Daily reminder

Daily reminder.

Mania > 3&K > 2 = CD(2011) > 1 = CD(1993)

Other urls found in this thread:


Mania >> CD (2011) > 3 > 2 > CD (1993) > K > 1

Sonic (2006) > literally every game ever made

>a ragtag team of Retro fans can make a better Sonic game than the Sonic Team themselves
>Taxman and Stealth made one of the best Sonic game in history and possibly one of the best Video Games in history
>a Portugese music mixer makes the best soundtrack in Video Game history
>Iizuka made unanimously one of the most hated video games in history, Sonic 2006

Disappointing final bosses drag it down to on 3&K's level. I mean seriously what were they thinking




Doomsday is no better than Mania's ending. Idk what the fuck you people are on about.

Both are very fun.

Doomsday has two bosses and an actually difficult time limit.

Mania is floating in circles for 3 minutes to a goddamn awesome track.

You do know you can just run around on the ground and jump, right?

>2 days

>people prefering the Taxman romhack of CD rather than the original 1993 version
>most likely, they didn't play the original Sega CD version from 1993, but the versions released on the Gems collection, which was a port of the awful Windows version from 1996 with more glitches

tacman romhack of CD removed the timer reset mechanic, it's garbage
>but muh HD! muh Tails! muh-Sonic 2 spindash that renders the peel out useless!

>Any sonic
>better than 1

Official /vr/-approved tier list:


Iizuka wasn't part of Sonic 06. You want Shun Nakamura.

putting knuckles that low makes you look like you have the shittiest taste imaginable.
The fact that Knuckles doesn't have any water levels puts it above half of the classic sonic games immediately.

(Re)Played 1, 2 and 3&K after Mania. For me Mania > 2 > 3&K > 1. Don't see the appeal of 3&K aside from having the most content and refined gameplay. Level's drag on too long and Carnival Night and Sandopolis are just not fun.

>timer reset mechanic
does the timer reset after time travelling in the original or something?
I had a hard time getting to the past etc searching the level then finishing before running out of time until I figured I could just kill myself and stay in the same timezone

I'd rather play Hydrocity and Tidal Tempest than Sandopolis

quads confirm.

Sonic 1 > the rest

What are you talking about? Everyone I know emulated the Sega CD version on their PCs before 2011. No-one touched the shitty Gems Collection port.

Try harder you fuck.

can someone please mod S3&K to have drop dash

it really should've been in every classic game

Yep, on the original game, if the timer is more than 5 minutes, it will reset to 5'00"00 when you time travel, either past or future.
Taxman remake removed this, not sure if on purpose or an oversight. Probably the later.

>Taxman romhack of CD
Post disregarded, you're a clueless retard.

I'd rather play Sandopolis than Carnival Night Zone from 3 with its terrible music and lame ass gimmicks.

t. taxman

What makes Sonic1 so good for you? It's a fairly basic platformer with none of the heights of the later titles IMO.

I remember you.
>Actually needing a timer reset
>1 being good
/vr/ is such a stupid board sometimes.

Shit this post was meant for this

t. dipshit

Who talked about needing? It's just a feature, absent on the remake
>not good
Yeah you're better left here on Sup Forums, don't come back to /vr/ please.

>Didn't read about mania at all
>Didn't discover the drop dash until titanic monarch with all the emeralds

I really need to do a no save sonic run to try this out

>Who talked about needing? It's just a feature, absent on the remake
If you don't need it it ultimately doesn't matter.
>don't come back to /vr/ please.
Don't worry I don't. Why would I associate with people that think something being "the original" is the best when it isn't even good. Absolute retardation. Marble, bits of Spring Yard, Labyrinth, and even Starlight are all garbage. The only good zones in 1 from a gameplay perspective are Green Hill and Scrap Brain and they even had the gall to make Scrap Brain Act 3 another shitty Labyrinth level with a short cut. Game stinks.

>>but muh HD! muh Tails! muh-Sonic 2 spindash that renders the peel out useless!
You are literally just memeing.
HD Widescreen actually helps for any Classic Sonic game.
>muh Tails
Optional character. You have no reason to complain.
>Sonic 2 spindash that renders the peelout useless
By this logic the peelout shouldn't be there at all. Nerfing the spindash so they can make a move that goes slightly faster is pointless. Once again, this is also an optional selection.
>le timer reset
You Time Out a lot. Quit moving so slowly.

