Tfw 95% of Sup Forums picks invisibility because they're creeps

>tfw 95% of Sup Forums picks invisibility because they're creeps

Inshallah we will win, my brothers.

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I'm not even a creep, invisibility just allows you to profit more because you can steal shit easy.

I picked invisibility as a causal outcome of me being a creep.

Invisibility has been considered one of the ultimate powers since ancient greece.

Post squibs

crap not even one flightfag? i guess they're gonna get their shit pushed in, since all the NEET autistic players will pick invis., and the majority of normies pick the pleb choice, meaning they have to play against other while we wreck children.

flight has no benefits aside from drawing lots of attention to yourself

invisibility has lots of benefits, and can be used any way you want, creepo or altruistically, your choice.

Why Can't Nintendo abandon hardware market and make it projects multiplatform?
I want to play their games on PC.

>steal shit easily
>someone calls the police because they see a floating object leaving the store

But the thing you take won't be invisible

Why don't you make a petition about it?

To be quite honest current fest is worse than previous one.
It just so boring.

good luck getting caught

Because they wouldn't listen to a petition.

But a person can still ask "why" and want things, can't they.

I picked flight simply because I live in a city with a shitload of traffic.

Invisibility is the better choice desu. Flight is usually accompanied by another power. Just flight, though? That's shit. Enjoy getting to places faster, I guess.

INB4 everyone votes for whatever the sexier squad endorses, and the other side is left with more focused players.

is there a way to see how many people are picking each side? i don't want to get stuck fighting my own team over and over again.

hide it and get it later

>want to play new map
>got Starfish 10 times in a row

Okay. Enjoy stealing shit or watching people masturbate I guess

How does this image make you feel?

you can only fly as fast as your fastest walk.

I'm a flightfag but if Marina is repping invisibility I pick that one.


>able to travel with ease and with almost no costs involved
>no benefits

>Hide object
>Come back for it later
>No one knows who took it
>Free shit

According to?
You're playing Splatfest wrong.

i can only play this game for like an hour until i get bored



>You're playing Splatfest wrong.
I don't even own the game. So that's like triple degeneracy on my part.

>picked flight because I think being able to fly would be cool

Well shit, how many sea snails will I get when we lose? Assuming I am a flight king by then of course.

Flight has the cool factor going for it, but other than making a celebrity out of myself by being able to fly, I see more uses out of invisibility for personal gain, whether it be murder, rape, theft, or hell even doing heroic things

I am a creep but I choose invisibility because I am terrified of heights.

What a useless fucking plan. You might as well keep running with it since you're invisible anyways. And good luck stealing literally anything heavy.

>I see more uses out of invisibility for personal gain, whether it be murder, rape, theft
I guess OP was right.

Impractical even by furry standards

flight is leading by a lot, it's not even close from what I can tell. Everyone online is saying that invisibility is for pervs, so no normies are picking it.

>not wanting to sneak into different female locker rooms
>not wanting to spy on people
>not wanting to steal easily
nigga do u even

I'm afraid of heights and I want to disappear from the world occasionally.

You only miss out on three snails if you lose.


>Steal 1 pound worth of gold jewelry
>Set for 10+ years
Weight doesn't mean shit.

Melt down the gold and sell.


Does invisibility extend beyond the spectrum of light visible to the human eye?

If I'm going to get picked up by some jackass's FLIR system from the fuckign 1980's, flight is clearly the better choice.

Flight is the power of protagonists
Invisibility is almost always a power for jobbers

>getting guilted into picking flight

How pathetic.

Indeed. Given the opportunity, I'd say I'd end up being more of a villian than a hero if I was given powers.
I don't think I'd commit straight up murder with invisibility unless I needed to, but other things like theft and rape I can't deny

I would go with Flight if I could do it at a decent pace. I'd never have to pay air fare or even gas, and never having to worry about falling from great heights.

Just seems to be a far more practical power than invisibility.

Invisibility at least seems useful in some way. Flight is 100% guaranteed to get you noticed, captured, and experimented on until you die. If you don't get shot out of the air first.

