>play game
>true ending is locked behind a set of arbitrary endgame restrictions
>you can't get true ending because you're too good at the game
>you literally need a completion guide in order to get the true ending
Why would you do this?
>play game
>true ending is locked behind a set of arbitrary endgame restrictions
>you can't get true ending because you're too good at the game
>you literally need a completion guide in order to get the true ending
Why would you do this?
Other urls found in this thread:
i think that is the main reason i havent played totori in ages, i really dont feel like going through it a bunch of times and following a guide
I want to molest Totori.
I actually got that ending, but it was some fucking bullshit.
Go to bed, Tiffani.
>>you can't get true ending because you're too good at the game
what did they mean by this?
it means the devs hate you
>Arland series
I actually thought there would be no hope for future games, and it seemed that way for a long time. I just hope the new game doesn't have a bunch of time limits and expectations.
How are you punished for being good at the game? The only thing I can think of that's slightly similar is the one of the p5 trophies.
What are you saying?
The whole reason atelier has gone to shit is because they've ditched all the old game mechanics from arland and dusk.
>Casualizing the series
This is why the Mysterious Arc is in such shit. Dusk was just the starting point.
Totori was the first Atelier I played, and no matter how much people have told me the others aren't like that I refuse to touch them because it was just that bad of an experience
>I just hope the new game doesn't have a bunch of time
kill yourself
I want to deito Totori!
Precisely. Brutal mechanics and poorly explained theories have only set back the games from reaching a mainstream audience.
Even in Atelier Sophie, much of the alchemy requires outside sources to make sense.
I was mad that I couldn't get Mimi's ending in Totori. Used her in my party all game, then I never got one "early" scene that triggers when you leave the village with a full inventory. Stupid shit. Went to look for a scene list and there was no way to do it that late in the game at that point.
I still got the axe lady's ending I think.
You're supposed to figure out these things yourself through trial and error and experimentation.
You're a goddamn magical chemist, fucktard.
That would be fine and dandy without a time limit, you might enjoy playing the same game over and over but most people do nor
>time limit
Anyone with a history in MMOs knows that putzing around blindly is not the way to go. Especially when the series builds off of the same ideas.
Taking them out hasn't helped them. Atelier will never reach mainstream status. All they've done is alienate what audience it has. Sales numbers for Firis is proof of that.
How many times do I need to finish this game to get all endings? I got bored and quit on my first playthrough
We were discussing Totori primarily, user was just using Sophie as an example of recent games still being kind of obtuse despite the limit being gone
I think it helped a bit.
You should have seen the amount of retards claiming that sophie was their first atelier and how much they enjoyed it unlike that "confusing mess" that was arland.
It's our fault, for making a niche series too popular with casual fucks from reddit.
All the games share similar formulas, but Sophie's formulas directly go into Atelier Firis, so it's extremely important to learn all you can. I spent a vast majority of Firis's launch using only what I knew from Atelier Sophie.
I honestly can't imagine what the experience would be like for some poor kid with absolutely zero access to the internet.
>It's our fault, for making a niche series too popular with casual fucks from reddit.
The Arland series was relentlessly marketed, when it had the highest learning curve. I often wondered if NISA was directly responsible, because I couldn't understand why so many people would make the games seem so easy.
What Monika's sweaty pants smell like?
Because the only people complaining are the same kind of people who want to do EVERYTHING in one go and become a jack of all trades player even though the game discourages it.
So then they complain about the time limits and the possibility of accepting shit endings because you wasted too much time doing nothing important.
So how's this series? Where should I start? Just remember playing some of the game on the ps2. Now I see a fuckton of them on the Vita.
Don't even try, user
Atelier Rorona Plus (PS3)
Atelier Totori (PS3)
Atelier Meruru (PS3)
You can play Dusk if you want, but this is the cream of the crop for memorable character design and gameplay, everything else in this series took a nosedive past this.
Do Totori and Meruru have plus versions?
On Vita.
It won't have any expectations of good gameplay, at least.
Yes, but they're vita only and digital only.
Plus, they're not substantial additions over the original, they just have the extra DLC.
Atelier Rorona Plus is a remake to match the graphical polish of Totori and Meruru.
Don't get the Atelier Arland bundle from NISA unless you also want to get Rorona Plus because it has the original and it's not bad, but it looks like a PS2 game.
Start with the Dusk series. So many people recommend the Arland series because it's what they started with, but the Arland series really is the absolute worst place to start.
As mentioned, unless you have a VITA, the Arland series should be played dead last.
I hated it when I first saw it, but it's grown on me. It's like a reward for everything Totori did throughout the game.
i really like how big firis map is.