>By this logic the peelout shouldn't be there at all.
I've been wondering this. What is the point of the peelout other than "it looks cool"?

Why the fuck do you want to dash off without being in a ball?

Daily Reminder:

3&K should be ranked as separate games!

Let me revise your ranking accordingly.

Mania > 2 = CD(2011) > 3 > K > 1

3&K > 2 > CD > 1
Classic sonic got better with every game.

Peel Out takes less time to start up.

Running on flat ground is way better than rolling.

>b-but you can jump out of a roll
I don't fucking care.

>3&K should be ranked as separate games!
t. retard

2 > 3&K > 1 > CD

>Knuckles gets a hype as fuck solo encounter with Heavy Lord, the only one Sonic doesn't fight
>He's coming after the Master Emerald for unknown reasons
>Still have to fight bungie eggman
>No special final boss alt

Knuckles mode is kind of a let-down past the one unique act

CD came out after 2 though.

What? They should. If it really was meant to be together they would've called it Sonic 3 Episode 1.

Except they were two full price retail games!

You just want them together because otherwise the games are absolute trash! They need to be together to rival the GOAT Sonic 2.

it's faster than the spin dash
the whole reason it's in CD is to make time traveling easier

>Knuckles mode is kind of a let-down past the one unique act
I thought he had Green Hill Act1 and Mirage Saloon Act1

They shouldn't because it's one big game that was split into two parts because of limitations, but it's still possible to play them as one complete game that it was always intended to be. /convo

I'm not wasting any more time with your contrarian shitposting.


Even Iizuka fucking refers to them as two separate games.


it's actually faster than the spindash

Doomsday by itself is as good or slightly better than Mania's final boss, but overall I think the buildup to the final boss is much better in Sonic & Knuckles. Death Egg Act 2 itself has 2 bosses with 3 different forms, which all leads up into the final chase in Doomsday. It's overall just packaged up a lot better than Mania.

Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's canon. Just take a look at Sonic 2 and Knuckles! It's possible to play!!! Does that mean it's canon?? Nope. You don't see anyone putting Sonic 2 and Knuckles in any list.

>Taxman romhack of CD

It wasn't a romhack you infinite fucktard. He rebuilt the game's code from scratch.

>Just take a look at Sonic 2 and Knuckles!
Completely different situation. Try again, retard.

Nope it's the same. You don't get to pick what games count as lock on or not!

>I-i-it doesn't c-c-ount!!!

What makes 2011 CD better than 1993 CD?

Does Knuckles in Sonic 2 let you play the & Knuckles levels seamlessly because obviously that's the second half of Sonic 2? No? Thought so, retard.

>option to play with either the JP/EU or US OST
>playable Tails
>rock solid 60FPS even in Special Stages
>option to use the superior 2 and 3 spindash
>fixed all of the collision detection issues

Drop Dash is preferable when you know the layouts anyway.

Then why isn't Sonic and Knuckles called Sonic 3 Episode 2???

Why does iizuka refer to them as two separate games?

BTFO. Quit making yourself look dumb. Accept the fact that your precious S3 and K are trash/

I pre ordered Mania on steam. I hope it sells well so they make another.

Why are you sucking Iizuka's dick so much you fucking retard
>t. likes Forces

>Why does iizuka refer to them as two separate games?
Not that user but pretty much every interview I've seen him in, he refers to it (the combined title) simply as Sonic 3. The only instances I've heard of him referring to them separately are when he's specifically talking about how they had to split them up, or this supposed meeting he had with Taxman where he wrote all that shit on the whiteboard.

>most recent rerelease of Sonic 3 is the complete 3 & Knuckles version

>the Sonic 3 Remastered would've been the complete 3 & Knuckles version

Anti-3&K cucks BTFO.

>wtf I ran out of arguments
>"y-you suck dick!!"
feels good to win

The final bosses are great tho, what are you even talking about.

