Biggest disappointment of 2017
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yeah I'm disappointed it bombed, too
I thought being a console developed game would have been a great opportunity to improve on the original but it's kinda just as shitty as the Vita one. janky controls, simple combat, and another shitty ending. I thought if anything we'd get a proper ending to the story but nope, they squandered it again
I hope they put this series down and make another Siren or something
this game has an amazing, uplifting universe and characters mixed with innovative gameplay.
It just needed some extra depth. It is still a fantastic game. Criminally underrated
i felt the exact same way but i still think the original was decent. chapter 12 or whatever the chapter where you unlock the new power was so bad i stopped playing it completely.
>janky controls, simple combat and shitty ending
>hope he makes another Siren
what happened, did toyama shit on your shitty autistic ship?
It was a nice game.
if they are bad devs they could at least do more to their skills instead of trying and failing to make an action game
It was a great game, funny and with a world that felt alive.
Should I sell Crash Bandicoot and get this instead? I liked the first one, but don't remember much about it.
If you liked the first one (despite the controls and fighting) you will LOVE this one
It is more of the same gameplay wise. It has some extra flavor gameplay wise, but it is basically the same.
What really shines in GR2 are the characters, world, and overall engaging world.
It isn't a pessimistic or trying to be deep. It is a fun and lighthearted game with funny moments and characters.
It's my GOTY.
Man that mission was so comfy.
No, this was
It just was persona 4.1 HD with red instead of yellow
Really cute
>Should I sell a videogame, to buy a different videogame? No. You should NEVER sell a videogame. Those are memories that you can share with your kids. Unless you are thirteen and have absolutely no chance at landing a job, that shouldn't even be a consideration. The gas it costs to get to GameStop would be as much as you would receive.
Unironically Breath of the Wild. Coincidentally I actually loved GR2.
but Persona 4 was better desu
That's the only time the game is ever that shitty. But yeah, I have no idea what they were thinking with that chapter.
>thinks this is bad
Let it die is a free to play game and has recently topped my list of biggest fucking shit eating disappointments of the year.
And guess what? They did a fucking HEBREW collab with gravity daze 2 where you had to pay 7 dollars just to get a chance at pulling a shitty decal that gives you an edge over other players.
Went full fucking P2W and shows no hope of getting better.
Dead game fucking ruined my year after 500 hours of small disappointments leading up to a huge shit in my mouth courtesy of Fucking gungho.
Pathetic fucking excuse of a company in line with ubisoft and bethesda.
>Free to play
>Having expectations at all
Yeah, it's Suda but still.
>That ONE time the remaster was on sale for $15 when it was only a month old
>It's never been on sale in the US playstation store since then
It was on sale during the Golden Week sale.
>It just was persona 4.1 HD with red instead of yellow
The combat and dungeons were massively upgraded in 5.
My roommate just gave me his copy of P5 the other day. Probably won't start it for a while but is it any tougher than 4 was? 4 was actually not that easy until you beat Shadow Yukiko and then it just became easy and only got easier. Does the difficulty follow a similar pattern?
>this game has an amazing, uplifting universe and characters mixed with innovative gameplay.
I agree, I liked it a lot. First game on Vita was prety good but I thought the sequel was better and more fleshed out.
It's no SMT Nocturne, but it doesn't really get piss easy unless you decide to fuse some super OP personas during the last dungeon. If you play on hard, I found the difficulty to be adequate throughout the entire game. The first dungeon can be pretty rough, but after that it balances out well.
Alright, thanks.
You can increase the difficulty setting if you want.
There's free dlc to unlock very hard as well.
bullshit. at least 4 had a likeable cast.
teddy > morgana
embarrassingly bad opinion even by Sup Forums standards
>bullshit. at least 4 had a likeable cast.
>teddy > morgana
No persona game has "likeable" characters.
Also trying to argue whether piss or shit is better with teddy and morgana is moot.
>more than 1M units sold
>Switch owners and normies claimed it's the best fighting game ever
>Mainstream medias claimed the waggle control is comfy and innovative
>"This is totally gonna be the next hottest e-spor-"
>no one played it anymore
So, what went wrong?
On the contrary, every persona game has extremely likable characters.
I kinda agree but the dungeons were so much better that I don't even care.
After playing Persona 4 Golden, you'd think even less of Persona 5. Persona 5 was gimped in all the wrong places, added a ton of restrictions, and became boring fast. My final time of 125 hours even baffled me, because I was trying to rush through the game.
