Is it worth resubbing?

is it worth resubbing?

Don't do it, user.

Do it user, give into the temptation. It's not like you have anything else to do.

Just do it.

>he didn't unsub in the middle of wotlk when it was clear that it was a trashpile and would only get worse

Me and a couple buddies resubbed havnt played since Wotlk, some us MOP. If you don't go in expecting the original experience you had before it's half decent.

Yes. Totally.
I didn't like what they did with previous expansion(s), but after I got a free trial for 7 days to "go back" I'm hooked. I don't know Blizzard did but this game is better than ever.

If you're asking you're already going to do it. You're just looking for validation on your choice.

If you've got some friends to introduce you to a lively guild then yeah.

Otherwise stay out, you will never, ever have fun with an MMO if you can't find a group of people to hang with

For playing as qt goblin, YES.

Do you enjoy brainless games?

slighly tempted, but not quite
like mentioned above, it's not like I have anything else to do

This was the most casual unfriendly expansion in WoW history. Unless you have a guild lined up that would actually carry you, you are going to only dream about doing half the content in this expansion, which really wasn't much to begin with.

it's the final patch, made to waste as much time as possible so blizzard can buy a year to work on the next expansion, and you'll be behind and not invited to anything

>nigger lips
more like fucking disgusting

Done all the content thus far as tank and one friend as healer and had fun with it, fuck fag ass guilds.

It's okay.. As someone who came from playing private servers, the content is fun if you don't mind brainless grinding, but since you played WoW before of course you don't.

Might try it if they are giving out some free game time with the patch

jesus christ the shilling is worse everyday

Just resubbed a few days ago, having fun with it so far.

Legion is good, classes play better than ever and content is pretty decent. Mythic+ may be one of the best things in the game.

If you're interested in Tomb of Sargeras, you can resub when the patch drops. Otherwise, it's gonna be 77 days until Antorus opens. So wait.

Its better than cata&wod so decision is yours

When will they update the fucking character model already

>unsub in the middle of woltk
>unsub during best raid in the game Ulduar

Why not sub to a more modern game like FFXIV?

>unironically playing pandering weebshit

Haven't played since MoP

How are dk's doing these days(specifically blood)?

I heard they had some cool class quests or something.

Better playing weebshit than eating Blizzard's turd lmao

wait for the addon, play that for 1month and unsub

Just give in and go back to your old worthless habits.
It's not like you are ever going to change.

Best mythic dungeon tank for really high keys.

DK's are one of the least shit classes this expat all around.
That and their class campaign is pure kino compared to the complete fucking trash that is everything else.

Rogue campaign is pretty sweet as well

Not really, no.
It's the last patch of the xpac which means an already time-gated xpac will get worse as they try to keep whoever they can for the year or whatever it will be until the next xpac.
The only exception would be if you have friends playing or a chill guild waiting for you. Anything is fun with friends, but without those things this is probably the shittiest time in history to resub.
That's ignoring a lot of (mostly correct) critiques of the xpac and also ignoring a lot of valid complaints about classes/specs, the "class fantasy" meme, and various things related to how the game was vs where the game is going, blah blah.

I'm not a legacy server fag or even especially like private servers very much, but retail is bleeding subs and has been since a month after Legion's release. The time-gating keeps the die-hard fans around but the vast majority of people that "came back" lasted 30 days and left again.
You can just pay the 15 bucks and find this out for yourself, it isn't like these are outlandish opinions. This xpac was fun since anything new is fun at first, but quickly the faults were very obvious and 99% of the game right now is the opposite of fun. A lot of very bad decisions within bad decisions with a healthy dose of doubling down on those bad decisions. Again, ignoring the pruning and other valid issues, legion specific problems were well known in open beta yet were ignored (some even still ignored). "Balance" is something that should be a meme but changes weekly, and the pvp mini-games are at their lowest participation rate since TBC (lower, even).

its pretty fun, just dont go full autistic over gear optimisation

mythic+ is the best thing ever added to this game

It's never worth giving ActiBlizzard money.

Classes get reworked every expac but it's basically the same game with more things to do. If you like MMOs then yes, doubly so since you can buy sub time with gold.

Play XIV instead. It's a thousand times better with devs who actually give a fuck.

