Time for a daily Dragon's Dogma thread on Sup Forums

Time for a daily Dragon's Dogma thread on Sup Forums
About to start BBI and pawns around level 50 will be highly appreciated

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Cool, I was looking for one.

When it comes to resisting the bad shit BBI can cause to your party, which of the three debilitations do you find the most important to be able to withstand - sleep, possession, or petrification? I wanna make sure my pawn is immune to at least two of those.

If you could rank them, that'd be even better.

Don't fucking die on me.

I'm getting tempted to start again. What class should I roll?


petrification can be made irrelevant if you have a mage in your party, I'd say you should go for sleep and possession resistance first


meant *sorcerer

salomet pls go

Mystic Knight!

Is there any other enemy capable of inflicting sleep than Death, and is bumping into him dangerous enough of an event to warrant immunity to sleep - in your opinion?

Why does the game become complete shit after you beat Grigori?

well there is a gorechimera in bbi 2.0 that can inflict sleep but that shouldn't be too much of a deal. you don't really need sleep resistance if you don't want to fight death his sleep aoe is heavily telegraphed so it's easy to just run away from him.

>strider pawns with no skull splitter or fracture dart

I can understand not caring about Fracture Dart, but why would anyone miss out on Skull Splitter? I see so many pawns without either skill it's crazy. Some even opt out of Hundred fucking Kisses for some reason. What gives?

What class do pawns do best in, and have the best AI?

I see, but I worry about the pawns I have with me, not about myself. Do they absolutely need sleep resistance because of Death (and that one gorechimera, I suppose), I wonder?

I've played through this game so many god damn times that i'm totally burnt out, yet I have not played a Magic Knight yet. Is it worth it Sup Forums?

no idea. My strider pawn only had Skull Splitter, the amount of RC I got from him was insane

Any news regarding remaster for pc? Also always played assassin/warrior which should I try next?

I'd say strider/mage. Mage is good for like a pocket healer that you don't have to rely on others pawns for.

clunky as fuck piece of shit game my dude

What should I play for the re-release in October? Sorceror or Magick Archer?

sleep, possession, petrification are definitely the top three most dangerous debilitations
dunno about ranking them though.

>I've never played a Strider/Assassin: the post

Ran out of money and time, same reason DMC4 has Dante repeating levels.

>About to start BBI and pawns around level 50 will be highly appreciated
Dunno if it's enough, but my Ryu was a level 42 fighter, with 100% sleep and petrification resistance and 60% possession resistance, IIRC.

probably just people who don't know shit about it.
i made the same mistake when i was new, got quite a few 1 star ratings because of it

i didn't even get out of the tutorial town

Fighter, skills very simple to set and reliable.

pawns sometimes tend to get stupid when fighting death and attack him while he is about to swing his scythe, this can even happen if you already ran far way from death. so I'd say that sleep resistance would help if you want to fight death but isn't that important if you ignore him

Gonna start playing this again soon, and I'm gonna fug best girl Madeleine. Also, I've never done BBI

What class should I roll with?

Magick Archer shits on everything in BBI
so either play it and have fun shitting on everything or avoid it for more of a challenge

>Any news regarding remaster for pc?
For what porpoise?

>Best girl
>A literal harlot

The problem with MA is that you kinda suck for everything prior to BBI.

Fucking amazing.

sleep means death can instant kill the pawn, petrification means a slower but certain death if you don't cure the pawn in time. Possession isn't that problematic is if use the old trick of removing your pawn's weapons when it gets possessed,
otherwise it depends on the pawn, since you must kill it before it does serious damage.

Loved the game, but BBI was too hard for me.

So which song is superior? Coils of Light, or In the Crucible

Should I pick it up on my near toaster PC or is the meme about a PS4 remaster true?

I thought MA was supposed to be good and fun?

>not having a thorough understanding of every single vocation at this point

Play all classes, you queers.

The meme is true, but I remember the port being pretty toaster friendly.

It is. I don't know what that guy is talking about.

The port is really well optimized, you can play it on a literal toaster

I think I'll hold off, I've got to get around to buying a new monitor and upgrading my PC anyways. By the time I do all that I may as well pick up the freshest version of the game.

how boring is magick archer?

varies, all the classes are viable with the exception of maybe Warrior because of it's shitty amount of skills.

if your playing on PC with a M/Keyboard then Ranger shits on everything because of easy aim, if your playing with a controller it's kinda w/e unless your spamming Blast Arrows to fuck everything up with Tenfold Volley.

