies will understand
I'd get a pittance of a reward and she'd go back to the prince waiting in the castle.
>look at me being a newfag
good old efg
First, I toss a gun over to her.
Then we start shooting.
I'm not a tiny dickletted cuck so I reach over.
I tried
Scorpion > Dragon
literal autism
You should be able to solve this
>no card explaining it
500 hours in paint.
>TWO save the princess threads
you can always leave, nobody needs you nor wants you here.
>working at Dallas
>Just cloudy with sprinkles of rain
Must suck to be in Houston
where's the other?
Modern video games
why the fuck is there only half an A button
by playing video games
I think I'll need to use a special for this one.
I don't shes a fuckin woman
You only need half a press, where have you been?
>he does full A presses
>full A presses
Where dem thick princesses
Both of these are good.
This isn't.
pretty fuckin good
I'll only save the princess if she's cute and black
pick one
Maybe if she's mixed she's cute.