How do I stop having so much fun?

How do I stop having so much fun?

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why do i have so much fun at times and then start screaming into my pillow in anguish at others

ring ring
ring ring
ring ring're in the Wonderland Plaza.

I'm really glad we're having so many Dead Rising threads.


Anyways here's what I was saying...

better with m+kb or a controller?

Why did she have to die?

I prefer controller, but probably only because I originally played on 360. M+KB is probably fine.


controller but m+kb does work well

You'll stop having fun when you're escorting more than 2 retarded people around at once.

>he can't do 5+ man rescues

speak for yourself casual

>tfw you couldn't save her

I just beat it with KB+M for the first time.
Works well for me (Although I changed it so RMB is to aim and Q is for camera.)
Shaking off zombies once you're grabbed is finnicky and doesn't always work as you have to mash A+D.
Otherwise it's good.

this series any good? should I start at the first game or there's a better entry point?

the fact that you have never played any of them is a blessing.

Get yourself comfy and rev up the first game. Turn off your smartphone and turn back the dial to 2006 motherfucker.

1 > 2 > 3 > 4. All of them worth it though

Did they remaster Otis mechanics, or is he still the same pain in the ass?

Still calls you constantly
Still can't do anything when you're talking to him
Still repeats everything he said if you happen to get hit when talking to him

>4 is worth playing

At the $40 price tag. Nigga, you crazy. Maybe once it hits the bargain bin for $5.

>At the $40 price tag
Bought it months ago for 10 and had a lot of fun.

Well, good for you, but MSRP on Dead Rising 4 is still $40. That's far too much for an incomplete, piece of shit game that's completely divorced from what made the series good.

you could you just had to lose

>the absolute state of your taste

Do I even attempt infinity mode since I unlocked the mega buster? I'm not suicidal enough to go for 7 days but I'm willing to try for the energy sword. I'm tempted to do a maniac run where I kill every survivor because I already did the 50saved shit.

That was such bullshit and you know it.

Infinity Mode isn't so much difficult as it is tedious. You can get whatever gamebreaking equipment you need to deal with the survivors and zombies and then just idle in a safe location, but you have to keep coming back to the game to heal.

It's 3 days for Laser Sword, right? That's 6-hours. Get the Mega Buster, Some Mannequin Torsos, or the Mini Chainsaw and Magazines. Grab some healing magazines and some OJ and wait it out on a balcony.

5 days for laser sword because it unlocks with the 5-day survivor achievement
7-day survivor gives you the Arthur underwear

Play 1, 2, and 2: Off the Record; then stop. Everything else is bad.