I want more GR collabs.
I bought 1 and 2 from the PS4 store sales a month ago and am having a blast with 1. Will probably enjoy 2 aswell.
nah man im going through a playthrough right now and it is a blast! i love it, really pleasant surprise
the story was improved a lot and the aesthetics are just way too good. my favorite persona game, and ive played 3 fes and 4
i love breath of the wild so much. it hits everything i love about video games, and i dont know how a fucking zelda game did it because im not the biggest fan of the other zelda games (i dont hate them, i just think they are overrated). might end up being my favorite game of all time.
i loved arms. the gameplay is great and i love the graphics. really colorful and smooth. im really shocked to see that Sup Forums doesnt like it. a lot of people still play it too, though you find loads of people coming back around updates
>125 hours
How the fucking fuck do you people take so long? Is it so hard to read? Do you leave the console on for hours? I got the platinum in 136 hours, playing it twice on Hard.
But the new powers!?...
This was a thing
It's my GOTY.
The combat wasn't improved even a little, all they did is make everyone line up side to side instead of surrounding the enemies, and they gave you a "select weakness" button.
Baton pass is a nice addition though, but the camera keeps the personas themselves out of view in battle so you barely see a blue blur and then they're gone again. For a game named Persona they try hard to keep the Personas from ever being seen.
This also affected physical attacks. No longer do personas move in and strike the enemy physically, they just stand behind you and a magic effect happens.
you know a game is bad when you make a thread about it and 90% of the replies are drooling autists going apeshit over how cute the characters are.
>I thought if anything we'd get a proper ending to the story but nope, they squandered it again
You DID keep playing after the "credits", right?
2b kat is so cute, cute!
I got bored with it by the time I got to Hekseville. It's so fucking boring compared to the original.
Pic related, biggest disappointment of 2017 easily.
>tfw this was the last sidequest I played before climbing the world pillar
I don't see how when it's more of the same but bigger and with a few extra mechanics. I love GR1 but compared to GR2 it's quite barebones.
Nobody is going to post BOTW?
Putting GR on PS4 had its drawbacks. Discussion of it was less frequent but better when it was a flagship title for Vita.
Will this be the biggest disappointment this hear?
Can't be worse than Andromeda, though I doubt many on Sup Forums would call that snafu a "disappointment".
What else needs to happen?
they need to stop doing pointless collabs and make the combat good
fuck, I forgot about Andromeda I only remember the funny things like the game actually sinking the studio and they had to go to anthem and work on that game. All the while they saying how impressive they've where for actually releasing the game and doing retarded dumb shit like changing from 3d studio max to maya for some reason.
Also a funny thing about Mass Effect is that EA is saying now that the game was good and it's only the crybabies that bought the game that is hate the game for no reason.
Nobody who plays games with cute girls cares about combat. Look at P5. They only give a shit about the girls.
Gotta agree with this user. Most of the GR2 threads after the game came out was nothing but waifu posting.
Honestly this year fucking sucked for gaming
Persona 5, Tales of Berseria, FF12 HD, and Nier: Automata were fantastic and I still play them regularly. This isn't counting .hack//Last Recode + Volume 4 coming out soon either. Do you just not like videogames or something?
Your shit taste is the Biggest disappointment of 2017 son.
I'm gonna get alot of hate for this but P5 is my biggest dissapointment. It the best example of style over substance
>shit taste
is this the not an argument of 2017?
keep crying
>rpg weebshit
yep, shit year for gaming
no, it's a good year
>literally has to repeat to himself that it's a good year
keep living in your delusional world then
Buttmad normalfag
it's a good year and you're just spouting muh 'opinion is fact' when decent games were released, but you don't like them so they're bad :( nice nigger tier reasoning.
Sorry? This was one of the best sequels of the year, I absolutely loved it. If it weren't for Nier and Zelda it'd be GOTY.
I was completely blown away that Hekkesville came back in Chapter 3. It was like Pokemon Gold/Silver all over again.
As much as I hate to say this I agree with in how much of a disappointment P5 was. Even with the incredible art and gameplay improvements, the sub-par story really left me sour.
The only disappointing aspect is plot and character interaction which are both fucking awful. The game is also way too easy even for a Persona game.
i have noticed that every person praising gr here is an animeposter hmmm....
