Tfw main Mercy

>tfw main Mercy
>Get thanks and most votes at the end of the game
>feel a warm feeling inside
Is this what it's like to be a good healer?

>warm feeling

everyone just assumes every mercy is a girl because only girls and faggots play her. That's why they're nice

>when a meme goes too far
Whoever started that ''thank your healer'' meme; I hope you're happy with what you created. You cunt.

I bet you love warm feelings inside

Almost like being bent over and filled with warm cum.

Be nice to the sissies in this thread, please.

More often then not they are faggots, why are people so nice to faggots these days?

why not

Actually had a girl in GM play Mercy, with the name "Mercy", from Switzerland and she sounded cute as well.

It felt even more special since I'm from Switzerland as well and there's not many people that play PC games here or are GM in Overwatch.

You bullied her, right?

No, I asked her where she was from and said I was from Switzerland too and that's it.

It was a competitive match so I didn't want to come off as some thirsty virgin trying to add every girl he meets ingame and wanted to focus on the game (like everyone else did).

So in the end, I didn't even add her or anything.

>Literally undoes all of the effort that you have tried to accomplish
Psh...nothin personnel...kid...

le epic heal slut meme


>tfw main Hanzo
>Get hatemail and insults before, during, and after matches
>feel a warm feeling inside

Beta as fuck, she's probably getting nailed by some other Swiss who actually added her.

Maybe she's some cute neet girl that doesn't leave her house and just enjoys vidya all day.

>Being a healslut of the lowest category

don't gays have any self-respect?

More like she's getting nailed by unwashed BBC.

Every time I die I spectate Mercy now. I wish I could configure the game to automatically jump to Mercy.

Not that many black people in Switzerland and if there are any, they are very well integrated.

Either way, refugees are a different thing. There's less of them here than in Germany or some other cucked country like that and the rules are tougher here, so it's not that much of a problem. The few young teenage refugees that whistle after women are rare but annoying.

You have to take it to the next level now.

>tfw main Mercy
>hanzo and genji every ranked game
>DPS is shit
>barely anyone plays a good tank
>ragers and kids in voice


wrong, she's getting railed by someone who thinks videogames are for losers but she doesn't care because he is alpha

I want to lick her soles

>imp Mercy skin

Fucking why, she it is literally the ugliest skin Mercy has. The Anniversary skin, the Halloween skin, and of course the Summer games skin all look amazing. Don't equip the imp trash if you want to erp.

I like the ardent one, I'm a simple man

>Torbjorn Main
>get shit on be my team and the enemy team

>Beam now extends to multiple targets

Mercy confirmed for gangbang slut

The Chad obsession on Sup Forums is seriously getting out of hand.

I want to become Mercy and get railed by Chad

>be mercy main
>never get peel
>always fighting flankers instead of healing
>1v1 master now
>t-t-hanks I guess

>Not afk jacking off in the corner to widowmakers ass
Doing it wrong, son.

>being attracted to more attractive and more powerful men is somehow wrong

nah there are a lot of gamers here, we're just a small country.

I want to get a Swiss woman pregnant

Good luck, they're all lesbians

Getting votes as mercy doesn't really feel good. Not anymore.

Now getting votes and POTGs as Zen? Now that gives me a half chub

What the fuck is wrong with mercy mains?

This "I will use greentext to completely warp what this guy just wrote" meme is seriously overplayed.

Forcing Chad into every conversation about everything like he's an immortal demon from hell who somehow managed to destroy lives of half of Sup Forums population is unhealthy.

>tfw reaper 1 trick

>main Orisa
>as a former Medic main in TF2 I know to always thank my healers
>always turn around and say thank you to my Mercys as well as protect them
>they always pocket me and some even want to stay as a team with me after the game ends
>tfw get multiple friend requests

>cucking Genji's out of their QotG with Transcendence

the asshurt is like no other

>discussing OW unironically
this game will be remembered as the last straw for this board.

If Germany falls, Switzerland falls

Muslims get a +3 to attack on Desert tiles, but they get an addtional -2 to fights on Mountain tiles, which Switzerland is surrounded by. The swiss will just sit in their bunkers and shoot downhill.
Those bunkers are, as you know, plated with Nazi gold which deflects incoming fire due to how its density reacts with low air pressure found at mountain passes.

>you can always be the best healer if you're the only healer

No, that is what it feels like to be a faggot. Now play a real game like TF2, CSGO, or literally anything other then OW.

Stop being so butthurt, holy fuck. You sound like literal children.

I wish this happened when I played

I remember seeing this one game and thought nothing of it. I was on rein too. Dodged a bullet.

yeah not really.

>Main Junkrat
>Get asked to switch to dps and get all golds at the end of the game
>Feel a burning feeling inside
Is this what it's like to TICK TOCK TICK TOCK WE'RE GONNA WIN?

There aren't many people who play on PC, mi liebs schoggiweggli.

well what the fuck are you waiting for
find her and rape her

Germany is the one that has all the refugees, not Switzerland.

Is there something healthy about what Sup Forums does on a daily basis?

>main mercy
>good healer

she is just battle rez bitch, thats it.