Hold the fuck up here.
>The 2011 version of CD was a brand new engine that the taxman made himself
>The 1993 version of CD was plagued with collision and physics problems which made collision chaos, literally chaos.
>The Peel out into rolling is still faster than spindashing
>HD and Tails are both good things you mong
>Timer reset is fucking irrelevant, if you go above 6 minutes in any level you are automatically a shitter and need to kys pronto
>This is Sup Forums, not /vr/, and treating 3 and SK as different games is automatically making you look like a retard

any anti-3&K folks wanna help me out?



Longest 2 days of my fucking life

Dab on em

>"3&K is two games" shitposts are back after months of absence
For fuck sake. Guess it's time to bring this old copypasta back from the grave
>"It's the same deal with Sonic 3... Sonic 3 is literally half a game" - Yuji Naka
>"I was the designer of Sonic 3 and Knuckles, but my favorite is still Sonic 2" - Takashi Iizuka
>"Sonic 3 (also called Sonic & Knuckles) was a lot of fun, but it was also very difficult" - Roger Hector
>"The original Sonic 3 game was very aggressive in its scope. Massive really. So after getting started working on it, it was decided to split it in half" - Roger Hector
>"I think my favorite [track I worked on for Generations] is Sky Sanctuary. Sonic 3 and Knuckles was the first title I was involved in the creation for, and it is nostalgic for me" - Jun Senoue
There's no debate. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is two cartridges commercially, but artistically, design-wise, and to everybody who ever worked on it, it is considered as one game, was mostly built under the premise of being one game, and is currently sold as such. So it's both really, and it sucks that people basically had to pay twice as much for one game back in the 90s, but if we're comparing which Sonic game is better or if you're sitting down on a sunday afternoon to play a Sonic game, there's no reason NOT to just treat them as one game as the artists originally intended.

This game has the best vidya soundtrack I've heard in the last seven years at least.

>>"I was the designer of Sonic 3 and Knuckles, but my favorite is still Sonic 2" - Takashi Iizuka

Can someone give me some help with Sonic 2? The game was pretty easy up until Wing Fortress. There's a jump I just CAN'T get across. I watched videos on how to do it, but it's a case of sitting on the launch pad and being flung over to the other side. Whenever I'm on it, I go about 1m and fall to my death.

GOTY then?

>inb4 BOTW

Come on guys. That is too predictable. I think Mania deserves it. I haven't seen Sup Forums talk about a game this much since MGSV and Bloodborne. The hype was through the roof for what is essentially a fallen franchise.

If it's the launchpad, then just don't hold forward while riding it, it kills your momentum for some reason and you fall short.

Oh yeah and it delivered. Forgot to mention that.

Mania would be better that S3&K if it was allowed to explore a few more new zones and let you use the instashield, dropdash and elemental shield abilities all at once. there's no excuse for not being able to map all this to different buttons at this point.

get in front of the launchpad

charge spindash
release and jump, you clear the gap.


Well this is why GOTY awards don't really work. Even though Sonic has the name of a big-name franchise behind it, GOTY still almost universally goes towards AAA titles, especially if they're from a franchise like Zelda. Even if you find Sonic Mania to be the better game (and personally, I certainly think it's better than BOTW), it just doesn't have the backing it needs to get GOTY from actual important reviewers and news outlets. Hell, it probably won't even win any "best platformer of 2017" awards since Mario Odyssey is getting those by default (regardless of if it turns out good or not).

At least Mania can be our GOTY.

Wow, Sonic 2 is hard. I don't understand the reasoning behind giving you 0 rings followed by back to back bosses.

>Sonic 2 is hard
No it isn't

Death Egg robot is easy as fuck if you play it patiently

By hard, I mean poorly designed*


And now that guy is the producer on Forces.

Silver sonic is easy as hell, you can charge a spindash into his hitbox and get around 4 hits on him easy. Death Egg robot can be trivialized by hitting him from behind instead of from the front, you can pretty easily get around 5 or more hits per round.
I agree with you though that having 0 rings just makes it more artificially difficult. Having rings at all would have trivialized the bosses though. I think maybe having a shield would have made the level a lot better while still maintaining the original difficulty.

Still haven't completed CD, the level design is way too all over the place for me.

