What role do you main?
I'm not talking tank/healer/DPS, I'm talking in general. Do you like supporting? Fighting on the front line? Playing the objective? Acting like a complete faggot as a sniper?
What role do you main?
I'm not talking tank/healer/DPS, I'm talking in general. Do you like supporting? Fighting on the front line? Playing the objective? Acting like a complete faggot as a sniper?
I like being a nameless rifleman in RO2
I think I can be versatile, learned that when I played Dota.
I always play the objective all the time
I hate K/D games
I like supporting niggers, even if I'm not playing a supporting role. Support roles are infinitely improved if the support is also capable of wrecking some shit if you're competent.
I liked playing Project Richter
I usually play high risk high reward. In shooters, I often end up with the most kills but also a lot of deaths. In rpgs/hero shooters, I like hit and run type characters. Melee > ranged most of the time.
big picture supporting stuff, making sure it all works from the bottom up
This. It's probably one of the reasons I'm bad at shit like Dota, because I am too inclined to go for big plays (which usually ends in feeding)
Depends on the mood I'm in. Sometimes I prefer to assist others. Others, I want to male faces. And yet occasionally, I just want to fuck around. But I generally always play the objective.
being as useful i can be, get smoke grenades before he ones.
Then you get shit on by your team because your K/D is low.
I choose something versatile and often it'll be a support. it must be capable of dishing some damage, and heal/debuff
>I want to male faces
Sounds about right, for Sup Forums
>I want to male faces
I love playing damage-sponge tanks. Surviving on onslaught of enemies, especially when you definitely have no right surviving, is so fucking satisfying. Close behind that is support gunners. Laying down suppressive fire is incredibly enjoyable.
Flex. Expect in lol where flex means support 99% of time.
Flexibility is the sign of someone who is insecure.
Yeah, usually the insecure ones are the teammates and I fill in whatever they left uncovered.
I like to be the tactical specialist.
I like to be on the frontline, usually the one who charges in first to start the fight.