It's still coming.
Daily Half-Life 3 Thread #3
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At this point, a modder could probably make a half decent replacement.
From the sound if it, the levels just go:
>base around boat
>non-interactive space ending part
No, it isn't. Nu-Valve can't do it and even if they could, they're shit now.
Please stop having hope
It's misplaced
fuck off reddit
someone already did that, across at least three if not four mods
in your dreams
>The absolute state of PCfats
I can kind of understand why Valve didn't make it after reading the script.
How the fuck would you do that shit on Source engine lmao
We're still in denial stage.
And they all suck.
Not even joking.
I personally think that the modding communities died in favour for indie development of original titles.
How does Valve get anything done in their stupid open office culture where any employee does whatever they want?
>writer realeses draft with changed names for a crude episode 3 plot that got scrubbed because its bad
>nu-Sup Forums thinks its the ending to Half Life
you faggots took the bait perfectly
They don't
Stolen from Reddit
Have you seen anything worth noticing lately? Dota 2 was released by another team if I'm not mistaken, along with the updates to the Source engine.
What couldn't you do in the Source engine?
>How the fuck would you do that shit on Source engine lmao
I mean Source engine 2 has been a thing since 2011
What do you guys think of Laidlaw's released story?
Please vote here
Does this mean there will be 8 half life games?
Can someone explain? I'm bad at math.
You're right but it's better than anything Valve has put out (literally nothing).
do they call it half life because the wait between games grows exponentially between releases?
Valve could prove us all wrong, but they choose not to do so.
Dota killed Warcraft
Dota killed Half Life
What is their next target?
Time, Dr. Freeman?
Is it really that time again?
>It's still coming
Not from Valve, that's for fucking sure.
they can take another 10 years until releasing new info, I just care about a good game, not some half assed release because people couldnt wait anymore and cry about it everywhere.
Is this loss
If Artifact ends all card games, it won't be so bad
I mean, it's all about using workarounds to fool the player
When I first started playing HL2, I was pretty fucking amazed to find that they nailed the hugeness of the Citadel perfectly when you reach it up-close.
when does valve lose the rights to the ip? like how many years before they have to produce a new product?
It seems as if you only just arrived...
If Valve EVER makes HL3, I hope they go with something similar to Laidlaw's script.
I would hate...HATE to see them tie-in Aperture Science with some Tumblr-esque bullshit cameos like GladOS or the portal gun. Too cheesy and predictable.
IS HE /OURGUY/!?!??!
Stop shilling your video
>*approaching the combine's Dyson Sphere*
>"So this is the true combine power"
>*big explosion in the sky, something coming at incredible high speed*
They all get free paychecks, duh
hi fusoya1!
>another possible idea was that Alyx would push Judith into a time loop instead of killing her outright
Would that be worse than Breen Grub?
"surprise, i stayed alive by turning myself into a pickle and i have a bone to pickle with you, Freeman."
Valve got incredibly lucky with steam. Any failures they have (which is basically everything they've done for the past several years) don't matter because they have steam to feed them money.
The superscript 2 makes it look like half squared, and 1/2 squared = 1/4
why the fuck is this thread full of people shilling their youtube videos?
take comfort in the fact that people who shill their own stuff are on janny salary, even oneyplays shills and jewish shills on Sup Forums are paid
Half-Life 3 can happen.
but it more than likely won't be nearly as good as the original 2
i seriously doubt that random lets play channels have the money to spend on advertising
>Opposing Force establishes that Barnacles will only latch onto organic material (through a scientist's holo-journal and game play)
>HL2 lets you bait Barnacles with steel drums
Defend this.
>Poorly organised team attempts to build it
>Project derailed due to autistic internal drama
>Defend this.
It's fun
Titanfall 2 was made in source engine. There's also Source 2.
it's drake
they would have to define everything movible as Organic and Inorganic in coding.
then again, that'd be more tedious than complicated
A lot of anons are saying the G-Man either is the combine or is working for the combine, but I disagree. G-Man clearly has the ability to teleport, something with the combine only have in the most limited capacity. G-Man also seems to be able to manipulate time quite well.
These are both properties that we now know that Aperture had some proficiency in
If G-Man helped Aperture reach their abilities of teleportation and time manipulation, then it begs the question as to why he helped humanity achieve this and didn't help the combine achieve it. At the very minimum, I think we can take that the G-Man does not have the same interests that the combine have.