If you want to witness the end of The Burning Crusade then yes. Most people have actually mistakenly called it an expansion because you're going to a new planet
>new story on Argus
>netherlight crucible lets you upgrade relics
>no longer have to spend resources on Artifact Knowledge
>instead the cap is being raised to 55 (means about a 530 million percent increase in AP) and will just happen whenever for players
>new battle pets being added to Cataclysm raids for Raiding With Leases, as well as new pet masters on Argus if you're into that
>new pvp season along with last seasons (ending Tuesday) armor being available for purchase in dalaran
>tons of new mounts, although the dungeon and raid probably won't be out for a while since Tomb just opened several weeks ago
>new form of obliterum to upgrade gear even further
>gear scale is increased (I believe it goes Normal 845, Heroic 865 and Mythic 885 which is about Mythic Emerald Nightmare level if you want a comparison) also Mythic+ cap rewards will be +10 instead of +15 so if you want 935 gear do a +10 before Tuesday
So yeah if you just cant wait then I say resub, and if you can then wait until the new dungeon and raid come out which will probably be in November or so

Leashes...though raiding with leases would be fun too

>He didn't unsub in vanilla when naxx came out

>two types of item upgrades
it's funny they removed VP upgrades in WoD because they know it's a shit mechanic nobody likes but they still bring it back every final patch

Yet they still refuse to bring back reforging...
>get an ilvl 900 item
>has versatility
>throw it in the bag for the ilvl
>keep on the weaker ilvl one with higher stats
Why do they have so many issues with balancing shit

not to mention item upgrades were completely obsolesced by *forged gear to slowly nerf a tier after release without icc/ds type debuffs, no excuse for lazy shit like that but timegating

>quit in TBC when blood elves ruined my faction because i couldn't be fucked starting over as alliance
>game only went downhill from there
best decision of my life

legion is trash

Instead of nerfing a raid they've been buffing players. It's the same thing, has nothing to do with upgrades or whatever you think timegating means.

i'd say yes now that 7.3 comes out on tuesday. Three new zones on Argus. I guess the first of those zones is bigger than some of the other expansions first zones.

It's actually brought a lot of good change to the game, and the consistent content has been really welcome. If you've not tried legion at all i'd say try one month even for the new narrative stuff which is executed really well.

I've found it worth sticking far more than previous expansions, even if it has some weird design choices behind the expansion.

But then again im glad for the change and trying new stuff, though some of the class changes might drive you away

>he didn't unsub during the chinese alpha version

Fags like you contributed to destroying this game.

I'm getting that urge for an MMO too but I'm stuck between playing some WoW witha m8 or doing some questin on Oldschool Runescape.

>Quit in BC because the leveling was boring and wPvP was basically dead
>got to watch the game collapse from afar
Haven't really felt like I've missed out on anything.

>resub for the first time since October
>decide to finish off the Pathfinder achievement just because
>finish it after a week or two of casual play
>instantly lose any interest to continue playing
I also got my first legendary and just could not give a single shit. Any bit of possible excitement has been sucked dry from this game.

this particular way of buffing players only shows up in the 1 year patches, it shouldn't be needed with tf gear and artifact power

there's no reason for 3 power creep mechanics because it's not used to nerf raids, it's a way to balance raids around weeklies and dungeon quotas to pad subs

Did you attempt the Mage Tower challenge? If not you're probably better off. It has drained any sort of excitement this game brought because its so damn hard...

by the time you're rocking antorus gear it will be piss-easy

This is the future of online """discussion""""

That's what they said about Tomb and it didn't get any easier hopefully you're right, I'm sick of wiping on Agatha

was way too easy with Tomb gear. They should have made it scale.

>That's what they said about Tomb and it didn't get any easier
I haven't bothered with agatha yet since i main rogue and outlaw is shit, but getting to 930 ilvl made xylem pretty easy, DFA one shots all of the ice spikes during blizzards and i had plenty of dps to handle the demon in the final phase.

fags like him has existed since beta

the game died because nothing can retain top quality, hell, it's a miracle the game is still a top MMO that's getting new expansions and content patches

It's used to nerf raids though. There's no need to do dungeons or grind.