It's over, lads.
It's over, lads
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Fuck... What do we do, Sup Forums bros?
So, how long untill Valve comes out with their own BR game, complete with hats and esports?
Who even cares. PC is a dead platform that's only good for piracy and emulation. Steam sucks ass
This. Valve will go bankrupt in 10 years and everyone will lose their games.
Not really unexpected. PBUG is everything people who are into modern FPSes want. Casuals can jump into a game and even if they get killed they are put right back into the action, while more hardcore players can camp each other into victory.
Sup Forums was wrong, again
PC gaming is dead you need a PS4
warframe in top 10, yeash!
The PS4 playerbase will be triple if not 4x that big. Just look at how successful that dogshit dinosaur survival game ARK is doing. False flagging should be a permaban.
>top selling game on ps4 is undertale
It took them until now to shit out a digital card game.
Their BR game should come out some time in 2034.
>PS4 version
Dang I remember when Siege was 10k average. They sure bounced back.
(You) and I will probably die before steam goes bankrupt, even if it's within 10 years
almost everyone in Sup Forums right now has not played at least 60% (being VERY generous here) of their steam library, no one cares about this. The amount of time you hold on to your game only matters as long as you want to play it, and clearly reselling isn't a concern since they're buying digital.
its amazing dota 2 held first spot for this long
dota is the most popular game "you" have never heard about or played
the most popular non mainstream game
you'll never find anyone outside of longtime dota players streaming it
that plus icefrog fucking up the game, and growth stops
Because they didn't care user.
But they were quick enough to jump on the DOTA bandwagon and did it succesfully.
I don't think they'll miss their chance to cash in on what basically is the new MOBA.
>more people play Football Manager 2017 than Warframe
>more people play H1Z1 than Rainbow Six Siege
how did it come to this?
> dota is the most popular game "you" have never heard about or played
maybe if you live in US or Western Europe
How would Sup Forums make another BR game? I've never played one but I can't see how else would you do it other than what PUBG did.
What could you even add that's not just improving whatever is already in PUBG?
I guess they could make a Mario BR game, but other than making it look cute/ironic, what else is there to it?
This shit will pull a pokemon go in a few months if there's nothing else to it
Name one thing wrong about Football Manager.
BR game with melee weapons only
So what
> Warframe
What the shit, it was 20k last I played and people couldn't stop memeing about dedgame.
Was there a large update recently or something?
By actually making it Battle Royale not that halfassed shit.
Fix all of these issues.
>streamerbait early access trash
>shit like this happens constantly due to shit netcode:
>microtransactions in a $29.99 early access game
>games can be won with almost zero kills granted you camp and get lucky with the zone placement
>"""professional""" tournaments won by players with low single digit kills, see above and attached
>paying customers banned because streamers have bitchfits after every death
>paying customers banned for using car horns
>paying customers banned for playing a glitchy, bug ridden game:
>devs literally getting PTSD from tweets
>PUBGfags only defense of these points is "b-but look at the playercount" and wojack images depicting Sup Forums as upset
its not that popular in EEU
dota was, then league took over since there was nothing around 2010 and it was free, and we're poor
valve was too late
also asia, dota is not that popular over there at all, its like #15 in china with some total trash games in front of it
the only place where dota 2 beats other competitor games is russia, ukraine (and maybe belo russia etc) and phillipines
everywhere else its lost
spoken like someone who has no idea
valve didnt jump on "bandwagon", they already started working on dota before lol came out
riot was just quicker; if dota was first to come out, lol would've never happened and it wouldnt be nearly as popular
mass suicide
it's our only choice left...
videogames are officially dead
do you think pubg wouldn't be the top ps4 game?
Most of these problems are pretty shitty but why killcount should be a parameter for victory in a game about surviving?
Surviving is a pretty shitty objective if that's the only one in your game. Especially in this game where it's synonymous with chilling in a house or hiding behind a rock on a hill once you've fully looted.
Not to defend this stupid game but that's the whole point of it, it's getting into a comfortable position to win. Play in first person to make it more about stalking and sneaking rather than really lame high point or wall camping
They literally make the game 2.0 and they announced 3.0 plains of eidolon
>games can be won with almost zero kills granted you camp and get lucky with the zone placement
That sounds like you need to learn how to play. The object is to be the last one standing. Not get the most kills.
Why does Sup Forums hate that game this much anyway?
Why is Battlegrounds so popular? I've never watched game play of it, and haven't really heard of it apart from some occasional Sup Forums thread. Is it good?