Flight is without question the most practical
Invisifags can only think of commiting crime

I feel like the more fair splatfest choice would have been flight vs. super strength. Invisibility is always going to have perverted/shady overtones, hell the game itself notes this.

>terrified of heights
Well congrats on not picking the power that would make it nigh impossible to die from falling

>Implying crime = morally bad
I wonder who could be behind this post?

I don't want to kill, rape or steal anyone, I just want to be invisible and be able to GET OUT OF PLACES I DON'T WANT TO BE AT ANY LONGER without having to say goodbye and go through the whole proccess of "why are you leaving so soon? tomorrow is sunday, come on! have another drink with us!" AaAaAAArgH


robbery would literally be piss easy
just hang around at night, wait for someone to walk around alone, knock him over the head and take his money, then walk away

All invisifags here can only think of rape, theft, and murder

Invisifags are morally bad

You can do that without invisibility

Theft, trespassing, and sexual assault are all morally reprehensible. Tell me what you would do with invisibility that does not include these things.


Inking your splat zones is completely natural and will not cause suction palms.

Break into someone's home and rape them while stealing their valuables

not without risk
for example if invisible you could just hang around an ATM and take people's money

can't do that normally with all the cameras around, nevermind the whole "getting the jump on people" is actually not that easy if you're visible

I mean you can do hero stuff with invisibility too.
Like entering a hostage situation unnoticed

>All invisifags here can only think of rape, theft, and murder

But user niggers already do this they become practically invisible at night


your ability only work when holding your breath,
now choose!

>Implying property of any kind is ethical

Sexual assault is morally bad though, peeking not so though.


>trespassing is morally reprehensible
I bet you're a property cuck too. There's lot of different places you could go to, some important, some not, but at least interesting, and it'd be harmless. No reason to be barred from traversing the earth because of rich assholes with deeds.


I'd totally creep on people with invisibility but I still think the rush of flying would be the best feeling in the world.

Always pick Pearl.
Everyone is picking side with their dicks.

nice blog.

Let me reiterate: trespassing on someone's home, so as to steal, peep, or distress them in any fashion.

Ownership of everything except ones body is unethical.

That includes where you live and "possessions"

Teleportation is better than both. Three way splatfests when?

Fuck off commie prick, your ideology is a meme

Communism is unethical because the state owns possessions and property.

I'm am anarchist.

Possessions exist in anarchy because each person is self-governed and they own that which they can protect and hierarchies will form out of might-makes-right philosophies.

It's not what Sup Forums picks, it's what the little children don't pick, and you can be sure that children will pick flight.

Cost becomes irrelevant with invisibility since money is easy as fuck to get.


It's not what Sup Forums picks, it's what the manchildren don't pick, and you can be sure that manchildren will pick invisiblity.

>Hierarchies will form
Pretty sure anarchy as a political ideology isn't just "lol do whatever the fuck" precisely for this reason

Which is the easier way to grind for abilities?

1. Keep scrubbing a piece of gear with the likelyhood of getting a specific ability to save up chunks to get enough to buy three of a ability.
2. Keep rerolling a piece of gear till it has the abilities you want.

I've written out four gear sets I am working on (speed, bomber, special respawner, and maintenance), so I need to know which grinding method would be the fastest.

The furry posting phase is over I assume

I'm glad there is no more trans stuff, and that everyone has moved on to wanting Callie back instead.

I want to spy on cute girls going to the bathroom and no amount of creep shaming you spew will change that.

And then what, you try to knock out the gunman, he'll randomly flip out and start shooting, and if he hits you once you're done

I can hold my breath for 3 minutes.
Whats the speed limit on the flight power?

The team with less people will always win though. Seems like the actual versus matches count more than the same team matches. So whoever gets more versus matches will always win.

i think it is faster grinding with the splatfest t-shirt.
>put splatfest t-shirt
>drinkan ability soda
>gain 4000 points
>scrub for 2000 gold.

>The team with less people will always win though.

This is not always true.
Ice Cream was more popular than cake and it won.


interesting, thanks.

imagine marina's clothes going invisible haha

is run speed up worth it?