ITT: we pretend we live in a cyberpunk society.
Cyberpunk Sup Forums thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>still using V.0.5 augs
I'll have a beer.
>All these fucking girls buying underwear that changes colors.
All these unaugmented plebs causing static cause they can't compete with us.
Can someone recommend me the best implants for vidya? been thinking about those brain to hand hyper connectivity implants that reduce your brain input lag by 99%.
I know they are a bit in a gray area under the law but if only use it for competitive vidya no one will be able to trace me, right?
Hopefully not from the world from that *game*
I'd rather not be bombarded by *adults* shouting sex jokes and memes at me constantly
glicthing hipster
My vision is augmented
Anyone tried hiring an android escort for blowjobs?
I want to try it but I'm scared of putting my dick inside a mixer.
vallhalla isn't a fucking video game it's a VN
Give me something sweet with a lot of booze. I've had a bad week at work.
OP wanted to pretend to live in a cyberpunk society, no one said anything about Va-11 Hall-A.
Also, visual novels ARE videogames; by definition.
Great post user, do you also steal guns from the police to shoot yourself?
First of all you should figure out if they are a police sting, and its pretty easy, if you ask them for their model nmbr they are obligated by program to supply the information. If the android request authorization get the fuck out, its 100% either people trying to kidnap you and steal your implants/organs, or a police sting.
I recommend that you try to find niche cyborgs such as lolimodels or try to search by some fetish you have, if you go for a pretty normal one it will stink to semen and you will never be able to get the android at the times you want.
we had this conversation, user
>he hasn't gotten genetically enhanced super legs yet
Enjoy not jumping to your 7th floor balcony instead of taking the elevator, fags.
>Risking getting into jail just to get into the 7th floor faster.
Why are you guys so impatient?
LMAOing at your life poorfag
im a windowwasher and i swear if i ever catch one of you fucks climbing the scrapers without shoepads im going to stick your iLegs up your arse!
You're so right, that's such a 2017 thing, very retro.
>Throat fucked a cute emo boy who dressed up like a girl when I was in highschool and shot a thick load down his throat
That's kind of hot user
Enjoy fucking up your legs and then getting restriction implants and living your life as a fucking vegetal for the rest of your life kiddo.
t.butthurt cybernetics CEO
I love how 201x people thought that you needed a fucking bar when you can have an matter re-shaper machine make you M1rtn1x v0.2 and chat with your homemade-loli bartender with a good AI.
I love to hate fuck her as soon as she starts getting cocky or contradicts me.
My uncle is the Cybernetics safety association CEO. Please trust me, black market implants can malfunction during the worst times dude. all you have to do is fill the paperwork to obtain a legal civilian leg enhancement implant.
How the fuck do someone from the p3d-0 district have access to this board.
>Corporations own goverment
>all our data is collected and monitored
>AI on the rise
>apartments get smaller and smaller
>most our time is spent online
>can't transfer my brain into a loli android's body yet
>China is the only country that looks cyberpunk (on a few cities at least)
>no convincing AI yet
One day...
god, this fanbase is slowly turning even more annoying than undertale fags
Is this what Neo Tokyo sounds like?
move to hong kong
forgot pic
>live with dog eating subhumans
No thank you
No, this is what マクロスMACROSS 82-99 - Now And Forever sounds like.
>genetically enhanced
>not cybernetically enhanced
Repeat after me :
>want cyberpunk
>don't wanna live among subhumans
What is the difference between you and a filthy slut cyborg?