Just bought it last night with steambucks i've made while idleing cards. Its pretty fun I dont know why you neckbeards hate having a good time so much.
I understand the objective perfectly. If you play PUBG and get low single digit kills you're still a little beta whether you win or not.
It's a third person shooter where you're dropped on an island with 99 other dudes and the last one alive wins.
If that is the kind of thing you enjoy then you could say it's good.
>After hearing about the cancellation of the Half Life franchise, everyone is abandoning Valve titles
Feels good man
all they have to do is release TF3 with lots of modes and maps like UT2k4, vehicles and shit
>Fix all of these issues:
>streamerbait early access trash
whats that even supposed to mean and how the hell can they fix that?
>PC gaming is dead you need a PS4
Yeah, so you can play this same game when it's a top seller in two years with half the framerate
>dotards getting BTFO by a game you have to pay to play while their garbage is free (any reason people even bother with that trash)
From this week or what? Im sure the best selling game is sone CoD/FIFA or GTA 5
Streamerbait is the most empty buzzword I've ever seen.
not really, those are more or less the same numbers dota and cs pull
we should get everybody to play hl2 to show them we want them to continue
And that's why I'll never get the game.
If there was a version of PUBG that had little to no hit-scan weapons and incentivized/rewarded aggressive playstyles and exploration I'd be all for it. But the game right now primarily rewards spawn location luck and patience. That just doesn't sound fun to me.
Stop overreacting to streamer complaints/banning other players on little evidence, actually release your game from early access, and don't put microtransactions in a game that isn't finished yet.
>still caring about some non-steam game that made #1 on steam
just a fad, numbers will start dropping soon
>Why is Battlegrounds so popular?
It's literally the only game in the genre that functions at a basic level, most of the time anyways. H1Z1 and DayZ are still such incredibly buggy pieces of shit even something like PUBG that's mediocre in most regards looks like gold compared to them.
>Popular means it's good
The age of ASSFAGGOTS is over, thank God, I thought it would never fucking end.
PUBG isn't perfect but at least it's fun, Dota never deserved to last as long as it did.
>PUBG on PC and Xbox
this kills the Sony
>a paid game is the most played game on steam
the game is shit but its something
Any given game can only hold my attention for a couple of months, I only replay some classics I grew up with from the 90s.
Most people have their main games too, CSGO or Dota 2 and play flavor of the month games. Who cares if I can't acces my old steam games?
aaaaahahaa PUBG on PS4 NEVER EVER
F2P fucking ruins games, keeps the BRniggers and 3rd world scum away from the game. PUBG made a good choice being $30
Ironically, PUBS and other shitty, but incredibly popular non-Valve games bring us closer to Half Life 3 actually getting made and released.
constant shill threads at all times
>early access
are you niggers actually fucking serious, this game should literally be the definition of what game Sup Forums hates
are you niggers fucking serious
Phew only 1 decent game on that list.
it's fun
BRniggers tend to stay away if you make South America servers.
o fuck
I'll check it out later, thanks.
>most played game on steam and I've never ever played it
feels good and bad at the same time
It doesn't look like CS or DOTA have lost players so who the fuck are these people?
>bring us closer to Half Life 3 actually getting made and released
Google cannot provide the amount of smug anime girl faces that I need
I wish PoE didn't have such a convoluted skill system. I just want to see big dmg numbers and destroy shit.
twitch kids who want to play with their pretend friends?
It's been done.
It didn't do anything.
I don't particularly care about this genre or this game's success, but I just don't understand it. What exactly do the normies and Twitch youth see in the game?
It's shills and summarfags mostly, threads like these at night are usually much more critical and less defensive of this game.
ps4 users only hate it because it's popular and not on their system
whats more is it's popular on pc and they might get it in 1-2 years
Not so fast!
that's wrong though
Nobody I've ever met has seen Avatar, it's weird.
what studio's upcoming battle royale cash in are you guys looking forward to the most?
>muh social feed
>newgens still always look like shit
It's a free weekend
because there's RNG elements in the game which sometime favor the casual players in a few matches so they feel good about themselves, allowing them to win over enemies, even if they may be better
For being $30 that's kinda impressive
you guys said warframe was dead
Do they really ban people for killing streamers?
it is
I hope it's cross platform multiplayer
Both of which are on PC.
pc gaming was never meant to be more than a platform for white facebook mom games and brits into micro-management. the game was rigged from the beginning.
give it 6 months
Alright Sup Forums, how many of the top 10 games have you played? For me it's 5