ITT: games with an awful ui and horrible gameplay that contrarian Sup Forums likes just because they think it makes them superior to everyone else
morrowind is a fucking joke
ITT: games with an awful ui and horrible gameplay that contrarian Sup Forums likes just because they think it makes them superior to everyone else
morrowind is a fucking joke
Nice blog post
add AoE2 to that image and we got a deal
>Comparing VTMB to Morrowind.
You tried.
What's your issue with the masquarade? It's a good rpg.
At least come up with a new bait image.
it's probably because morrowind and vtmb were some of the first RPGs people here played, so they hold a special place in people's hearts, even though they both have serious flaws
morrowind blew my mind when i first played it at 12 or whatever, because i had never played anything like it before
AOE was a fuckin sick game with cosy atmosphere
how's it feel to be a numale op?
how many tranny cocks have you sucked the AIDS out of today?
I don't think so. People today simply have this notion of 10/10 PERFECT GAME as told to them by marketing hype, whereas people used to realize a game can be extraordinary or even a masterpiece despite having issues.
I thought people always considered Morrowind's UI superior to the later Elder Scrolls games? If you wanna bait use a better argument.
Tribunal and Bloodmoon are genuinely good though
now that i think about it, is there even a elder scrolls game that isnt a fucking joke?
good for (you) OP
I don't think UI was ever a problem in Morrowind. Quest journal sure, but that was fixed in Tribunal with an actual index and active quest list. You could argue Morrowind has the best UI because everything is visible with a single button press, not to mention it was customization as fuck. Utility is key with UIs.
Soon you might realise that only one Sup Forumscore game is actually a masterpiece, and it's not an RPG
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
and Daggerfall
>numale le russian commie larping game
nah bruh
Wait, it is contrarian to like Morrowind and Bloodlines? is this bizarro Sup Forums?
I wonder how many "young" players actually played/enjoyed these games regardless of their release date.
I think you're projecting, considering most of your points can apply to your post.
vtmb's gameplay isn't that bad. the controls are a bit floaty and chunky but that's about it
I think it's just bait to get people riled up to actually discuss the games. Sometimes a thread will be more successful if you say "IF YOU LIKE THIS YOU'RE A SHIT NUMALE" instead of saying "I like this game, let's talk about it".
The AoE2 community is thriving you dense fuck.
I only played VTMB for the first time last year. I had fun for like 70% of the game, but it was a real slog to finish for some reason.
Good game overall though, I wonder why there isn't another big vampire RPG out there.
I have a hard time with Morrowind's UI on PC because I'm used to the xbox version from when I was a kid. Dunno whats wrong with VTMB's UI though.
I never really had a problem with firearms, but I can see why people don't like the melee combat. Although I don't find that particularly bad either, because while the melee on its own isn't great it's fairly fun when trying to balance it with discipline and blood use, a bit of stealth, etc. It all works pretty well together and is actually a lot more fun than it is in other RPGs.
I'm not that young but I never played morrowind when it got released. I did not enjoy it. With that said there are surely people enjoying it for the first time as we speak. I enjoyed baldurs gate 1 for 3 years ago and my GF loved ocarina of time. Some games stand the test of time to some people.
>but it was a real slog to finish for some reason.
It is essentially unfinished. Pretty much from china town on wards the game is reduced to just combat. Apparently there was supposed to be multiple faction endings but the game was rushed.
>but it was a real slog to finish for some reason.
The last few sections of the game are just combat gauntlets and no longer have multiple ways to complete objectives like the earlier parts of the game. There were pure combat sections earlier in the game too but not one after the other like late game.
There's a vampire RPG called Vampyr coming out soon I think. Not sure how it's going to be though, kind of looks like the dialogue system isn't going to be as good and I haven't really seen any gameplay aside from dialogue. In the Vampyr dialogue system though it'll say like
>[INSULT] dialogue choice #1
>[NEUTRAL] dialogue choice #2
>[PLEAD] dialogue choice #3
I don't really like when they don't let you figure out what the responses are like on your own.
>mfw celerity
>can literally dodge bullets with high celerity
>awful ui and horrible gameplay
You posted the wrong pic presumably?
Morrowind's UI is god tier, aside from the lack of inventory sorting. I mean what other game allows you to see every single aspect of your character on one screen, resize every window, and even toggle windows to be active during gameplay?
Morrowind's gameplay and UI are definitely garbage, I only go back to it because it really nailed the fantasy aspect and it's a fun world to be immersed in. Morrowind's only playable with mods, in my opinion. I have no idea how I ever tolerated it on xbox.
Kill yourself
>millennial console pleb opinions