>poorly designed*
If you're talking about Metropolis, the Special Stages or the Mystic Cave pit, I agree.

If you're talking about something else, explain yourself

This. There are a few terrible design choices in Sonic 1 and 2, mostly shit like instant death traps there's no way you would know about if you hadn't already died from it. Other than that I think the genesis Sonic games are tough but fair, you can get good at them and you'll die a few times. Replayed Sonic 1 today and while I did have to use two continues I still beat the whole game in one go without the use of save states.


The soundtrack, Metal Sonic battle and Amy were literally the only good things about CD.

I can get behind this.

Doomsday is loads better than Mania's extra boss.
The Titanic Monarch boss is just okay, kind of disappointing.

/vr/ poster here, your opinion is shit and the fact that you keep pushing it is embarrassing.

>peel-out is useless
Why are you this clueless?

I'd say S3 alone is slightly better than S2 overall, and I'd accept someone that said S2 was better (but still tell them that they're wrong, mostly because of basically all the zones from Oil Ocean onward).
S&K is definitely better than S2, no ifs, ands, or buts. The only particularly bad part of S&K is Sandopolis act 2. Act 2 in particular, since Act 1 isn't particularly bad at all.

CD's easy as hell if you're not looking for the machines, so I'm going to assume that you are.

to have any amount of challenge at all?
mind you, having rings available and a mechanic that sucked lost rings away would be better design (but the first time a mechanic appears like that is in fucking Sonic Rush, in Dead Line)

Well there's a countdown on Steam now, and it's unlocking on the standard time that Steam updates:


Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles were developed as a single game and had to be cut into two cartridges because of space constraints. Attaching them together adds transitions between the Sonic 3 half and the Sonic & Knuckles half that aren't there otherwise, and is the only way to get the true ending.

You would know this if you weren't a retarded underage autist who wasn't even born when these games came out.

i dont get how anyone dosnt like anything in 123k, i liked all the zones, i guess the only thing that sucked was sonic 2 special stages.

It's miles better. The song is better, the boss is clearer, it's a cooler concept, you're flying through space, with controls that actually feel tailored to that end. In Mania it just feels like they slightly modified Doomsday's flight controls to allow going in any direction and it just works terribly. Sure, you can get down on the floor, but that doesn't change the fact that the flight controls are still shit, and the boss fight is even lamer if you just stand on the bottom and hop around like you would any other boss. Getting hits on Monarch is just hoping you can slip in through his barrier and Eggman is no threat at all.

I like them all about the same, but Marble Zone can suck my dick. Only Sonic zone I dislike.

They're all great games but I have to admit I've never been a fan of the special stages in 1, 2 and CD, and although I like Blue Sphere in 3K I'm too far-gone to be able to tell if that's just nostalgia.

This is one of the reasons I'm still buzzing about Mania. For the few flaws it has, it makes up for all of them by being the first classic sonic game with what I believe to be an amazing special stage.

One day they will make an official Sonic dating sim and rake in a gorillion dollars.

With them finally understanding what the fans REALLY want the franchise will enter a new golden age

Personally I think Marble is way better than Labyrinth. Even with those shortcuts in acts 1 and 3 Labyrinth still manages to be tedious and bland compared to the rest of the game.

all of them have flaws (some universal to the series, like how they never fixed how crushing is calculated and in fact seems like it got worse over time -- you really should never be crushed between expanding or stationary walls and I'm kind of bothered Mania didn't fix that), but they're overall solid games

Sonic 1 isn't even that good.

>Only good zones are Green Hill and Star Light
>They have 3 acts that drag on too goddamn long
>Scrap Brain act 3 is literally just the Labyrinth Zone, giving the worst zone in classic sonic 4 acts
>Worst special stages with a very finite amount of tries
>Piss easy final boss

I hate Titanic Monarch purely because every single death I have ever had on it is due to the incredibly strict crushing hitboxes

sup, I post on /vr/ all the time. Sonic 1 sucks and we don't want you there either. You're either a gigantic hipster contrarian or a gargantuan retard, which means you belong here on Sup Forums, it's your home.

Doomsday is a thousand times better than the Mania final boss, you're nuts if you think otherwise