Is there anything I should know in particular before I buy this? What's up with the Steam ratings?

Is there anything I should know in particular before I buy this? What's up with the Steam ratings?

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Killing streamers = ban

Honking in a game with streamer = ban

good idea being run into the ground by bluehole


Man this StoneMountain guy is getting 50% of the playerbase banned.

most people will never even come close to playing in the same game with a streamer. I dont agree with coddling streamers like the baby faggots they are but come on realistically you will never be matched up against one and neither will the other 500,000 people playing right now

did they really ban the honkers?

it's bullshit propagated by the Sup Forums newfag "do i fit in yet" hivemind

yes if you press horn more than 20 times in a match you get banned for two weeks


>before I buy this?
yes, never post here again

he does it for free

>do I fit in yet?


you are the one who doesn't belong here

>Early acess
The tags tell all.

Why the fuck would they even add a corn horn if they're gonna ban people for using it? What use does it fill, there's team voice chat which enemies can't even hear

I have 80 online "friends" on steam and not a single person plays pubg.

That could be literally any game, from Bloodborne to Overwatch.

Statistically speaking, the vast majority of PC gamers on Sup Forums play this game, so ya.

>do I fit in now?

car horn*

Did you even read the question? Lol


a great game concept stuck in a shitty early access dumpster fire.
made by incompetent/simply understaffed developers with wrong priorities, instead of making the game more enjoyable they add cosmetics, loot chests and a console version.

might be worth it when it leaves early access, or when a proper dev does the game... but better.

Check steam active users reports, there are 600k more active users daily than last month.
>2017 falling for viral marketing

>might be worth it when it leaves early access,
This business model involves always adding shit to the game without actually progressing so you can keep the playerbase interested for longer and milk them more. If it ever leaves early access it will do so in name only.

The vehicle physics are broken. Aside from that, pretty fun.

i saw some video where a guy's car toppled over and he just sat in it with ~10 people left and waited until there was 2 left and killed them. i don't really care about the game but i thought that was kind of cool

>it works on two on the most overhyped shittiest cashgrabs
Yes, that's the point.


This game is INSANELY unoptimized, there is a 95% chance it'll run like total shit on your computer, be prepared to play at low FPS/Graphics, it also doesn't handle SLI very well and crashes a fuck ton, so be ready for it

If you can, try it out on a friend's account to see how it plays, don't make the same mistake I did, I was told to get more RAM when buildings failed to load and the game crashed

I have 32 gigs of ram.

It's not optimized at all, do what I did it

>Buy it
>See if it runs
>Refund it if it doesn't

Chances are it's going to run like total shit, early access and all.

i just refunded the game 3 times until the updates got it to work on my shit computer well enough.
Also i had to enable paging in windows to not crash every second game because of ram leak

Every match goes like this:
>Drop into high population area
>Get killed by a guy who got a better gun drop

>Drop into a low population area
>20 minutes of dead time
>Get killed in two bullets by someone who you didn't see
It's a good time waster game, but it's deeply flawed and the time to kill is way, way, way too short.

My games never go like that. Git gud.


>32GB of ram
>I7 7700k 4.2ghz
>2x GTX 1080i
>MFW 20 FPS on lowest settings and buildings look like this

Refunded the fucking game so fast, the responses from players and even the devs are funny as fuck

"Prone until everything loads" FUCK.THAT.SHIT

[Spoiler] no [/spoiler]

Hope you have more than 8 gigs of RAM or an SSD. That's about it, everything else you'll read is Sup Forumstards spreading misinformation cause they can't play the game.

Are all your steam friends from Sup Forums?

yep, i got this problem too every 4 or so matches.
restarting the game after every 2 matches mostly avoids this for me.
however, i watched some streams of people with rediculous PCs playing the game.
and their menus open so much faster and the game is so much more responsive.
i feel like people with a really good PC have a HUGE advantage over average players like myself that have unstable framerates that dip to 30 fps during firefights.

thats the main reason i dislike the game.
i started not taking it very serious and only using shotguns and pistols and solid snaking my way up to enemies with silenced revolvers, wich can be pretty fun.

They introduced microtransactions while the game is still an early access prototype

higher RAM and an SSD helps for sure, but the game is still unoptimized to the max and will always have problems running regardless of your computer.

If u spend some time tweaking settings it will run easily with 80-90 fps. But you wouldnt post here if u would gave the game a chance.

they changed the grass so it draws at the same distances for all settings now

What is this game about? Apparently it's super popular amongst the kids atm, but it looks like utter trash.

I guess? Looking at towns sometimes makes the FPS dip to 45+, especially when there's artillery dropping, but that's about it for me.

It's not actually good. It's a buggy pile of shit with very little content and gets repetitive very quickly. The only reason it's getting any attention at all is because it's the new "thing" for streamers. Everyone else are only playing this because it's a trend.

try turning textures and distance to Ultra if u dont have a toaster gpu. In most cases it actually improves the fps drastically.

I'm only running a single 1080 and I have NEVER had that issue. Mine always loads fast and gets good framerates.

It's boring

can't you just refund it if it runs like shit?

That's because user is lying. That photo came from someone else, playing on a 970, with low ram, all the way back in march.

It's battle royale.
You and 99 other people all fight each other.
Whoever is last alive wins.
The person who is last alive usually is the guy with the best scope.