Shit taste. Totori was my first game since Iris and it's what made me excited to try out the others.
You're just fucking retarded. Nothing about Sophie's alchemy is difficult to understand.
>Cant get true ending without beating game at least once
But they're not hard. I never used a guide for the games and the only time I ever got a bad ending was in Rorona+ because I got hit with the popularity bug. Totori was the closest I came to not beating it in time and I still had about three weeks to spare in it.
I want to tuck totori, in her tiny tight, hairless pussy.
There is no reason that Arland is a bad place to start. And Ayesha is the only good Dusk game, and Ayesha PS3 is dub-only, so there's little reason to recommend it.
me too
How much of literal retards are you people that you can't figure out the alchemy system in Arland games?
because in arland, it teaches you step by step to how to get good in alchemy.
For example, in Rorona+, first 2 assignments are just bunch of crafting stuff, no need to pay attention to anything. by the 3rd assignment, Esty gives you a request to have a supplement with 60 rating. which teaches you better quality items are made with gathered materials, not bought ones. then she will ask in 6th assignment for a item with price up 1 and 2, which teaches you that you can combine traits in item to power up the traits. then by the 9th assignment, she asks for an item with a high effect, which teaches you that better materials yields better item effects. and that goes on and on and on until the end of the game.
You guys are retarded dingbats for not getting a simple mechanic. How do you people live?
they're the same people who skip the story and then get confused when more story stuff happens
All of that is explained in the game's help section in the notebook too.
>Dubs vs subs
You are trying to add an endless argument to an existing endless argument.
As someone else mentioned, it's very easy to lose interest in the games as a whole, when you hit a brick wall with the series.
The games ARE NOT HARD
How fucking stupid do you have to be to hit a brick wall when it's ALL spelled out for you?
>You are trying to add an endless argument to an existing endless argument.
You are trying to deflect from a valid issue with the game's release that makes it a less accessible entry point as fewer people have a Vita or modded PS3 and the PS3 release is inferior.
>As someone else mentioned, it's very easy to lose interest in the games as a whole, when you hit a brick wall with the series.
You have to be a literal fucking retard to hit a brick wall with Arland and if you're that stupid there's no reason you wouldn't have the same problem with Dusk. And you still fail to address the issue that E&L and Shallie both suck while Arland is popular for its great development of characters and mechanics through the trilogy.
In the Atelier series, cost is never properly explained. It allows people to add more traits, which can be used for passive abilities and stats. They beat around the bush forever, and only hint at using tricks to expand it. When it should be the most important lesson.
maybe they're discouraged by Meruru.
Because in that game, Totori will spell it out for you that you are so bad on what you are doing, she is going to help you and join your party.
t. retard who didn't read the notebook where cost is thoroughly explained beyond what the characters explicitly tell you in each game
Do I really have to read summaries in the back of the in-game help in order to understand key gameplay concepts?
Actually, it does. I'm playing Rorona right now, and the first time i had put a item trait in a synthesized item, it had put a item effect tutorial which pointed out the costs.
>Game tells you about cost
>Game tells you about traits
>There are traits that tell you they grant you more cost
>Can't put 2 and 2 together
I think you're just retarded, user.
>Too stupid to understand basic gameplay concepts
>Refuses to use the help menu that was added to explain the basic gameplay concepts to idiots who didn't understand them without that help
Tutorials are for faggots, real gamers just mash through them and then wonder why they don't know how anything works later.
It was never a joke that Atelier is too hardcore for most people. The retards that show up in every thread saying that they don't understand alchemy or that they couldn't beat the games without a guide reveal that every time. Unfortunately since Sophie tried to cater to these morons we're now stuck with them.
Oh yes I forgot this is Sup Forums.
Despite claiming to be hardcore gamer l33t, that can finish Dark Souls without dying, most of Sup Forums here are casuals.
>you can't get true ending because you're too good at the game
I have trouble believing you on this one kemosabe.
The only real instance is as was mentioned in this thread that you have to get an event with Mimi where you try to leave town with a full basket, which is something a good player would never do.
Nah, the cannon ending is the amalgamation of all the good endings.
Didn't BB:CT has that part where you have to lose a fight or something?
Sure, but that has branches for winning / losing every single fight, so you'd obviously want to do them all.
But still, can't get something because you're too good at playing the game is a shitty way of locking content.
>Want to see a bad end
>Have to lose to see the bad end because the character loses in the bad end
>Literally too good at the game to just put down the controller and die
>tfw too smart for video games
But it's already here! ..except it's called "Mana Khemia"
Best way of doing it is to just unlock both the "lose path" and "won path" if you win the fight.