I don't have a PS4. Fuck sony for keeping potentially great games hostage
I actually really enjoyed GR2, it gave me the feeling playing a game that I haven't felt since the PS2 days. Even if the ending was a little bit rushed, I still liked the setting, characters and gameplay enough to really enjoy it.
>since the PS2 days.
you mean the gamecube days.
I didn't want to suck dick when I was growing up so I had a PS2.
I'm usually one of the first people to praise GR. Adored it on Vita and PS4. The combat's admittedly its weak point and the narrative is often nonsensical but between its artstyle, music, gravity shifting mechanics and character interactions there's a lot of heart to the series. It's not for everyone but I think it's a very charming series.
It's funny, I fucking loved Gravity Rush 2 but its still one of the most disappointing games I've played in years. It's not quite up there with Zero Time Dilemma and Metal Gear Solid V, but its on the tier below them.
The final act was just way too rushed, didn't explain the shit I cared about most, introduced way too many new elements to the story it didn't bother to flesh out, and had an unsatisfying ending with little emotional impact because of how cliche each beat of it was. Further, I did not give ONE SINGLE FUCK about Kat and Raven's friendship compared to Kat and Syd's and the latter got severely shafted for the former - and then the expansion went and made Raven's entire backstory a fucking contrived mess just to try to justify why 2 ignored the kids and to try make her relationship with Kat more meaningful.
It was a mess. A wonderfully charming, beautiful, fun mess with a wonderful first 2/3 - but a mess none the less.
The only notable shit parts were really how restrictive your schedule is in the first half, how few school trips/events there are, and how much time is skipped at the end.
Besides that it was great.
>I did not give ONE SINGLE FUCK about Kat and Raven's friendship compared to Kat and Syd's and the latter got severely shafted for the former
The funny thing is I don't even ship either pair, I just found Syd a way more entertaining character than Raven in both games and then his backstory made me really, really want him to get an explicitly happy ending and some proper fucking closure with Kat.
Instead he fucks off to drink and we don't even see them reunite. Fuck, we don't even see Raven and Kat reunite really - the final scene was such a bad case of blueballs.
Started it today despite picking it up in January. Was still fresh from the first so I wanted to put some distance between the two games.
It's fun, same as the first. They're kinda like weird kitschy games I'd expect on the Dreamcast. Very much 7/10 games but fuck if I don't appreciate them for being stand out. Also nice to have a very upbeat protagonist with some good dose of humor, waifu material or not.
>They're kinda like weird kitschy games I'd expect on the Dreamcast.
That's part of what I love about GR, it feels like an idea that could've flourished from that era and yet I think it uses modern tech to explore 3D space as freely as it does - if you tried this in the Dreamcast era the camera work would be nausea inducing.
>if you tried this in the Dreamcast era the camera work would be nausea inducing.
It's disappointing that it bombed. It's a good game, finished it a couple of weeks ago. Better than the majority of games nowadays.
This. GR2 doesn't work well with enclosed areas. All the rubble burying Kat and the camera didn't help, either. Combine that all with being locked into a style that's pretty damn hard to get the hang of.
I had a real bias against Jupiter until I realised how useful it can be just for basic movement.
I really liked both Gravity Rush games, but can't help but feel like the sequel focused a lot on areas that didn't really need the attention.
Like GR1 knew that it had a limited run-time and budget, so it never wasted a minute jumping back and forth to new weird events and big surreal plot developments. It left a ton of unanswered questions in the end, but I never found it boring.
GR2 in contrast spends a ton of time building up a class war and whole new city that doesn't really go anywhere instead of using the extra time to address all the unanswered questions from the first game.
It was great when it finally got back to Heckseville, but I can't help but feel like they could have skipped the first half of the game and focused more on the characters and mysteries I already cared about.
Yeah, it'd be like that chapter but the entire game. It's also why it's a mistake to restrict GR to small, enclosed spaces.
>Further, I did not give ONE SINGLE FUCK about Kat and Raven's friendship compared to Kat and Syd's
Shit taste desu.
>the latter got severely shafted for the former
No, he didn't. He's important all throughout the whole game; you START the game with him by your side and he has important moments from beginning to end. He's a normie, not a gravity shifter, so how could you seriously expect him to be relevant the same way that Raven is?
I really liked Kat and Raven's dynamic, but I still thought it was annoying how Syd and Aki were kind of assholes for most of their screen-time in GR2.