MA is much better with a controller because of the auto-aim spells and it has access to some unique dagger skills, Immolation is amazing for when climbing onto enemies, Golems in particular.

I think that guy is talking about how a lot of MA skills work better in closed areas, it's basically the dungeon bane vocation.

get it for pc when you can then

MA is one of the most fun classes to play as when maxed, but not to level. Stat growths are biased towards defense and it takes a while to get all the fun skills. Also BBI is where it shines the most and it only becomes truly amazing after you get skill upgrade rings from there.

can i make a party out of big titty women?

>fail to notice ranger was possessed
>get great gamble'd off of daimon while he's prepping for that bullshit portal routine

I'll stick with immune pawns, thanks.

That's why I said it depends on the pawn itself.

You're retarded. Ranger is just as good with a controller.

Post arisen


I wish i could eat the eyes of every capcom employee

Yellows and blues are dangerous for sure, but how problematic do you think possessed reds can be? I remember being attacked by a warrior once, but he was more annoying than dangerous with the surprisingly low damage he was dealing. It happened during the early portion of the game, I think.



Okay i REALLY need pawns for BBI, i'm level 49.
My pawn is Godfrey, level 49 Ranger. Pls Sup Forums since /ddg/ is dead you are my only hope for earning riftbux

Possessed reds can be very dangerous at BBI 2.0. Blues are probably the least threatening from my experience given the casting time.

is this a bodymod?

Not very, but since red vocations are tanky they would take some time to kill and that could be indirectly dangerous. Blue are the less dangerous imo, you can kill them rapidly and you can see them preparing their attacks.

This is the best song.

Dunno what you're talking about. Everfall and BBI are the best parts of Dragons Dogma.



Is Sony going to make us pay to use online stuff like renting pawns on the ps4 re-release?

why don't we just bring back DDG?


because it'll die in a week, there's not enough interested to sustain a general.

I'd love for it to come back but it would most likely just die.

>tfw you'll never breed with this Arisen

yea, it'll just be short life
these threads are nice enough ;_;

It'll come back on its own once Dragon's Dogma 2 is announced at TGS.

the combat has no depth. it's a flashy button masher

So to motivate you shitlords... Katawa Shoujo General is still about and we could keep it alive by playing DDO

How long away is TGS?


How much Gold do you think Mads would charge to get my dick between those tits.


That's good feedback, actually. Yeah, I'll keep my fighter immune to possession. Thanks!

I'm just telling you the truth man, if there was enough interested in Dragon's Dogma at this point to sustain a general there would be one. The best we can have are Sup Forums threads.

>How long away is TGS?
A little under a month away.

More than what you could ever afford.

yea, but ksg should have died a long time ago

Out of the 5, who is truly the best waifu

What's the best build for pawn? Is tank mage build stackoverflow.github.io/dragons-dogma-stat-planner/#am0405060301470000005a0603000001000000 any good?

That's unecessarily complicated. 1-50 fighter then 51-200 sorcerer is the best. Yes, that means starting as fighter.
Gives them enough bulk to survive BBI and really good magic damage.

She-goat no contest.


By far my biggest gripe with the post Grigori game, is that the developers made the entire fucking overworld dark as night. And anyone who played DD knows that this game is dark enough during the night and in dungeons, etc, now we have to deal with this bullshit.

Speaking of darkness in this game, I wish there was an air tight lantern in this game because holy FUCK having to re equip my lantern every time it got slightly wet, sent me through the fucking roof.

who's the chick with the red scarf, I can't remember
The best waifu would be Quina or the Princess mabe even Mercedes
Maddy for sexs

She-Goat is goat

>Chick with red scarf
It's someone's arisen

>he never got the Ring of Desiccation

Do people still play on PS3?

I mean for how she'd be nice with you, always there and shit
Cooking food, making those ne'er-do-part flowers so I don't have to forge them

Goat is goty tier.
Medleine is a tease and got them breast, which is neat.
Princess is a tease and a young and tender
The scarf lady I don't remember, I take it she is from the lady thief club.
Goth loli is a goth loli. Don't even matter if she don't have eyebrows.
Childhood friend got way too long hair, and should stay as a friend.

She-Goat is boring plebstar choice.

Madeleine is the true patrician choice.

Don't mind the UI, I didn't know about the camera thing for a while