>SLI in 2017

its one of those games where it runs better on high than low or medium for some settings

the melanoma microtransactions were the whole point in releasing this game


There's the problem

>Great concept for a game, if not a blatant rip of Battle Royale
>Terrible execution
>Terrible netcode
>Terrible developers that sold out for streamers
>Literally, in one patch, they added graffiti advertising streamers and Twitch
>Added chests after reportedly saying they weren't going to

Do yourself a favor and pass on this one. Whether sooner or later, you're going to quit, for one reason or another, and it's going to leave a sour taste in your mouth.

Just to put this out there, from someone who has played and quit, they could have made the game ten times more interesting if they added a war of attrition mode
>People have twice the amount of health and zones last twice as long, with half the ammo
>First aid kits and gas canisters are more meaningful
>No more getting picked off by rando's with a lucky headshot
>Looting bodies is now more meaningful

>ranged combat is now not worth the trouble

>Melee weapons are more meaningful if and when you run out of ammo or are trying to conserve ammo

The game is broken and they still need to properly optimized it.
Thats all you need to know.

that wouldn't work with bloodborne at all, since bloodborne is actually a good game
works fine with overwatch, though.

You should know it's a great game and you're going to have a lot of fun. I personally don't like FFA, but I've had a lot of fun in twos and threes with friends in Dicksword.

streamers made the game as popular as it is

If you don't have friends to play with, you will get really bored

>players need twice the health

Written by a cuck who has probably never won a single game, and if he has, he was the cuck who got carried in duo/squads.

Literally kill yourself, casual cuck.

>tfw i legitimately like PUBG and really want to play it but can't because i crash to desktop every 10 minutes when in a match
It's really hard to defend this game honestly

Not really worth it, like most early access games.

Admittedly, no I haven't.

But you're also missing the point of the 'war of attrition', ie. there's a large margin for failure.

Fun fact, most die-hard football fans love college football BECAUSE there's more room for failure--it keeps it interesting. Miss one catch in professional football, and you might as well call the game.

Sure fine, you can keep your regular mode where you can get picked off by rando's. I'm also sure you love getting your ass-pounded by Frank in his gimp suit on a nightly basis too.

>Drop into a low population area
>20 minutes of dead time
>Get killed in two bullets by someone who you didn't see

I just watched a guy streaming the game to see how it is and is literally how you described, the guy spend 15+ min looting and then died on the very first fight he encounters.

>Admittedly, no I haven't.

Here is your (you)

this, literally 99% of bad reviews are people complaining about the game being poorly optimized.

The game looks and works like a shit gmod thing

They basically took the fun part out of DayZ and made a game out of it.

not really. kill or be killed.

>might be worth it when it leaves early access

It will never happen.

The vast majority of the game is running from one RNG loot spot to the next, and to the circle. It's fucking boring.

It's unpolished as fuck. Looks like a game from 2005 and runs like absolute dog piss.

It rewards hiding more than fighting. Literally hiding under a tree or in an attic is a viable strategy, if not the best.

The creator is a total fag and bans people for messing with streamers or intentionally firing on teammates, even if they're your friends. If he catches wind of you not playing the game the way he wants you to play you get a ban.

fun with friends. needs vaulting and a new map.

can make gabe bux with crates.

I've made 40 or so. free gayme for me. hi paw

Unfortunately they changed how Foliage settings works. Everyone has the same grass now. They'll be doing it for Shadows soon.

I wouldn't mind if the game wasn't an unoptimzed as fuck.

I have 16gb ram and that happened to one of the first matches I played for the day.

I think I hear Frank calling you
Don't forget your ball gag!

best coop game in years

What's the best gun?

>Tell ya what, lets get right to it. Lets start out today and have all the colors run across the screen.

Battleroyale game
Its success will spawn millions of copies, from mods to mp modes on every single AAA
Its like the new CTF, in terms of popularity, and it also shows how unskilled is todays gen of players, that like to hoard for 20 minutes and camp and shoot

It is the direct opposite of q3a in terms of skill and playability

do you have the one from borderlands?

>Blatantly rip off battle royal
>Somehow make it just as bad
daily reminder that this game would really be nothing without streamers. Absolutely nobody would be playing
I seriously don't understand how people can play match after match after match after match. I bought it and could really only get through about 4 until my friends and I got bored and switched over to fucking For Honor and dueled eachother for like 3 hours. That was more fun

If you're running a top-end rig it might not chug too horribly

Gameplay is 95% walking 4% load times 1% getting shot in the back of the head

Or for Sup Forums
95% getting shot in the back of the head 4% loading times 1% walking

I guess it depends if you spawn in a high population area or a low population area

Doesn't matter where you "spawn" people will just fallow you via parachutes and scissor kick you in the skull

That's funny. I have a single 1080ti and everything else is the same. I get 115fps on 1080p ultra and when I use my 3440x1440 UW monitor I get 70fps on ultra so I think you might be lying.

yes. They were actually banned. Google.


I have

i7 6700k
EVGA 1080

I get 100 fps constant in game on max settings ???


You only have yourself to blame.

4k 120fps of shit

>using 1080p as a valid benchmark at all
>at a little less than 4k he barely gets above 60 with a 700 dollar graphics card
You are the same type of retard to call people morons on steam because "yea the game is optimized my SLI titan xp runs it great"

I would literally never claim that a game is optimized because my 1080ti runs it well

The top streamers (Doc, Shroud, Summit, etc.) always drop into high population areas but always make it into top 20 at worst.

Sounds like you're just bad. Funny how PUBG is the biggest "git gud" FPS in recent memory and yet Sup Forums cries over it. Maybe Sup Forums isn't as good at vidya as you guys thought?